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  1. Sorry for not posting Genecanuck. I'm at the place I need to be to get posting again now.today is my quit day. As mentioned in previous posts it's easier when I've got my son. Got him till Wednesday night next week. Going out for a drink, which I do rarely, is a gateway as is boredom which I have lots of. I need to occupy my time when my son is not with me. The determination is there again. When you go back to it you realise how it makes you feel. Heartburn, lethargy and wasting money. Time to get back on the train.
  2. Just a another update. I'm now at 1m 2w 5days. Sadly there has been 1 relapse day. This happened on the 31st August. A night out at the snooker with a few drinks saw me buy a pack on the way home along with a few more beers. I felt a massive pang of regret the next day. That was just 2weeks and a day ago. I'll have to change my quit date now. I have been having strong urges since. Need to resist as much as I can. Get through tonight and start a new week of work again. The thoughts don't seem to be there as much when in work. Sunday is always the worst for reasons I've explained already.
  3. Little update. Coming up to 3weeks 3days in the next few hours. It may seem like I am counting the days because I've just posted that but that couldn't be further from the truth. Truth is I've hardly ever thought about it. I haven't been back the gym as yet. That's the next step. I'm wary of doing too much too soon and crashing and burning. I know the pitfalls and dangers from previous quits. The bravado that can bring you down. I've still got a few big hurdles to pass. The next one is probably the biggest. So I need to keep plugging on the way I am doing.
  4. I dropped him off today at his mum's about 8:30. These are the days I would have been straight the shop for a 20 pack. Not today. Had a couple of urges before dropping him off. Low level ones. "I'll drop him off and get some bifters." They were batted away pretty easily. I'm feeling good this time around. As I say, done a massive quit in the past. This feels more sustainable than that one. This feels like 'THE QUIT'
  5. Had the smoking dreams today. I remember these from the last time I went full on quit for a few years. At the start, about a week in, I'd have dreams of smoking or dreams of trying to get ciggies. Its like one of them frontiers you've got to get over.
  6. Weighed myself yesterday when I went for a swim with my son. Was a massive, for me, 13st 12lb. That is massive for me because I was a regular swimmer, runner and biker not a long time ago. Would regularly do 10k runs. Its proof that smoking brings with it a multitude of bad habits. Not everyone will suffer the same but I can't exercise when I'm a smoker, my eating habits become fuddled aswell. Time to put the whole lot back in check. I'm heading towards 50 years of age. This quit needs to be part of a wider health kick. Weighing myself and looking in the mirror has given me that kick up the arse.
  7. Well, progress has been made. I got past the Sunday. I've had my son since friday evening. My final cigarette was on the Friday just gone. It was a lot easier getting through the Sunday knowing he was going to be staying with me. I've hardly thought or had any urges whilst he's been here. I've got him until the coming Sunday evening 4th August. With kicking through this Sunday then a barrier has been broken down. The Sundays were always the hardest.
  8. Nope to wasting any more money
  9. Failed that one. Back for a more concerted stab at this.
  10. Thanks for all the help again people, most appreciated. I will use the stuff you have mentioned when Sunday comes round again. It's the biggest hurdle for me to overcome. Something DenaliBlues said really hit home. In that having that ciggie because you think it will make you feel better and it actually makes you feel worse. So, so true.
  11. I crashed and burned on the Sunday evening again. Seems to be a bit of an obstacle for me to overcome at the moment. Need to do something different this Sunday evening.
  12. This place is a great help as it has been in the past for me. I just need to harness it with my own willpower aswell. Stick with quit train, the help off the people on here is great
  13. Thanks jillar. I would prefer it if it was on the Quit Smoking Discussions instead of the SOS.
  14. Been here before. Need to quit. Sitting here smoking now. Set myself a time to quit later on today. I've got my son then for the weekend and he's never seen me smoking as I don't do it when he's with me so it will give me the weekend till Sunday evening with him, not smoking. The time I struggle is when he goes home. I abstain every Friday till Sunday evening and then when he goes home I go running the shop for ciggies. Im at a loose end at that point. The struggle starts then. I've got the Allen Carr motivational books. I've never listened to a podcast but am looking for a good podcast series to get into. I have a gym membership I haven't used since going full time smoking again. I've had long quits in the past so the will is in there somewhere. Every single Friday he comes to my house I think that I'll carry on the quit. Sometimes I get to the Tuesday or Wednesday without having one and then I'll crash and burn and scurry to the shop. I really, really want to quit. The money, the hiding and the health are all the reasons needed. What else can be done. Ive been down the road before with a long quit. A massive quit for a few years. I need to kill this once and for all. Any tips much appreciated people. Sorry, wrong thread. Can anyone move this to quit smoking discussions for me?
  15. I think we've all threw a quit away at some point. That's why we post on here, to share experiences like that. It's all about how fast we get back on the train. Make it a small blip and get straight back on. I had a habit of reading my Allen Carr book when I made a blip in the past. You need something to remind you why you quit in the 1st place. Keep fighting the good fight.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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