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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/24 in all areas
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NOPE. It's been hard today, especially after a couple of drinks but staying strong. Let's go5 points
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Congratulations on Day 3 @Sportsfan66 Keep up the awesome work! Be careful with the alcohol but keep staying strong @Vuk It does get better with time.3 points
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Meanwhile, Downunder were getting an Arctic blast and experiencing English summer weather it's currently 7°C... got down to 4 overnight... it's been a cold, dry winter down the bottom of Aus. @Cbdave is further up north than me so he's probably had higher temps. We are expecting snow in the Dandenongs this weekend, that's the outer suburbs of Melbourne.2 points
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We're having that kind of weather too except our nearest beach is about 30 miles away. We had a bit of a heatwave come through but it cooled down today. Have a great weekend2 points
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I'm gonna have some wine to celebrate your 1 year quit Stewie! Glad you are feeling better....Covid sure sucks and it's very good that we aren't smokers anymore, because who knows what would have happened to us, if we were!! I hope you are enjoying the day at your cabin! Have a great day my friend, and Congratulations again!!!2 points
Gday Woops slipped past me cause….. About bloody Time! Champ. Yes Champ! I’ve been waiting. Good Onya2 points
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Congrats @Stewbum on one year quit and welcome to the Lido Deck. Hope you had a great day.2 points
Thanks Gus. Very happy to hit this birthday but the magic didn't happen??? I am still 63 I thought this would take off a few years but they made it clear and said not smoking adds years. DAM. LOL.2 points
Congratulations to you! This is amazing. Welcome to the Lido Deck!2 points
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Wonder if they like whiskey!! Ha Ha how do you find these vids? Yes Doreen its my ZEN spot...2 points
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Thanks to my quit friend's I survived this milestone..... Just started back to work today masked up to not pass the remnants of the dreaded covid crap on. Sunday and Monday were the worst, lethargic from the fever and muscle aches along with the runny nose and cough. But feel pretty good today..... of course that celebratory Whisky bottle may have something to do with it??? Joking of course I am rarely a drinker anymore with the heart issues but love to joke about it. My celebration will be at my cabin tomorrow with no covid symptoms, no heart or lung issues!! Just me my dog a fishing pole and the river! By the way, all three of my new employees are smokers, with this heat and the doors open that stench keeps blowin in. Have to find them a different spot. Or water down their packs by accident!! Thanks again yoose guy's. KTQ Cheers---- The infamous STEWPOT2 points
Fantastic job @Stewbum Congratulations on 1 year smoke free and taking your life back from nicotine addiction.2 points
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Just spent over 4 hrs watching the Olympic Opening ceremony....there was some crap but that horse and video montage of Olympic history... chefs kiss. Even @Reciprocity favourite French speaking singer was perfect.1 point
@QuittingGirl ... it seems like a lot of steps but it's actually really easy. Times are spot on for perfect textures on the seafood so just follow those. Longest time is cleaning and boarding the mussels..if it's too much work skip them and add more prawns or fish. Spicy Seafood Stew Ingredients Rocket (Arugila) and orange zest pesto: Fresh rocket - 2 cups Zest of 1 large orange Pinch of salt - ¼ Tsp Pine nuts – ¼ cup (I give mine a quick toast first in a dry pan) Parmesan cheese (can Pecorino), grated - ½ cup Crushed garlic - ½ to 1Tsp, or use a small garlic clove if crushing fresh Pure extra virgin olive oil - ½ cup 1-2 tbl sps of the juice of one half of the orange Spicy Tomato Seafood Stew: Extra virgin olive oil - ¼ cup Brown onion, finely diced - ½ cup Celery - finely diced - ½ cup (I use fennel (the stalk parts and some bulb because my daughter gets sick with celery) small pinch salt - ⅛ Tsp White wine (I used a Pino Gris but a Sauv Blanc might work better) - ½ cup Butter - 1 TBSP Chicken, vegetable or seafood stock - 1 ½ cup Red chili flakes - ¼ Tsp Fennel Seeds - 1 Tsp Ground white pepper - ⅛ Tsp Thickened crushed tomatoes - 1 tin 1 tbl spoon tomato paste Scallops - 500g (about 15 pieces) Large prawns (shrimp)(I used banana prawns), cleaned and peeled - 8 to 10 pieces Mussels, scrubbed and cleaned and debearded – 500g (about 15 pieces approximately) Rockling (or similar firm white fish, snapper?) fillets cut into chunks – 300g (this is optional and not from the original recipe, you can add more and skip one of the shellfish if wanted) To make the pesto: 1. Place rocket, orange zest, salt and pine nuts in the bowl of a food processor already attached to its base. Pulse for a bit less than a minute to get the rocket and pine nuts roughly chopped. (I just use a stick blender and do this in a bowl because I don’t have a food processor**) 2. Add the cheese and garlic and pulse for 5 seconds two or three more times (maybe two more times if using the whole clove of garlic). 3. With the processor running, pour the olive oil in a fine stream through the lid opening.l 4. Transfer the pesto to a bowl and drizzle it with the orange juice, Stir and refrigerate. * It can be done several days in advance, just let it come up to room temperature before serving, so take it out 10mins early. ** I blend mine until it’s a smooth paste/dip consistency because my daughter wont eat lumpy pesto. Tastes fine this way too. To make the spicy tomato seafood stew: 1. In a large, deep pan or wok with a lid heat the ¼ cup of olive oil over medium-high heat for one minute. 2. Add the onions and celery and sauté for about 3-5 minutes stirring or tossing frequently, until celery is soft and onions are soft and translucent. Sprinkle the ⅛ teaspoon of salt and mix. 3. Pour the ½ cup of white wine and stir until liquid has almost evaporated and the remaining liquid looks thicker, about 2-3 minutes. 4. Add the butter and toss/stir. As soon as the butter has melted pour the 1 ½ cup of stock. Lower the heat to medium and mix in the ¼ teaspoon of red chili flakes, the ¾ teaspoons of fennel seeds and the ⅛ teaspoons of white pepper. Boil for 2 minutes. 5. Add the tinned tomatoes and tomato paste. Cover and boil about 5 minutes. 5.5 (if using fish, add the fish to the liquid and cook for 1minute) 6. Add the scallops to the liquid and cook covered for 2 minutes. 7. Add the prawns and cook covered for about 1 minute. 8. Add the mussels and cover again to cook for two minutes. O. Remove the lid and stir the content to distribute all the seafood within the sauce. Cook uncovered 3 to 5 minutes to reduce a bit the sauce. Serve immediately over plain rice, mashed potatos or polenta and drizzle with pesto and don't forget some chunky bread. I also serve with a Rocket salad (rocket, finely sliced fennel and onion, drizzle of citrus juice and some seasoning) and sauteed green beens or asparagus with toasted sliced almonds. (can use broccolini here too… should be just cooked so still crunchy for some texture. Have the pesto on the table to add more as you go.1 point
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