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Craving after two months


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I was smoking four or five cigarettes a day in May, then got sick of it, feeling nauseous after a few drags and threw out the pack. Haven't smoked since then but now I am craving bad, have been for two days. Heart pounding. Hands shaking. I feel like i do when I've been smoking every hour and my addiction is screaming FEED ME except I haven't had a cigarette since May 7. When this happens before, I always end up buying a pack, smoking for a few days and then throwing out the pack and not smoking again for a few months. This is the first time on my cycle that I've posted an SOS before buying a pack

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Good on you for posting @hesteralumni23, you have to just suck it up and get through it. It's the only way and once you do it will be easier the next time and the next time. I promise! Just hang in there, the crave won't last forever. 

Try doing something that you always did and didn't smoke doing. Go to our social section and play some games to get your mind off it. Take a long bath, whatever you have to do to keep that awesome quit you have. You can do it!!!

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I agree with others here. Push through it. It will pass and you will feel better not giving into it and so much better for not giving into the same cycle over and over. Keep busy and before you know it the day will be over. Go for a 10 minute fast walk every time the crave hits and repeat to yourself whatever mantra works for you. Something like I will not give in this time. You got this you do!


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2 hours ago, hesteralumni23 said:

When this happens before, I always end up buying a pack, smoking for a few days and then throwing out the pack and not smoking again for a few months. This is the first time on my cycle that I've posted an SOS before buying a pack


It gets old doesn't it.  Decide to quit.  Quit for a bit.  Start smoking again.  Hate smoking.  Decide to quit again...


It is a repetitive and exhausting cycle.


The good news is: you can stop it for good.  You already have two smoke-free months under your belt.  Momentum is in your favor.


You can put this all behind you by adhering to the one incontrovertible rule of quitting: DON'T SMOKE!

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Hang in there and don`t smoke. The crave will pass and you will be the better for it. Caving in will only make things worse. Stay strong and fight it. Keep busy and keep occupied doing things. Please hang in there. It will pass and you will feel better for having not given in. best wishes. Stay close.

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Keep strong -- you can do this.  As said before take a walk during the crave and breath deeply, this will help.  Also drinking a glass of cold water or juice will help.  This will pass and you will feel so much better after you beat the crave.  Great job on posting the SOS.  

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Cravings will happen, especially this early. I get them  every time I see someone smoking. When it happens, I remind myself of the risk to my health and life.  I think of my kids and grandchildren, and my responsibility to stay around, as long as I can, for all our sakes.

Edited by Katgirl
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Posting before you smoke is just the right thing to do . Others can help you through the crave . If it persists ,  post again until it passes and you feel in a better frame of mind . Smoking is not the solution and not a command and you can and are stopping it . The power to resist temptation is in your hands . 

I hope you will fill us in and let us know how you are doing . 

A huge congrats on your success this far . You have  gotten over a multitude of craves this far . I know you can also get through this one safely . 

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