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I quit almost three years ago
and have become an advocate of Cold Turkey

but, believe me,

I support and encourage everybody in their precious quits.
Any Quit Is A Good Quit


I thought to gather some new information

(in a galaxy of  Misinformation)
and was dismayed after googling around
finding numerous instances of 'responsible experts'
recommending to  NOT quit cold turkey.


What kind of idiotic advise is that ?
Is this more Big Tobacco poisoning minds ?
Big Drug companies pushing product ?
Ignorance ?

Today, I found a great rap about this from our Friend, Joel Spitzer



Quitting Cold Turkey was simple for me.
No spending any more dosh on tobacco, vape or NRT.
No schedule of tapering off. No teasing the addict that is me.
It was clean.
It was DONE.
It didn't hurt.


There were gruesome days, for true

but,  pffttt...

there will always be gruesome days about something or other.

Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries, right ?


I continue on a new and fascinating adventure.

Not One Puff Ever


How was/is Cold Turkey for you ?

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Those "responsible experts" and their "studies."  The formula never changes.  Take a simple matter, complicate the hell out of it, then make a sales pitch for the magic elixir that will solve the problem created by the study.  Of course the funded "study" is going to show some skewed numbers that make cold turkey look ineffective.  There's nothing to sell with a cold turkey quit.


Keep it simple.  Cut out the middle man.  Tune out the bullshit.  Just quit.  

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I believe all roads lead to Rome...but for me ..I went no nicotine...I did it using..

Allan Carr..my trusty I pod..all my favourite music...dancing.. Well that's debatable..

Coming to this board 24/7...oh ya..my punching pillow...good mike tyson punches..

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I was too chicken to do cold turkey and I was scared of Joel and his site. I did patches. Now I know there is nothing to be afraid of and that the true quitting came not from the patches but from me. Honestly the best tool in my quit smoking tool box was this forum and the other place.

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I tried patches in past. Gum too. Never caped but would have had it been around. Chantix was weird to me, but it wasn't in my mind to quit then either.


Cold turkey has worked for one year a few times, two years one time and currently almost four years.


What helped .... Forum talking and education on what was really going on.

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I've tried cold turkey and haven't made it a day. Even with the videos and Allan Carr. I made it two hours at most before I caved in. The patch has helped immensely. It might be all in my head, but I don't care. If I think it helps, and it winds up doing just that, then I'm going to follow the program. But my dad quit cold turkey and did just fine. But then again, he had a health problem that wouldn't clear up unless he quit, so that really pushed him. And of course, these forums help a lot.

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  • 2 years later...




I want to reiterate,

All Quits Are Good Quits.

There are no judgement calls on how your quit, the method doesn't matter.


  You need a personal commitment to NOPE, (Not One Puff Ever)

^^^^^^^^^^^this is the essential component^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I only mean to encourage anyone quitting smoking that cold turkey is not impossible or more difficult.

It is merely a choice.

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  • 1 year later...
On 6/13/2016 at 9:33 AM, Sazerac said:

I quit almost three years ago
and have become an advocate of Cold Turkey

but, believe me,

I support and encourage everybody in their precious quits.
Any Quit Is A Good Quit


I thought to gather some new information

(in a galaxy of  Misinformation)
and was dismayed after googling around
finding numerous instances of 'responsible experts'
recommending to  NOT quit cold turkey.


What kind of idiotic advise is that ?
Is this more Big Tobacco poisoning minds ?
Big Drug companies pushing product ?
Ignorance ?

Today, I found a great rap about this from our Friend, Joel Spitzer




Quitting Cold Turkey was simple for me.
No spending any more dosh on tobacco, vape or NRT.
No schedule of tapering off. No teasing the addict that is me.
It was clean.
It was DONE.
It didn't hurt.


There were gruesome days, for true

but,  pffttt...

there will always be gruesome days about something or other.

Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries, right ?



I continue on a new and fascinating adventure.

Not One Puff Ever


How was/is Cold Turkey for you ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

The patch didn't work for me cuz the dosage was either too weak or too strong. I would pull it off and smoke one eventually.  They made me feel wierd too, like I had used an antihistamine or something.  I quit once with the gum for 12 weeks, then started up after a major loss and remained hooked on cigarettes AND the gum for 20+ years.  I'm paranoid of hypnosis and afraid to try Chantix.


So, I decided to do it cold turkey. It was cheap and no frills and worked for me.  The first time failed after 28 hours cuz I was just too saturated with nicotine from the combination of cigarettes and nicotine gum.  Six months before the second cold turkey quit, I got off the nicotine gum and did several months of preparing which consisted mostly of researching the chemical dependency and mental aspects of nicotine addiction, withdrawals and what to expect in that regard, lurking on this site and watching Joel Spitzer and other videos including various Ted talks and YouTubes, and devising a quit plan containing all my reasons, triggers, coping strategies and food shopping lists. All of that preparation has gotten me through the worst first weeks, and now I am 50 days clean of nicotine!


Cold turkey is totally doable if you are mentally prepared for it.  Some people really can turn it off like a light switch....but most of us can't.  I'm for cold turkey now, but whatever works is great so long as it's legal and safe!

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8 hours ago, Angeleek said:


Cold turkey is totally doable if you are mentally prepared for it.  Some people really can turn it off like a light switch....but most of us can't.  I'm for cold turkey now, but whatever works is great so long as it's legal and safe!


You have done marvelous work by educating yourself, Angeleek, and have built yourself a fine, sturdy quit. I am so glad you are sharing your quit with us !


I quit on a whim, cold turkey, and did not prepare at all. 

I just decided I would try not smoking for a year as an experiment,  if I didn't like it, I could always smoke again.


Days in, I found Joel Spitzer's Video Library  and my education began.


I couldn't 'turn if off like a light switch'. 

It took almost a  year of craves and triggers for my brain to be really Free, reliably free, consistently free

but, I knew from the very first day that I was committed to my 'experiment' and the power behind that commitment propelled me through the gnarly times.


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  • 5 months later...

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