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Trying to decide on which avatar to choose for Whispers... and also for me... do i wanna stay the same of do I wanna change.... wondering if we should do this French election style... we have the original all in vote, then unless there is a clear winner... like 85% of the vote... we have a second poll with the 2 highest votes..... so that would mean, we would need to have 2 polls... or do we just leave it as is... I bet only half the yanks vote, they're like that... All the Aussies will cos we are used to compulsory voting.. and we don't want a fine. I am beginning to think too much red sugar... too much caramel food colouring (what makes coke black)... to much coffee coke.... its gunna be a long fricking night... i hope i don't cause an internaitonal incident.... where is the remote... what crap am i watching.... i need something to do... i just bleached the cloths and the washing machine filters... did the dunnies... wot can i do... maybe go watch shit of you tube.... maybe plays some games.... yes games... make a decisions...i can't its too hard... what was I doing...

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Thanks jo, well it depends on how many beers we drink today lol. Sunday's we usually have friends stop by and have a few beers. But we are planning on going out to dinner one of these nights. 

Besides after 18 years married and 21 together a card swap is enough lol

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To be filed under: Change can also be good.


One day, a few years ago, 

I changed my avatar here to other peoples by 'saving their pic' and replacing mine with theirs, so there were two of 'us'. 

I was doreen and then bakon, Joe and a few other people during the day, it made chicks and sticks very interesting.



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1 hour ago, jillar said:

Thanks jo, well it depends on how many beers we drink today lol. Sunday's we usually have friends stop by and have a few beers. But we are planning on going out to dinner one of these nights. 

Besides after 18 years married and 21 together a card swap is enough lol

Happy Anniversary Jillar you you and your half..18 years is a achievement...oh sorry thast quitting...I meant cool ....

5 minutes ago, Sazerac said:

To be filed under: Change can also be good.


One day, a few years ago, 

I changed my avatar here to other peoples by 'saving their pic' and replacing mine with theirs, so there were two of 'us'. 

I was doreen and then bakon, Joe and a few other people during the day, it made chicks and sticks very interesting.



Far too clever for this numpty !!l....I remember this !!!

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1 hour ago, jillar said:

@Wee fluffy me, today's our anniversary and hubby's card to me said "I don't know what I can possibly give you for our anniversary, you already got me"

See I told you men are self centered lol


So Jillar.... next year just make your own card... on the front write "This year for our anniversary I thought I'd give you a blow job" ... then on the inside sticky tape a balloon.


26 minutes ago, Sazerac said:

To be filed under: Change can also be good.


One day, a few years ago, 

I changed my avatar here to other peoples by 'saving their pic' and replacing mine with theirs, so there were two of 'us'. 

I was doreen and then bakon, Joe and a few other people during the day, it made chicks and sticks very interesting.




That is golden...

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4 hours ago, jillar said:

Thanks jo, well it depends on how many beers we drink today lol. Sunday's we usually have friends stop by and have a few beers. But we are planning on going out to dinner one of these nights. 

Besides after 18 years married and 21 together a card swap is enough lol

Could you possibly have a word with my wife, she fails to see it with the clarity you do? 

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the kid had a tap costume once that included tap shoes that i had to paint fluro pink, cover in glitter and then glue pale pink merboo around the top so they looked like slippers... glitter and fluff from arsehole to breakfast

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36 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:

i frickin hate boas.... and merboo.... why you have a lounge full of boas? i thought the mean girls too over costumes?


 The mean girls did.... they pulled my hair and took my costumes off me, then said I may sew fur trim around the queens cape (I made last year for superheros, just so you know ?)

So after much faffin about  cos there was no fur to be had and i was not going out of my way to aquire acquire (i just found out that has a c in it.. duh.. no not duh what a bloody stupid place to put a fluffin c...!!!) Any, i let them do the leg work.. anyhooo... my youngest finally brought the stuff home for me on Fri..  


I flung bag on table (as one does) and thought I'll run it through the sewing machine later.. well we know what happened on Sat..  So last night I went to run it up and to my shock, when I opened the bag, no fur trim just feather boas, cheap, cheap feather boas that need hand sewn on. The dress rehearsal was today and show is tomorrow so needless to say the cheap ass boas have lost most of their feathers over my livingroom and when I put hoover on its like a game of chase as it seems to blew them away then gawd only knows what dogs think they are cos they start chasing them causing more movement and them to fly higher...!!!!!


So now we know why the witches wanted me to do the queens cape.. 


Sorry I havered on a wee bit..

Edited by Wee fluffy me
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