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Everything posted by Gus

  1. Congrats on 5 months quit!! Thanks for your Thought For Today! Sometimes they just ‘fit’ exactly.
  2. Congrats to you!!! Thanks for all the encouragement you give us to get out there and enjoy life, nicotine free and as well as we are physically able!!!
  3. Gus

    Damm virus

    This is awesome @Katgirl! I’m happy that you are going to be enjoying this trip!!! Cross country trip of a lifetime!
  4. Sorry, no offense meant. Frickin’ nicotine fries all of our emotional sensibilities sometimes. I truly hope you find peace concerning your friend and her family. I’m truly sorry that she and anyone that has to go through this with her—you know what? I watched my husband die a miserable death from cancer and their was no peace or understanding while that was happening, it didn’t come until afterwards. So, just keep on dealing with it as you are. You got through the initial two bad spots. Evidently, being a rage machine is your way of dealing with the worst life throws at you. So go for it!!! Rage at the machine!!! And seriously, I meant no offense above. I apologize.
  5. Keep your quit Linda. Let it out. Keep speaking until you’ve said it all. You’ve developed a following. We are here for you. Newbies and old school alike. It’s time to prove to us that you stand by your words. That you believe what you say. Those words that have given so much encouragement to others. You don’t give a sh*t?! You are going to use your pain ridden, dying friend as an excuse to go back to your master? Those of us that you helped with your words? Your empty words that mean nothing to you? I know that you are angry, but you would do just as well to use your love of words and your ability to write to shoot off a round of letters to some tobacco companies or even to some of your government representatives asking for accountability to said tobacco companies. You don’t have to send them, but I can guarantee that you will not be wanting to give Nicodemon control over your life again by the time you are finished. Direct your anger and pain to the rightful party not upon yourself.
  6. Happy 2nd month of your quit @Robbie!!!
  7. Thanks @Abby! I’m feeling tons better. On my guard and forging forward. You always give the greatest encouragement! I’m so thankful that I found QuitTrain.
  8. Really? Ketchup? I’ll take your word for it. HaHa I would have just topped it off with shredded cheese. Ohhh. Some spinach and mushroom too! Ohhh man! I don’t know how I’m supposed to get to sleep now.
  9. OMG! You need to start doing this for us at least every other weekend. My stomach is growling and my mouth is watering! I just finished my own pathetic meal too. HaHa Your photography is excellent by the way. You’re so talented. I’m just going to sit over here and drool for awhile. also, I overcook everything. I ruin everything I cook. I’m pathetic at cooking. I don’t know how my children survived me. LOL Thank you for your attention to detail and I do love those plates.
  10. Soooo? Was it as delicious as it sounded it was going to be? Were you full to bursting and needing a nap afterward? Do tell!
  11. Hello @Meow! I hope that all is well with you? We’d love to hear from you!
  12. Excellent. So true. Thank you. It’s hard. It’s so hard. And it hurts. Thank you for your honesty and for the pep talk!!!
  13. WooHoo! Five years?! Congratulations @G67!
  14. Thanks for the advice @Doreensfree @jillar and @reciprocity You guy are the best! And @reciprocity please let us know how the duck turned out.
  15. Hey Robbie! I had the same kind of day yesterday and to be honest I already feel the same way this morning. I will not say that I have the urge to smoke because I don’t. I am in a constant state of low tension and anxiety because of something that is happening in my life right now that I have absolute no control over. I am literally facing a giant wall with my hands balled into fists down at my sides and my forehead pressed into said wall trying to will it away. I don’t know what to do about this wall. It will eventually crumble and fall as all walls do. All I can do is stay on here and read the old posts. It’s reading the personal battles that help me most. I guess that all I can say is that you are not alone in this. You are not the only one facing this particular issue. So keep posting on here and if the only thing that keeps you from quitting your quit is that you know that one other person on this planet is feeling the exact same way as you are then that is enough and we can call it a day and hope for a better one tomorrow.
  16. You are awesome @PeachFuzz I’m so thankful that you stayed on the train with us. Best wishes for the future!!!
  17. OMG! This sounds like it’s going to be delicious @reciprocity! I hope it turns out well!
  18. Sorry for your loss @Opah
  19. Hello and welcome back!! Fairly new here but have found that it’s the place to be!
  20. Gus

    Damm virus

    YAY!!! Go! Go and live life Robbie! Speedy healing and enjoy yourself @Abby!
  21. This is great news! I’m glad that you are succeeding! Best of luck to you and remember that we are all here if you need us.
  22. All of the above is so true. We just gotta breathe. And keep breathing. We just gotta say NOPE and keep saying NOPE.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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