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Everything posted by Lust4Life

  1. Lust4Life

    True or False

    True. Once a month to do the stuff I can’t. TNP will eat food from their own garden this weekend.
  2. Sslip!! Congratulations to you on this glorious milestone!!! Six months is a big deal and I’m so happy for you! I am confident your presence here has helped many - as it has helped you. Well done! Not much longer and we’ll see you up here on deck. Not just any deck. THE deck! Livin’ la Vida LIDO!!
  3. Great job! Those first few days can be brutal. You’re on your way - keep on keepin’ on!
  4. So sorry to read about your relapse. Thank you for posting about it. I hope it helps you- putting it all into words- how quickly the addiction resurfaces. In addition, the timeline you posted will help so many other people that may find themselves playing roulette with their quits- thinking just one cig after all this time won’t do any harm. It does. Come back to this post often and read it. To add add to your list - add that you never want to experience day 1 again. It sucks!!! You don’t want to subject your sweet boy to your own irritable temper tantrums from withdrawal ever again. Welcome back to your quit. Post SOS if you’re at risk for losing it!
  5. Ugh! I remember those days & thoughts. I still had some strong nostalgia craves at 10 months or so. Jillar, myself, another quitter ‘sgraye’ posted of our similar WTF moments. We all ended our posts reminding everyone to be “forever vigilant” and never get complacent. The false confidence has devoured many quits. Just a puff c’mon! What could that do?? In that moment we’re not thinking about those devilish neuropathways, laying dormant in the layers of our brain. You, we know now that little puff will awaken the fury and we’re back to that miserable, all consuming day 1. One Puff away from a pack a day. I think it is great acknowledge & accept these thoughts. They may creep in for months, years, forever who knows. If they do, it is OK as long as you are forever vigilant in your beautiful forever Quit!!
  6. Hi sneakyturtle & welcome! We have a mantra here- N.O.P.E. or N.O.P.T: Not One Puff Ever or Not One Puff Today. There is a NOPE thread that will help with the accountability you mentioned. I started with NOPT- wake up, tell yourself you will not smoke today. Keep your promise. Go to bed that night with a prideful smile knowing you remained smokefree another day! Take it one day at a time. Days become weeks. Weeks become months. Months to years...
  7. Do you dig it before the movie - 40 Year Old Virgin? Either way- let the sun shine in!
  8. So much Neil in my head these days... I picked this one because of the year. And, maybe, Eddie but I prefer just Neil.
  9. Congratulations on 5 years, Nancy! Thank you for sticking around and helping so many others! I hope you have great today celebrating this impressive milestone!!
  10. I read your comments multiple times. You prefaced one with "this may be harsh" etc etc. I still do not understand how under any circumstance posting a picture of a person with Down's syndrome and the words "retarded" is OK. I find it offensive. I find it vile. I find it as a regurgitated puddle of bile. This is in socializing. I understand. I'm living in the USA where any and all nods to common decency have vanished. Still, I am not immune. I did not post seeking rhetoric- I posted to ask a simple question that you cannot/did not/ will not answer. I have no desire to spend any more time or thought into this absurdity. Have a nice night. Live long & prosper. KTQ. The End.
  11. I don't understand the picture of the athlete with Down's Syndrome. What am I missing? Is there an uptick in nicotine/tobacco addiction in the population of people with Down's Syndrome? If not, then please explain why such a meme is used to illustrate any other point? I'm not in the mood for the obligatory cliched popcorn reference. I'm just curious why this is OK so I can explain it to some people I know with chromosomal abnormalities they had no control over. Any insight anyone may lend is greatly appreciated. KTQ, NOPE, NTAP and all that jazz.
  12. GITW - thanks for posting the SOS & giving us the heads up to run to your side. I’m so sorry about your injuries! You have plenty of life left to live. You mentioned giving up on improving yourself. I know this thought is temporary. How about being adamant in not making yourself worse?? Smoking as you know, is detrimental to healing, circulation, bone & muscle health. Do not give in!! KTQ you have fought like h$ll to win! You got this!
  13. Vinno - woohoo on 1 month! That is spectacular!!
  14. Holy moly that snuck up! Congrats to you justanotherme!
  15. Jillar the Pillar! You have helped so many along the way. You’re paying it forward something fierce! I’m glad we had the writings of Bassman & Mike Piano in our early days. Now, you’ll offer the same to the next generation(s) of quitters. Sounds like a posse’ is forming...
  16. Standing ovation for beazel (and Mr. beazel)!! Well done! I’m proud of you for dusting off those boots & continuing to live life as a nonsmoker!! Yee-haw! ? ?
  17. Well hello dianecz! It is so wonderful to hear from you! Congratulations on your beautiful quit! Glad to hear you are well- last I recall you were set to do some traveling. Thailand? I don’t quite recall. So glad you found Quit Train. Your mummy cuddles will be welcomed here!
  18. Thanks for posting the SOS. I'm glad to read "I know I'll care later". You will and you will feel lousy. When in a bad place, it is common for us to think a cigarette will make it all go away. Unless. of course, you have access to the imaginary cure all cigarette that makes hives vanish, makes the dead un-dead, makes stress and concern vanish within it's toxic fumes. If you have one of those cigarettes then rip it in half and run. It is some evil witchcraft birthed from the bowels of hell. Let the words of encouragement in this thread lead you away from that puff. It is not worth it. YOU are worth more than this evil addiction. Leave the situation if you can. If you can't, read these posts again. Please! Do not smoke.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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