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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/19 in all areas

  1. Rewards .....they can be anything ...from a magazine to a new hair do.... As long as you get that pat on the back feeling ...what you are achieving is kinda wonderful.... I can remember being in my early quit ...and some guy asked me for a light ...i can still the sense of pride j got saying ..I don't smoke ...I high five,d myself in the air ..
    8 points
  2. I love the feeling of being proud of myself, it's something I have never felt before. I just need to quit eating every time I don't smoke - it's adding up. Last time I quit I gained 20 lbs in 3.5 weeks! That is/was outrageous. I still have that weight. I don't need anymore. sigh.
    7 points
  3. Truth be told, I never did anything special for my self really. For me it was the pride in knowing I had put another notch in my quit belt that was most rewarding. I guess if you have a special interest or hobby, spend a little $$ in that direction for something that makes you happy. Or something as insignificant as having a special meal you wouldn't normally have, go to a movie you've wanted to see .... anything that brings you a little joy. A temporary, happy escape from your daily grind.
    7 points
  4. It's close enough to midnight here in Michigan for me to say NOPE! for Friday I don't smoke anymore
    7 points
  5. G’day its a NOPE again today
    6 points
  6. 𝐍ⓞρ𝑒 ♟♛ 𝕹𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝕹𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝕹𝖔𝖕𝖊
    6 points
  7. There are some rewards listed by quitters in the comments of The Significance OF Rewards thread. I will look for more reward threads for you. I ate Satsumas as a reward. Often my reward and one that stimulated endorphins was a few concentrated breaths and looking at something of beauty. (that light on that leaf or the color of the sky, the shape of that cloud etc.) Baths, with smellies if you like. A perfect nap in clean crisp sheets. Listening, concentrated listening with headphones, to a favorite piece of music. Taking a walk in the moonlight or to look at the stars. I kept the dosh for a pack a day in a big Mason jar and watched it grow...and quickly !
    6 points
  8. 6 points
  9. I am stumped! I don't know how to reward myself for getting over cravings, getting thru certain situations, etc. What are some of the things y'all do or used to do? I just bought a new-to-me car yesterday so that's off the table. lol (pics SURELY to come once it's light outside)
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore. Happy Friday, everybody!
    5 points
  12. Congratulations Ankush on reaching that important 1st month of freedom from nicotine! Still a ways to go before that quit is rock solid but you are well on your way. Be sure to celebrate this milestone today
    4 points
  13. The wife & I just got back from The Niagara Grape & Wine Festival which was outdoors in a park. The odd thing is neither of us drink wine - lol. Had a nice time though walking around looking at all the displays and there was good live entertainment plus a lot of great food offerings. Lovely night tonight too. No wind and perfect temperature. Gotta suck up these last few outdoor events before the snow flies
    4 points
  14. 4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. My Grandfather had apple trees. They were low maintenance. We would prune them once a year, around February or March, mostly just to cut off the lower branches that had been broken or were drooping from the deer pulling on them...the deer loved those apple trees. Even with a low amount of maintenance, the trees yielded a good amount of apples. It took severe conditions, either extreme drought or an extremely wet season, for us to see diminished returns from the trees. I didn't understand until I was older why the old man always kept a couple of five gallon jugs of cider stashed away from the rest and would have to wait for it to be "just right." Then I found out about yeast and fermentation. Good luck with your apples Doreen.
    4 points
  17. I didn't splurge on anything huge, I did like reciprocity did and gave myself a pat on the back most the time but I would go get a beer at the local post to celebrate.
    4 points
  18. Paying bills online and then heading out to weed another garden...my work is never done outside! It is a beautiful day after a heavy rain last night.....should make it easier to pull the weeds out!
    4 points
  19. I've just been in the garden....in the rain lol...and Planted a Apple tree.... Any advice to keep it alive ,would be helpful ... It's a miniature tree in a big tub...
    4 points
  20. My wife quit years before I did. I think I respected that fact that she was quitting as much as I could, even though I know I wasn't ready to quit then too. Wouldn't smoke around her or in the car if we were both there etc. It was probably around that time I quit smoking in the house. I suppose I regretted that come winter but hey, we all know that we will do whatever it takes to feed our addiction right? If anything, maybe I was a little jealous that she was doing what deep down inside, I knew I should be doing as well? I think you would be well within your rights to have a frank discussion about this with hubby, at the right time. Tell him how you're feeling. Ask him how he feels about what you are doing? OK .... I'll take off my Dr. Phil hat now
    4 points
  21. thank you brothers and sisters.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. oh, most importantly - I am listening to music too! my saving grace, the thing that keeps me sane thru this (and the rest of my life!) I grew up a 90's teen. Right now I am listening to the band Filter if anyone is familiar. Anyway! I am sad because my salad is almost gone. Thankfully there's that yogurt you 'flip' in there and a big ol' fruit tray lol
    3 points
  24. Getting ready to watch the granny (AFL grandfinal) today but for the very first time in my life I really don't want either team to win, I want them both to loose, I have no nice feelings about either.).
    3 points
  25. I remember early on walking a couple of blocks past my train station because I was ghosting someone who was smoking and I was having a moment 2nd hand smoking....and like @jillar said at times I do still like that fresh tobacco smell, it just doesn't tempt me....I like the smell of petrol too, doesn't mean I'm Gunna go sniffin it or drink it. I also get the feeling of others not taking your quit seriously because you loved smoking ... I did too, until I didn't.... I'm still dealing with people in my life doubting my quit....but I see that as a challenge, love to prove them wrong.
    3 points
  26. Aww thanks Boo.... This sounds like it's easy peasy.....I'll send you a Apple pie ...
    3 points
  27. I have naturally curly hair (haaateee it) lol but I like keeping it straight. ONLY keeping it straight when it's not humid. when it is humid, there's no point in doing any styling with my hair. none. I look like an overrun alpaca. Here's a photo of how frizzy & gross my hair can get. I even documented the frizz with arrows to show someone else that day. lol I absolutely LOVE the pic above my post with the short curly hair! I wish I could deal with something like that, but unfortunately my hair is simply not manageable when it is that short.
    3 points
  28. Communication is always a good thing. Just don't do it when you're on the spin cycle - lol!
    3 points
  29. But I like your Dr. Phil hat! That was very nice & respectful of you toward your wife. I suppose I should talk with him, he is my bestest friend after all even though he is on my last nerve right now.
    3 points
  30. Mrsguest it's not being a bitch by telling your hubby you don't want him smoking in the house now that you've quit. He may push a little but it's more from the fact that he's lost a partner in crime. Smokers hate losing one of their own... And fwiw, I still like the smell of a freshly lit cigarette too. It's the stale smoke that grosses me out now.
    3 points
  31. I love you too! I am so glad I found this place. I wish I could have stumbled across it years ago.
    2 points
  32. I'm going to eat me some Nilla wafers.
    2 points
  33. They always had the wierdest lyrics....they were never that big down here, I think the only two songs to get any air play were the wake up my airplane song and U know we spent a summer singing "got a green light yeah" to the Best Things. Yep another 90s teen.
    2 points
  34. You can treat yourself to anything that may make you feel good as well as proud. A small special treat with dinner (food or drink), a quick walk at sunset to reflect all that you have done for yourself during the quit. A hot soak during the evening. Special time with a special person (or pet or just yourself). Anything that makes you feel fuzzy and warm on the inside and you can take a few minutes to relax -- just keep it simple!!!! Save for the extravagant celebrations for the 1st month, the 3rd month, the 6th month and most definitely that 1 year mark -- or you can go all out on any celebration if you desire, any reward for quitting you deserve!!!!!
    2 points
  35. Alan Titchmarsh Growing Fruit in Tubs Do you listen to Gardener's Question Time on BBC4 ? I do, it's great and often amusing. I'm still working on Margaret Mary's Valise. Getting closer, still fiddly work to secure everything artfully and maybe some more small items to source....
    2 points
  36. I think why I am really pissy about is that my husband is quite younger than I am & I have been smoking a substantially longer amount of time. I've smoked since I was 13, so I've basically lived my whole life with a cigarette. I'm getting off track ---- The point is this, and it is a major one: I don't think he takes my quit seriously because I have smoked for so long and I am one of those smokers who absolutely looooooved smoking. It really doesn't matter why he doesn't take it seriously, the simple fact is that I honestly don't think he does. thanks for this, super informative and enlightening! I like how he compares it somewhat to alcohol. After watching this, maybe my husband is one of those people that is super hooked and doesn't know until it's time to quit!
    2 points
  37. I am working on a diamond painting! so much fun, keeps my fingers & mind super busy and hey, this is right where you'll catch me on Friday night too I'm wild
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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