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On 1/1/2022 at 1:59 PM, Mee said:

You helped me find a power that I did not know I had.  I am sure the grief will begin to subside and life will go on.


Sometimes it's not until you hit troubled waters that you realize how well you can swim.


Keep on swimming Mee.

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Trying to sleep, which runs from me.  I would love a good thunderstorm.  At least in my part of the world we are getting some winter temps. I love the cold!! So funny talking about summer and winter in the same conversation.  At least we are together in one thing, to help everyone quit smoking!

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4 hours ago, Sunshine59 said:

I am feeling so bored .


Is there a thread for posting members photos ?


I feel like posting a pic of mine .


Not sure which thread to post .




Hi sunshine, you can post it in our gallery (the tab is at the top of the forum page), on your profile in your About Me, or in the Social forum.

Keep in mind that we have had a member have her picture stolen and used on other sites so post with caution.

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I am really struggling right now.  I want to smoke but I will not do it. It is hard to come here and admit that everything in body and soul want to smoke.  I feel that I have been so strong for so long I should be past the hard part but I am not.  I feel like a failure even though I have not smoked, i am guilty of the desire to smoke.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel better tomorrow.

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16 hours ago, jillar said:


Hi sunshine, you can post it in our gallery (the tab is at the top of the forum page), on your profile in your About Me, or in the Social forum.

Keep in mind that we have had a member have her picture stolen and used on other sites so post with caution.


Thanks jillar ,


I will post it right here .




I am traveling to UAE this month .


So i thought i would post a picture here before i  travel .


That picture is at least 5 years old


I am going there for a job search.


There are more job opportunities there compared to India



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2 hours ago, Kris said:

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better tomorrow.

I hope that you are having a better day @Kris! There are just some issues that come with becoming a non smoker that only time will erase. So, head up! You’ve had a beautiful quit and I’ve watched you become such a caring and helpful member on here! You have A LOT to be proud of! I’m thankful that you hopped onboard and I know there are others  respond to you. I will keep you in my thoughts today! 🤗🤗🤗

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@Kris You are no way a failure!!! Look how far you have come!!

The thought of wanting to smoke will go away in time. I have been

Struggling myself lately. If you need to talk I am here!! I understand

Hope the day gets better!!

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Drinking a cuppa.


So the kid has a broken foot. Plaster for the height of summer, what joy. 


Funniest Irish doctor who spent the whole time telling the kid how much she loved her name and ranga hair. And then her nurse was a scouser...was like having Doreen to look after us. They were taking bets on what the X-rays result would be.


So for the Americans in the room....X-rays, plaster, some nice pain killers and a set of crutches.... cost $40 (Aussie money, so about $30 us) and that was only because I opted to buy the crutches. Social health ain't an evil thing my friends.



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1 hour ago, notsmokinjo said:

@Doreensfree ... omg how are Nicky and Chris weren't laid up too bad and are on the mend. 


Work is pretty good as they are supplying anyone going into the office with RA tests, so have a daily test pretty much. 

Sorry to hear about Birdie ...geez....so easy though to break bones ...not a nice way to spend Summer 

Sending my love 💕

Nicky went home yesterday Jo...she's not too bad Cris still has a horrible cough ...

They drove home in a bad storm too...I'm so relieved they are home safe .

Melbourne is rife with this COVID...stay safe you peeps ...

Oh yes !!!....and Birdie was in great hands ...a Scouser ....👌❤️❤️

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@Kris, you have nothing to be ashamed of. My whole first year was hard and it is for A lot of us. That's why we have the One Year Pledge. But even after that you may have craves come up. Especially with triggers or events that you haven't dealt with as a nonsmoker. The beauty is that they become so much easier to swat away.

I agree with Gus that you have become such a caring supportive member here so be proud of the nonsmokers you've become. And I too hope you have a much better day today 🤗

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1 hour ago, jillar said:

@Kris, you have nothing to be ashamed of. My whole first year was hard and it is for A lot of us. That's why we have the One Year Pledge. But even after that you may have craves come up. Especially with triggers or events that you haven't dealt with as a nonsmoker. The beauty is that they become so much easier to swat away.

I agree with Gus that you have become such a caring supportive member here so be proud of the nonsmokers you've become. And I too hope you have a much better day today 🤗

I agree with all what Jillar has said here ..

Kris you are a great support here ...It does get easier ...as long as you don't smoke .....Promise ..🐸

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Popping in from the office to say to @Kris be kinder to yourself chooky. The first year is hard for many of us, some get lucky and quitting is easy, like flicking a switch....some get it really hard and it's stop start stop start very heavy slug BUT most of us fall somewhere in the middle. Every day you don't smoke you win. 1 step at a time, 1 day at a time and I promise you at least one of us here has felt exactly the same as you have at 1 stage in their quit.... you got this...trust yourself look how much you have achieved.


@jillar wot can I say, Birdie is just a ditz..probably gets it from me. 


@Doreensfree... hoping fir a full and quick recover soon for them both. the summer storms have been wild this year, had to pull over on the freeway the other night because I couldn't see and cars were aqua planeing.


Let me just say I was not comfy at all sitting in Emergency last night...I could just feel those little covid fruckers crawling all over me.

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Reflecting on the day I had. Got up early to get things picked up and throw rugs in the washer for the cleaning crew and they ended up being an hour and a half late. That was fine but if I had of known I could have paced myself and maybe even had some lunch since they normally get here around noon once a month.

However as luck would have it, thank goodness they were late because our RO unit under the kitchen sink decided to cease up and proceeded to gush water. Thankfully the girls were still here and cleaned it up for me. Unfortunately they don't speak English very well so they called their boss to come out and explain to me that they hadn't done it (I knew that though). In the meantime I'm calling my friend who's family owned the water softener company at the time to ask him what to do and he's down with possible Covid! So I end up calling the water softener company and luckily they were able to send someone right out to cap it off. Unfortunately the RO unit is toast and we would need a whole new system but since I only use it for coffee and watering a couple indoor plants I think we're just going to leave it capped. The fewer chances of water leaks the better!

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Sorry to hear about your plumbing issues.  I had those problems too.  I disconnected the ice maker in the fridge and installed a pump type thing to deal with condensation from the air conditioner. I have been thinking of get the hot water heater replaced.  I had to have it replaced 10 years ago.  The weird thing was my husband had just passed. I lost his Mom 8 days later. I got up to a floor full of water in my bed/bathroom/ closet the morning of her service.  Still stranger, when my FIL passed some15 years earlier the hot water heater in her home flooded the morning of his service.  Now I have this fear of hot water heaters.  I am afraid that if it blows I will lose another person I love.

Am I crazy for constant worry about the hot water heater?


The other thing on my mind tonight is I have a friend who is having some testing tomorrow. If you could keep this person in your prayers I would really appreciate it.

Edited by Kris
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