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Despair, i appreciate that :)

My hope is that my supervisor doesn't come around acting like queen bitch.


My random thought right now -


Friday night, when I was a kid, meant going skating. The local rink was like 1/2 a block from our place.

Frozen pizza for dinner, several friends would come by and we would walk to the skating place. What more does a kid really need?

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On 23/03/2018 at 6:57 AM, notsmokinjo said:

Its the same here so why call it a lay in... Sleep in makes way more sense

 Think that's proper Englandshire you are speaking there Jo.. I say I'm having a lie in or I had a lie in I've never used the lay word unless it was to do with sex...?



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11 minutes ago, Wee fluffy me said:

 Think that's proper Englandshire you are speaking there Jo.. I say I'm having a lie in or I had a lie in I've never used the lay word unless it was to do with sex...?



Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I 'wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.


Ladies your commentary please. Is this referring to anything so entertaining as what you're thinking of?

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Oh, I wish I were a glow worm,.
for a glow worm's never glum,
'cause how can you be grumpy
when the sun shines out your bum!


I thought I was a special snowflake with the sun shining out my bum, but now I think that maybe I'm just a glow worm.

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5 minutes ago, Sslip said:


Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I 'wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.


Ladies your commentary please. Is this referring to anything so entertaining as what you're thinking of?



I mean this one..  not the one where the sun shines out of your bum...

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OOOOOOoooooowww. That has a nice ring to it @Sslip...


"The United States of Scotland "


dontcha think.. ???


Now, how shall we let the people decide..?


Oooowww I know... Let's have a referendum, they always turn out so well and we haven't had one in such a long time... ?


Right Slippy, you do the posters I'll make the ballot papers...???







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OK... That was a bit of unexpected fun.. First we had some Metallica from Lord Kent and the formation of a whole new country.... Then Queen Sarcasm gave us all a political giggle but posting a pic for the win was Nottski...thanks for the morning laugh... You crazy Brits...


No if I were having a sleep in or a lie in I'd be having a lazy start to me day... If on the other hand I'd be having a lay in, unless I was impersonating a starfish, there'd be nothing lazy about it! Or if I was laying into someone I more might end up with bruised knuckles....or a saw throat from all is he yelling. Go English...greatest language on earth? - we can't even understand each other!

Edited by notsmokinjo
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I wish i was a fairy with a magic wand that could just make everything good...why can't the gummy shark cook itself... Omg two more sleeps then TIMTAMS!!!!!..... OMG 5 more sleeps then Comm Games... Fairy floss... Omg is coffee bad and fairy floss.... Ballarat raspberry drops... St Kilda sucked today ? gunna be a long season... Need a coffee... Maybe not... Wot crap is on the telly... Hmm need to cook for dogs... Poor dogs... My legs itchy... Where is the fish frypan...OK going to cook dinner.

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Hours, hours I woz ere all on me lonsome listening to me boys suck dogs balls an thinkin, thinkin, thinkin..

Cook dinner and it's Brit O'clock...  Yay the britskis savin me from meself.

Wonder to meself if all the others wake up in the mornin an as they log on do they think to emselves which frickin Jo will we get today?

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Omg....henna is smelly and messy..Did Scotland have purple in their uniform just for @Wee fluffy me? ... Are the Canadian cycling team wearing blue because they have bought second hand uniforms from Scotland?..... Jillar's kiwis should get gold in the pool tonight but if I tell her and they don't will it be my fault??   ...... I'm not sure this headache tablet was the right one cos I feel like a thunderbird.... Thunderbirds are go...... My phones is very slippery.... 


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The Walking Dead.... Who us mowing the lawns and dusting the abandoned houses?....why hasn't nature over run everything....its been frickin years people...but no not a single cobweb...I don't dust for a fortnight and ban cobwebs.

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