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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/19 in all areas

  1. Made it through the shift. Relaxing at home. Didn’t smoke! Thanks you guys! @jillar @Lust4Life
    9 points
  2. Absolutely, Positively NOPE !!!!
    7 points
  3. Have you tried the air cigarette? It's just pretending you're holding an actual cigarette in your fingers and then going through the motions of "smoking" it. Some use cut straws, pens, etc. Mine was invisible so I never had to worry about forgetting it lol. But it really worked great at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing. Take deep drags(nice fresh air) too. It's the best smoke you'll ever have If your depression is too hard to handle then maybe you can talk to your dr about prescribing a temporary anti depressant to help you past this. Many, many people here have found that although it may worsen a little in the beginning of their quit, their depression and anxiety got better with time quit. You are prepared for this quit, don't throw away the hardest week of all, you got this! And I know because you posted, well done
    7 points
  4. Birch, I admire you for pulling through, well done. Tell yourself that whatever you experience right now, is a part of readjusting. Its ok to feel like that, even though its super crappy. It wont kill you - smoking eventually will. The crying will go away, the depression will diminish. It may take time though. Heck, at more than 13 months Im still in that proces! But not once did I regret quitting .. and its all worth it. You know yourself best, trust in that you will take action when you need it (like seeing a doc, meds etc). Hang in!
    6 points
  5. Ignore your shift partner, he's an idiot. Or he's a smoker and doesn't want to lose a "partner in crime". Smokers hate losing one of their own and some will try to sabotage your quit. You want this quit or else you wouldn't have posted. Try the air cigarette. If that doesn't work suck on candy. I was hooked on soft peppermint puffs my whole first year lol. But you can't smoke and eat at the same time, at least I never did so that helped me too
    6 points
  6. G’day never to late for a NOPE....
    5 points
  7. Great job of beating the crave. Depression was a difficulty for me with my quit. I spoke with my doctor and she increased my medication. Birch, I promise your feelings will get better. As your quit becomes more solid, you will feel more powerful. Now that I look back, I really think I was more depressed smoking. I was so disappointed that I could not quit. Finding success, with the support of the forum, has been such an awesome thing. You are going to get there too. Hang in there!
    5 points
  8. G’day Not One Puff Ever.....NOPE
    5 points
  9. I used to feel extremely dull during my initial attempts to quit . Then there were times i felt really fresh too . I think its that dullness that is hard to handle . So somehow try to stay fresh . Then you can see that dullness will slowly move away
    5 points
  10. NOPE..... Not going there !!!
    5 points
  11. Going to see the nurse in a couple of hours to be nagged about quitting smoking. Little does she know that I have, tee hee!
    5 points
  12. Nope.....smoke free and loving it!
    5 points
  13. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    5 points
  14. Please make you read all the above posts ...they are green pinned.... And watch all Joel's video,s.... They are full of great information to help you along ... Don't forget ...what you are achieving is life changing ....you can do it !!!!
    4 points
  15. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever! Happy Friday, everybody!
    4 points
  16. 4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. How you doing today Juan ??
    4 points
  19. I was asked how much I drank ...when I said I quit the cigs ..when I went with my clogged up ear.. I thought how weird.... Maybe she thought I was shoving things down it ...while drunk ....
    4 points
  20. However much one says, they'll add some, just like they do for cigs. "How many do you smoke a day?" "About ten." "So, twenty a day then."
    4 points
  21. I went to the quack today for a skin rash (don't start lol) a B12 shot (yay!) and a flu shot. Really groovy quack, I like her v. much...intuitive and offered holistic alternatives. V. cool. All around the office were 'stop smoking' paraphernalia. I am SO glad I am rocking a solid quit. Now, off to swim. It was funny, the clinic here in the French Quarter, they ask about alcohol and in a teasing way say, 'you drink socially....right ?!' made me laugh. Nobody tells their quack how much they really drink...just a few...socially, you know or, wine with dinner. lol. I didn't grab a cocktail for the walk up but, did for the walk back. I love this city.
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. Hello Birch, You did the right thing by posting an SOS and powering through some gnarly bits. Smoking hid a lot of other issues we had, we would just light up a smoke instead of dealing with anything. I remember this well. Now, these issues will need inspection and then be resolved in some way, at some point. Do not try to do too much all at once...you have your whole free life to sort this out and the confidence and respect and trust that will build in yourself will make this happen in a good and kindly way. You may find this helpful Quitting Smoking Blues Remember you are re-fitting your brain and rewards are essential The Significance of Rewards Be extra kind to yourself, Birch. You Quit Smoking !
    4 points
  24. Hi Birch Stick with the Quit Think how depressed you would be if you kept smoking then got diagnosed with cancer n a few years time. Better to be feeling a bit sorry for yourself now . It wont last for long and you will start to feel better soon if you can stick with NOPE.
    4 points
  25. Jillar had the golden suggestion...when I first quit a lot at work never knew because I would still take my smoke breaks. ..id pop outside to my old smoke spot and "smoke" a pen....did everything the same just used a placebo smoke. It really does help and you won't miss your break or you enjoyment of the scenery. With the depression and anxiety.. so I have always had anxiety issues...quitting made them better once I got out of the first month....my depression is a bit of an issue at the moment but that has more to do with the side effects of my thyroid medication. When you quit the chemical and hormonal cocktail that is your body changes....often people need their medications altered during and after a quit. What I can promise you is it does get easier and you really do want this. Make sure you reward yourself...even if it's something small like a bubble bath after work or a new candle or a fancy coffee.... Rewards are important because your brain needs to be reprogrammed to know the good fun feels come from not smoking.
    4 points
  26. Hi Birch .. Sorry I'm late ...wrong side of the pond ...good to see you had support ...when you needed it ... You stayed strong ...you fought that monster and won.. Quitting is all about winning your battles .. until you finally win the war ... Your body will be all over the place ..it's confused ,it's used to being pumped the poisons so many times a day for decades .. Stay strong all is temporary...
    4 points
  27. Howdy do an hour and 45 to go and its been good, did not allow myself to get bored, Keep busy chatted with a old friend about Wild Boars, Owls, Rabbits and Nature. You know as the mind clears and the thought process really get back to processing the things you day dream about get more exciting, the memories so clear you can smell the smells from back when, the music and sounds. You know the commercial " I can taste your Beer", well this evening I could Taste my coffee and it was really dam good. . In fact so good I am going to break out my french press and make some outstanding coffee in the morning. This time around it seems like I'm going to a favorite vacation spot after a long time, It is a place in time that you dream about getting back to, a free breezing, sun shining, puffy clouds, puppies pouncing all over you day that goes on and on. I am going to get there, Its mine, I deserve it and this time I'm going to see the grass is greener on the no-smoking side of the road
    4 points
  28. Birch- don’t smoke. For Pete’s sake don’t steal from others to feed the vile addiction. You are in control. You are. Not the craves, or desires. You are in control. Smoking desires will peep at you w come hither blinks & waves. All lies & deceit. Stay strong. Stay healthy. Stay in control.
    4 points
  29. Hi Birch- good on you for posting SOS. I remember associating outdoor time- camping, hiking, patio reading w smoking. I love our Mother Earth too and the WORST thing for her is smoke! Do not suffocate the trees that work so hard for us. Depression is common after a quit. Please seek medical advice if it persists or worsens. Smoking isn't going to help. It just restarts the cycle. Enjoy mountains for their natural beauty. Don’t pollute the air with the unnatural crap in tobacco / vape products.
    4 points
  30. Hang in there birch, I promise you everything you're going through is normal. Most of us either get sad and depressed or angry the first few months. But it is only temporary and your brain adjusting to being rid of those nasty chemicals.
    4 points
  31. Keep up the great work, Birch. Everytime you fight through cravings like this, your quit grows stronger.
    3 points
  32. Birch, I'm so glad you made it through your shift and didn't smoke! Well done! Every time you face those cravings head-on and don't smoke, you get stronger and the addiction gets weaker. You can do this. You proved it to yourself today.
    3 points
  33. -4 Will it be painful?
    3 points
  34. Yaaa good for you MB.. Quitting will effect every part of your body ...for the better ... Eating healthy will also help your weight ..which again is a great move ... You'll be surprised .....just how great you will feel ...well done ...
    3 points
  35. It did and she was. It was nice to also say that I'm exercising more and eating better. Blood pressure was good and it will be interesting to see if my cholesterol is better due to all the wiser things I'm doing now. She did say that quitting may not improve it but we'll see. My weight is down from last year, only 4 lbs, but I'm well chuffed because of the quitting and consequent potential weight gain problem. I''m not on a diet as well it's just the better food I'm noshing due to my new superman taste buds. I'm really enjoying that side of quitting.
    3 points
  36. I will say this again , Sometimes it really is the dullness that makes you want a smoke . So my theory these days is to try to stay fresh as much as i can somehow .
    3 points
  37. So there is a push at the moment to make the Melbourne CBD smoke free and as of tomorrow morning the Bourke Street Mall goes smoke free. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/councillors-push-for-melbourne-cbd-smoking-ban/news-story/5a19306d333bc561a63b4b0edf3d6538 So in Australia if an area is designated non-smoking that includes vaping. Other states joke the Victoria has become over regulated and is the nanny state but I'm not sure it's so bad.
    3 points
  38. Oh !!!!.... That will give you the biggest Buzz.....She will be so proud of you ....
    3 points
  39. Bumping for our awesome newbies I loved this post when I was a newbie and I hope you do too. You're all doing great!
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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