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This is awesome @Dianne! One hour, one day, one week at a time. You’ll be at a month in no time! I am 6 weeks into my quit and this morning was the first morning that I’ve awakened without my first thought being, “Time for a smoke and then put the coffee on.” Yeah, I was so bad that I couldn’t put the coffee on and smoke while it was brewing. 😞 I suffer from anxiety also. Quitting smoking enhanced the anxiety exponentially and I’ve had more panic attacks in 6 weeks than I’ve had in 10 years. But it is getting better. Every minute, every hour, every day and every month. It is getting better. I am hoping and praying that when I am truly done with the initial quit that my regular anxiety will just disappear or become more easily managed. Stay true to your quit! I promise that it gets better! And stay on here as much as possible! We are here for each other!!! And I am proof positive that PRAYER WORKS! 🙌

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@Diane that is the way to do it - One Day At A Time!  You are doing awesome.  As you make it through each day, you will find yourself becoming stronger.  Be sure and celebrate because you do deserve it!


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Day 14 I feeling pretty good. It felt really good to go out to eat with family and not be "the smoker" who had to go out after the meal and light one up or light one before going in....or the second I got home....it felt really good to be a non-smoker today! I am glad I quit. I not going to make it sound like it has been easy. It has not and I know....I  going to have to keep putting the work in. I know there will be bad days but today I am glad I am 2 weeks out from quitting and that I did it. Today it felt good to be a non-smoker! 

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2 hours ago, Dianne said:

it felt really good to be a non-smoker today! 


Savor the flavor of freedom.


Enjoy it.  You've earned it Dianne.

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I love how you are walking your way through this  . Congrats ! Keep up the great work ! @Dianne

Hard to get through at times , yes  . 

Doable though because you have shown that over and over already .

Absolutely a winner today  ! Great job .  

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Thank you Abby. Side note I will eventually figure out how to properly use these boards :) I concentrating on the safe and sane thing right now. I could not of quit had I not found this place. For me this place has been a Godsend. The educational side of it. The experience of so many who have and are going through this, Absolutely invaluable to my quit and sanity! I have been able to borrow on that strength, courage and knowledge. I needed a place where I could say out loud....I not well and want to be. I going to be a life member here. To hold onto this and keep it. Today's good news for me was I only needed the inhaler they gave me once yesterday...once! That so much better than the every 4 hours I was doing.

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Way to go Diane.  You've got this now!

43 minutes ago, Dianne said:

Absolutely invaluable to my quit and sanity! I have been able to borrow on that strength, courage and knowledge

That says it exactly.  I had attempted many quit smoking clinics but was not successful until I found this forum.  

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That's great news....Our bodies are amazing the way they start to heal,as soon as we out the cigs down for good..

Everyone of us ,have all been in your place ...

We learned too...just like your doing ....

Knowledge is your weapon .....Keep going Dianne...you,ll get to Freedom if you want it bad enough 😁


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The benefits you gain by quitting far outnumber the challenges you face while quitting. Those benefits last a lifetime as well. The challenges are merely temporary.  You're well on your way now Dianne :) 

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This is awesome Dianne be proud of yourself, you got this, 2 weeks in, its just like walking really one foot in front of the other, no need to run to the finish line, one minute, one second at a time if necessary, each footstep is a step in the right direction away from the addict, you are leaving it behind you and looking into the clear blue sky that isn't clouded with cigarette smoke or the smell of nicotine. So proud of you xx

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4 hours ago, Dianne said:

I needed a place where I could say out loud....I not well and want to be. I going to be a life member here. To hold onto this and keep it. Today's good news for me was I only needed the inhaler they gave me once yesterday...once! That so much better than the every 4 hours I was doing.

Amazing!!  Here in this fabulous forum for life? You betcha!!! A definite Godsend!

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You guys are doing great @Dianne and @Gus! I feel the same as you do about this forum. There's something comforting about being around others who know what you're going through and can help you through the rough days 😊

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Day 17... Normally I would of bought a carton of cigs today. Today instead I bought Omega 3 supplements. I would like to say there were not a couple days of extreme anxiety on and off through the day (I hate this anxiety...I hate feeling like I so fragile and on the verge of tears)  .....but there were. I keep hanging in because I believe it will get better and today has been an ok day (I will take it) 

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Yes @Dianne it will and does get so much better😊 You are doing great and just remember that everything you're going through is normal and temporary as your body and mind detox🤗

Edited by jillar
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5 hours ago, Dianne said:

Day 17..

At this point I got angry. At myself. How did allow something to get so much control over me that it had me curled up under blankets, tears streaming down my face, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably?! 😡 It was also during this time that I recognized and realized that I was a frickin addict. As bad as any hard core junkie you could meet. I literally allowed nicotine  to control my whole life. Every aspect. For 35 years! I’m with you girl. I know how you are feeling. Do not let it control you again. This will pass. It gets better. I promise. It gets better. 🙏🏻

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23 hours ago, Dianne said:

 I keep hanging in because I believe it will get better and today has been an ok day (I will take it) 


It gets easier.


Eventually, it all becomes a distant memory.


You're going in the right direction Dianne.  Drive on.

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Dianne, it's great to see you guarding your quitting and seeing the victories each day.  Please post and share your experiences here - when my quit was new, I posted here daily I think.  Nobody in my real life really understood what I was going through and it helped to have people who understood it.  The support and words of fellow posters were my strengths then. 


Stay close here and stay positive.  You're doing great.

Edited by d2e8b8
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Hi Day 26 still on the quit train :) Feeling so much saner than the first 2 weeks. The walks have been a life saver. I get in 4-5 short walks a day. I figure the 4 combined count as 2.4 miles and the 5 as 3 miles. Steadily gaining my health back one day at a time. Thanks to some health challenges and the walks I have lost 15lb's. I am not craving the nicotine at all.  I even look forward to my walks now. Every now and again I will get a flash of the habit...like in the middle of doing something think oh I will have a cig first then get it done....but those are less and less and easily dismissed with recognizing it and dismissing it. I do feel like I have to guard my quit and journey to new found health from the few who know I quit and trying to make healthier choices. Like they keep moving the mark on me. I.E. "oh that great you made it to 3 weeks but I want to see 3 years" "oh just wait till you can walk all the way to (insert where-ever) Now I just stop people dead in their tracks and tell them do not put that on me...this is my journey not yours and I will get it done how I decide it right for me. So one day at a time and just grateful I made it through each day before :) and working on the new ways of dealing with life and time. 


P..S. Want to not forget the positives...I am off the inhaler completely and feel no need for it.  No more wheezing when I lay down, not gagging when I brush my teeth (yeah that has been a long time thing for me ...it stopped with my quitting) my sense of smell is back, my teeth look and feel cleaner, I no longer "that smoker" who has go out for one, I do not smell like smoke and huge victory in that my blood pressure has dropped into the normal range (just barely but it there and I confident it will continue to improve)

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You go girl!! This is all you!! Own it and kick it to the curb and into the gutter. No time for negativity now. Congratulations and I so hope that you regain full control over your health! 🙌 

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