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Sazerac last won the day on October 23 2021

Sazerac had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gardens, Painting, Writing, Music, Cocktails and Freedom.
    Belly Laughs, Cooking, Sewing, Carving, Maps, Freedom,
    Weather, The Natural World, Science, Language, Love, Freedom.

  • Quit Date
    October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.

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  1. My three thousand sixty second NOPE....
  2. Thank you so much my smutty friend. Like loves Like. Thank you, Johnny5. I played in my garden courtyard, so happily. You're an elder too, congratulations. Thank you, Mac@23. I am all for rewards, the good rewards, the beneficial ones. You know, as trite as it sounds, every day brings its own rewards. Just to be Free of nicotine and not have it take up so much brain power is a blissful reward. Congrats on your quit also, Mac. Thank you Reci. Good to see ya. Thank you Brioski. You keep your resolve and find joy to reward yourself. Ten years is just as amazing as that first NOPE, just as amazing. Thank you DenaliBlues. Power to you and your quit. Keep educating yourself, it's fascinating the way our minds work and how much power we really have. Thank you, Stewbum. Congratulations for starting your nicotine free journey! Cognac for me, merci. Swoon, you mention de Farge. You will truly appreciate the freedom from nicotine. Watch some Joel Spitzer. Read EVERYTHING. Remember the discomfort is only temporary even though it can feel invasive. You NOPE, you. Hey Hey C9Jane 29. Great to see you! and know you are Nicotine free also. Fabulous, innit.
  3. Sazerac

    Ten Years of Freedom

    Hello darling Nicotine Free creatures, I forgot about a 10-year anniversary. Earlier this summer, remembered in a conversation with Joel Spitzer and an email from our marvelous Doreen and then forgotten completely. Now a compelling reminder... Must never get blasé about my quit as memory of smoking recedes into the past. I ignore my struggle and success at my peril. There are far too many stories of carelessness leading to a resumption of the addiction after a substantial amount of time. No matter how strong my repugnance of tobacco is and my triggers and body memory in remission I remain an addict albeit nicotine free. Not One Puff. Never Ever. That is my anniversary lesson.
  4. You know, all you elder smoke free creatures really helped me. I initially joined after a year of quitting and lurking, to thank y'all. Those were powerful days for a growing community, and I am proud to bear witness for your quits. Excited to see NOPE still working its magic. Thank you auld and new, Freedom is delectable.
  5. What's the first thing I do when visiting the QTrain? Why, it's a NOPE for me. Always a NOPE! Thanks to Dave for his daily dose of love.
  6. NOPE y'all and more NOPE for those that need some extra NOPE
  7. Ten Years without Nicotine, this will be you too!

    Educate yourself about addiction and

    reward yourself with a nicotine Free Life.


  8. my quitting song from one of my favorite bands
  9. Sazerac

    Nine Years

    Hello, my darling Nicotine Free Creatures! In days I will be starting my Tenth Year of freedom from nicotine. I will never smoke again. At times, with smoking friends, I think...I used to smoke. Do I want to smoke again? The answer is always a ferocious, NO ! to the virulence of nicotine. I didn't have an easy quit. It took a full year for some serious craves to abate but, I never lost my Resolve. That was the ribbon of truth weaving through my whole quit, I was completely committed. At first committed to what I thought of as an experiment. I gave it a year, a challenge to myself. If after a year, I didn't like the changes...well, I would reconsider the experiment. During that first year (and continuing today), I educated myself about nicotine addiction. The changes to my brain, the science of addictions. The brutality to my lungs, my body. I knew too much after brief study to use denial as an excuse. Either I would continue to be a slave or rejoice in a profound freedom and allow my body to heal. After that first year, I committed to another and another. It is always a NOPE for me. I am very grateful to all the NOPERS here, so many blazed a trail for me and were there for a laugh or a nudge. Often, a blast of useful information from Joel Spitzer, my hero. I wrote about our addiction in my blog here on QTrain and hope quitters will find that useful on their journey. On QTrain, we all know what quitting feels like, especially the early gnarly days, and I am so proud that I can now tell you what quitting for almost a decade feels like. You know it feels good, you know it feels bloody awesome. Keep your quits and nurture yourselves, your beauty is showing. Love, Sazerac
  10. Hello, my darling Nicotine Free Creatures! In days I will be starting my Tenth Year of freedom from nicotine. I will never smoke again. At times, with smoking friends, I think...I used to smoke. Do I want to smoke? The answer is always a ferocious, NO ! to the virulence of nicotine. I didn't have an easy quit. It took a full year for some serious craves to abate but, I never lost my Resolve. That was the ribbon of truth weaving through my whole quit, I was completely committed. At first committed to what I thought of as an experiment. I gave it a year, a challenge to myself. If after a year, I didn't like the changes...well, I would reconsider the experiment. During that first year (and continuing today), I educated myself about nicotine addiction. The changes to my brain, the science of addictions. The brutality to my lungs, my body. I knew too much after brief study to use denial as an excuse. Either I would continue to be a slave or rejoice in a profound freedom and allow my body to heal. After that first year, I committed to another and another. It is always a NOPE for me. I am very grateful to all the NOPERS here, so many blazed a trail for me and were there for a laugh or a nudge. Often, a blast of useful information from Joel Spitzer, my hero. I wrote about our addiction in my blog here on QTrain and hope quitters will find that useful on their journey. QTrainers all know what quitting feels like, especially the early gnarly days, and I am so proud that I can now tell you what quitting for almost a decade feels like. You know it feels good, you know it feels bloody awesome. Keep your quits and nurture yourselves, your beauty is showing. Love, Sazerac
  11. I've been deep in the celebrations and remembered so many great people. All you newbies (under a year) take heart. You will have years of freedom before you know it. S
  12. Hey Leanna ! Congratulations on Nine years of freedom. You showed me that quitting was possible in my lurker days and I am so appreciative. Love to you, S
  13. Hey Linda ! Congratulations on your three years of freedom. I remember your first post and a lot of your struggles. It wasn't easy but you had beautiful and gutsy determination. I always admired that. Love, S
  14. Big D ! My Smut Sister ! Congratulations on your eight years and thank you for all the work you continue to do. Love you to the moon and back again. S

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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