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The One Year Commitment

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17 hours ago, Vivianne said:

Thought about it, and I am willing to stay on this forum at least one year. Helping myself, keeping the quit solid and by doing that being there for other quitters.

(So there ppl... you are gonna have to put up with me now 😛)


You are building a sturdy quit Ms V.  It takes a year to conquer craves and seasonal triggers, might as well be with your troops here.

I am so happy you are on QTrain, your experience is sure to resonate with everyone dealing with Nicotine Addiction.



This may mean a year of Triumphant Chicks, always a bonus !

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Hmmm I hate to commit myself to anything...reason I'm still single lol

Seriously, I think I faced the hardest part in quitting which was the decision to quit...I was scared.

 I'm beginning  to warm to you lot 😉 again an amazing bunch of people, with always an encouraging word and most important...humour

I will commit for 1 year but the daily pledge to nope stays for the day only

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I'm a commitment-phobe also, @Irene....which should have prevented two marriages, lol,


but, once I committed to Not One Puff Ever...and stood by it for a year, my quit felt really, really solid.

I am still, after Six + years, committed to NOPE and will remain so.

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5 hours ago, Irene said:

I will commit for 1 year but the daily pledge to nope stays for the day only


Many of us took our NOPE for the day only in the early parts of our quit. That's why we do it daily 😊 I'm glad to see you take the one year pledge too 😊

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5 hours ago, Irene said:

Hmmm I hate to commit myself to anything...reason I'm still single lol

Seriously, I think I faced the hardest part in quitting which was the decision to quit...I was scared.

 I'm beginning  to warm to you lot 😉 again an amazing bunch of people, with always an encouraging word and most important...humour

I will commit for 1 year but the daily pledge to nope stays for the day only


I almost didn't join this site at all.  I'm technologically illiterate and leery of anything that resembles "social media."


Four years later and I check in here most everyday.  This place has a way of growing on you.


Grab a seat and stay awhile...It's a fun ride.

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10 hours ago, Irene said:

I'm beginning  to warm to you lot 😉 again an amazing bunch of people, with always an encouraging word and most important...humour

Irene, it was the humor that pulled me into this site and then the next thing I knew, I quit.  The people here became so important to me that I wanted to keep the journey going.  Many of us that smoke do not have a lot of self esteem and feel we do not have the willpower.  The members here know how to direct you to that power within.  Hang around, we want so much to see you succeed.  It really is much easier than you think!

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  • 3 months later...

So as my one month comes and goes. I have decided that I did it for a month. I did it by coming here and staying close to the board when I did not trust myself. So I am ready to commit for a year. I figure if I commit to the whole year then I will need to stay near the board. I will still check in daily and pledge my NOPE each an everyday. TODAY however, I pledge to be smoke-free for a year. I pledge to come here when I am having difficult times and even when I am not. I pledge to help others to the best of my ability, because honestly it does help. I pledge to go through emotional, life-changing, best decision ever and I will come here and share all the ups and the downs. I pledge that if I am ever in need I will post and S.O.S. and let this board pull me through, I pledge that for this year I will do everything in my power to beat this addiction. I know with the support of my family, and the support I get here that I can beat this addiction. So guys where's a chair and can someone pass me a cold one as I am hear for the long run...

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  • 4 months later...

Easy decision. Especially when it feels as though the really hard part--the first six months--is over. Whew! 

For some reason, that first six months means I made it half way to the lido deck.  That fun, delicious, bright, happy lido deck. Margaritas are being served, I have no doubt. 


Committing to a year

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/6/2020 at 7:14 AM, Nana20 said:

So as my one month comes and goes. I have decided that I did it for a month. I did it by coming here and staying close to the board when I did not trust myself. So I am ready to commit for a year. I figure if I commit to the whole year then I will need to stay near the board. I will still check in daily and pledge my NOPE each an every day. TODAY however, I pledge to be smoke-free for a year. I pledge to come here when I am having difficult times and even when I am not. I pledge to help others to the best of my ability, because honestly it does help. I pledge to go through emotional, life-changing, best decision ever and I will come here and share all the ups and the downs. I pledge that if I am ever in need I will post and S.O.S. and let this board pull me through, I pledge that for this year I will do everything in my power to beat this addiction. I know with the support of my family, and the support I get here that I can beat this addiction. So guys where's a chair and can someone pass me a cold one as I am hear for the long run...


So here we are a little under a month away from the date I wrote this a year ago. I came I made this pledge and I have officially made it a year without smoking. I have not done anything to deter me from my path. I did it this time guys, no cheating, no anything. I made it. When I decided to come here and post about my one year being behind me. I had all these lessons I had learned. When in reality it took a lot of hard work,dedication, and determination. So I am here to tell you if your scared do it anyway.


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2 hours ago, Nana20 said:

So here we are a little under a month away from the date I wrote this a year ago. I came I made this pledge and I have officially made it a year without smoking. I have not done anything to deter me from my path. I did it this time guys, no cheating, no anything. I made it. When I decided to come here and post about my one year being behind me. I had all these lessons I had learned. When in reality it took a lot of hard work,dedication, and determination. So I am here to tell you if your scared do it anyway.

Awesome.  Isn't it amazing how you feel.  Getting control of your life can be so powerful.  So glad you made it Nana20 and thanks for sharing your encouragement!

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Great work Nana!! You're right. It takes an unwavering commitment and lots of hard work to succeed but it's doable & well worth it in the end :) Proud and Happy you made it to your 1 year anniversary!


Edited by reciprocity
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  • 3 months later...

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