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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I am on 1st day without cigs. Cold turkey. No patches or whatever else. What i wanted to share, a thought, here it goes, friends: Its going to be very inquisitive, get ready and dont take it wrongly. *** Here it goes: Isn't it a contradiction that smokers that want to stop smoking think "i cant do it" and yet they still insist on quiting? like me, I think "I cant do it". Ok. Nevertheless I am " doing it" (quiting). if a person thinks they cant do something, why do they try doing it? Maybe its a contradiction
  2. I quit almost three years ago and have become an advocate of Cold Turkey but, believe me, I support and encourage everybody in their precious quits. Any Quit Is A Good Quit I thought to gather some new information (in a galaxy of Misinformation) and was dismayed after googling around finding numerous instances of 'responsible experts' recommending to NOT quit cold turkey. What kind of idiotic advise is that ? Is this more Big Tobacco poisoning minds ? Big Drug companies pushing product ? Ignorance ? Today, I found a great rap about this from our Friend, Joel Spitzer Quitting Cold Turkey was simple for me. No spending any more dosh on tobacco, vape or NRT. No schedule of tapering off. No teasing the addict that is me. It was clean. It was DONE. It didn't hurt. There were gruesome days, for true but, pffttt... there will always be gruesome days about something or other. Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries, right ? I continue on a new and fascinating adventure. Not One Puff Ever How was/is Cold Turkey for you ?
  3. I started a thread almost three years ago about quitting cold turkey and how much dis-information was out there when I first quit. I was so fortunate to find Joel Spitzer. Now, it seems, the dis-information is even more ubiquitous... here is a link to WhyQuit for resources about quitting Cold Turkey and my original post from 2016, Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey I am fully aware that my choice of quitting cold turkey is not for everyone but, education about addiction and all methods of quitting should be forefront, especially those methods that do not involve Big Tobacco as in gum/patches* and vaping* Education is freedom. Knowledge is power. *The Shady Link Between Big Tobacco and Nicotine Gum *Big Tobacco Lobbied To Save Vaping, Now Controls Leading E-Cigarette Company
  4. Sorry for long post! Hello! I’m here and I need help everyone. I’m 24 years old and I picked up smoking when I was 16. I turned into almost a pack a day smoker. I used smoking as a crutch for almost EVERYTHING I found out. Ive been chronically ill and have a gamete if health problems. I’ve been sick for almost 5 years now. On my bad days and my really painful sick days I’d smoke like a chimney and it’s calm me down. Since being sick I’ve been off work and have had money issues. I was forced to quit and I was angry and bitter! My dad passed away this Past May and he was my rock and everything. He quit smoking right before I was born, cold turkey! And I thought.. I think I owe him this much. So here I am, quitting cold turkey. Now im losing my mind. I am 90 hours smoke free and the first few days were hard but bearable. I thought hell- I can do this! Oh my. Oh my- no. i have the worst head aches, nausea, throwing up, dizziness, extreme loss of appetite, light sensitivity, dry and burning throat. I keep coughing and coughing which makes me feel more nauseas. My whole body hurts and I feel like I’m made of glass. I’m so moody too, I feel like a child having a tantrum sometimes. I was on Percocet for pain for 2 years and the withdrawals weren’t as bad as quitting smoking. If i smoke one cigarette it’ll all go away! And my friends and people keep saying it isn’t that bad and that I shouldn’t be this sick. Guys I’m losing my mind and I feel horrid, please help.

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