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The pic we just associate with the poster, the significance? Not as major as a name/handle change IMO... Put up a pic of Nosferatu or Christopher lee as Dracula(my favorite Dracula BTW)... Or maybe i will lol

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19 minutes ago, jillar said:

@notsmokinjo I think your avatar screams YOU! But if you are thinking about changing it I think it should go to poll because we don't want something so not you right?!

 Oh I agree.....I think a poll is needed....before any major changes...you don't want a riot on your hands ....

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2 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:

Well then @Whispers has to have a poll too ??


I'm visual, so I do associate the av with the poster... and I love the Whisper Kitty... cos it means frickin business... if some others changed it wouldn't worry me but others its a big issue for me..

Ok, poll it..

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10 hours ago, jillar said:

@notsmokinjo I think your avatar screams YOU! But if you are thinking about changing it I think it should go to poll because we don't want something so not you right?!


Um is the reason for the poll really because I am so historically bad at choosing of the avs? ... Offended half of over there with my first one, and my second one...

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1 minute ago, notsmokinjo said:


Um is the reason for the poll really because I am so historically bad at choosing of the avs? ... Offended half of over there with my first one, and my second one...

No that's not the reason silly! And you only offended the person who didn't know who Joe Frazier is. And the race horse we just didn't get but it wasn't offensive at all

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1 minute ago, jillar said:

While you're at it add another question on whether Shane should have a profile pic too!

Hell Yeah! ... should his just be a yes/no or should we offer options?


@Whispers I'm about to prepare the poll.... but before I do we need to promise to abide by whatever the vote is for 2 weeks... then we can change back or change up... I'm game if you are... but you need to promise.

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Just now, notsmokinjo said:


Hell Yeah! ... should his just be a yes/no or should we offer options?


@Whispers I'm about to prepare the poll.... but before I do we need to promise to abide by whatever the vote is for 2 weeks... then we can change back or change up... I'm game if you are... but you need to promise.

done as long as its done in fairness, all who try and slant the vote should get bad luck for the length of the profile pic

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1 minute ago, Whispers said:

When you say "abide by whatever the vote is for 2 weeks" that says to me ... The fix may be in


No fix... but you did give me carte blanche over your fifth option... and I hadn't even thought of organising a fix for it to be the one, just could think of a few who might choose it.... at this point I would like to remind you that I consider you a mate,  like a real mate not just a mate like I call everyone.... but a proper bogan c-word mate.... just remember that, especially if option 5 comes up as the winner...

2 minutes ago, jillar said:

@notsmokinjo at qsmb @Whispers used a pic of himself so maybe that should be one of you guy's options too


Trust me Jillar... the option 5 I have in mind will be stellar.

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15 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:


Um is the reason for the poll really because I am so historically bad at choosing of the avs? ... Offended half of over there with my first one, and my second one...


Hey Jo.  I remember when you joined QSMB and I remember your avatar.  I didn't make the Smoking Joe Frazier connection in the beginning.  I thought the guy in your avatar with the mark through it was an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband of yours.  I was surprised when you stated that people complained that it was racist.  I saw nothing wrong with it, I thought it was quite funny.

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1 minute ago, notsmokinjo said:


No fix... but you did give me carte blanche over your fifth option... and I hadn't even thought of organising a fix for it to be the one, just could think of a few who might choose it.... at this point I would like to remind you that I consider you a mate,  like a real mate not just a mate like I call everyone.... but a proper bogan c-word mate.... just remember that, especially if option 5 comes up as the winner...


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1 minute ago, Whispers said:


in the spirit of fairness AND considering one of my options is something someone has pm'd me... you can pm me an option for me to include... see fair

Aussie's are 'always' fair... its cos our country is... its in the national anthem.... Advance Ostraya Fair

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