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Hi everyone, I've spent ages looking for a support forum and you guys look the best fit for me, so here I am.


I quit smoking about 6 weeks ago, the psychology of the decision took more than 2 years, the decision took 2 weeks, smoking the last cigarette took 6 minutes... it's a work in progress. I bought nicotine patches before I quit, took a short vacation (can't go on vacation and not smoke, I'll be stressed and miserable, yada yada yada), so made every effort to cut down until we got back. Thought about it some more when we returned home, and began to realise why the psychology takes so long! Eventually, let myself run out of cigarettes and decided the last one in the packet was the last one. And it was.


I'm still using patches (21mg down to 14 mg, with a pack and a bit to go before I finish the program). Spoke with my doc this afternoon, she's thrilled. She suggested getting some nicotine mints in, for when I'm done with the patches, but I don't know, that feels like I'm still feeding a habit. I just want to think about next steps and avoid having a major wobble when the patches are finished. I think what I need is to hear from others about management. How did you manage quitting long-term? For those of you going through it right now, we can be travel buddies - how are you managing cravings? I haven't had too many cravings, in the early days of quitting, I would sometimes realise I was really thinking about smoking (not actually thinking to do it, just thinking about cigarettes) and then realise I forgot to put a patch on today. So off I'd pop and put on a patch and the thoughts would subside. I guess that's what craving is, right? Other days, I'd be so irritable that I'd pick a fight with my husband and then realise I had nowhere to stomp off to... that was hard.


Its not been an easy journey so far, but it's not been as hard as I thought it would be either. I'm feeling strong, I'm feeling healthy. We walk around the block most days, it's just a mile and the elevation back up the hill is, according to my tracker, 18 floors. There's a point midway where I'd always stop and pretend to be admiring the view but, in actuality, I was doing a quick cardio recovery. I don't stop now, my chest feels clear, my breathing is good and there's no coughing and throat-clearing after exertion. I'm at a point where I don't want to give that up. Right now, I don't desire a cigarette. I don't want to be a smoker anymore. I've smoked for 30 years and never seriously tried to quit. I've always been able to last for hours between cigarettes without it hurting. I take several trans-Atlantic flights a year and can do that no problem. Having said that, I can go through bouts of near chain-smoking too. Depends on the situation. Got it all under control... so why am I here? I live in a world of non-smokers and they don't really 'get it' - that sounds ungrateful for their genuine support, but it's true. Sometimes, 'well done, I'm proud of you' isn't really what I need. Soon it will be 'you don't still need support do you?', in the way that people have when they don't realise the depth of something. You know?


Well, I wasn't really going for 'War and Peace', so I'll stop there - just wanted to say 'hi'. 🤭



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Hi Shezi welcome to our train full of quitters and congratulations on six weeks quit already 😊 We have quite a few members who have successfully quit by using the patch so you're in good company.

I agree with you that reintroducing nicotine after you're done with the patches is a step in the wrong direction. I quit cold turkey but what I would do when I got a bad crave was use my air cigarette. I just pretended I was holding an actual cigarette in my fingers and then went through the motions of "smoking" it. I can't believe how well it worked at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing. Some people use cut straws, pens, even licorice whips lol.

We also have a great social section to help get your mind off smoking for a while so check those forums out as well 😊

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Welcome aboard, @Shezi and congratulations on 6 weeks smoke free.  You are doing a truly great thing.

I can't give you any advice on the patch as I did not quit that way but there are many people here who can and I am sure you will hear some great advice about it.


18 minutes ago, Shezi said:

 I'm feeling strong, I'm feeling healthy. We walk around the block most days, it's just a mile and the elevation back up the hill is, according to my tracker, 18 floors. There's a point midway where I'd always stop and pretend to be admiring the view but, in actuality, I was doing a quick cardio recovery. I don't stop now, my chest feels clear, my breathing is good and there's no coughing and throat-clearing after exertion. I'm at a point where I don't want to give that up. Right now, I don't desire a cigarette. I don't want to be a smoker anymore.



I do think it is great that you are noticing positive changes in your overall health and life since quitting.  This is very important.  Having the mindset and desire to "not be a smoker anymore" is also very important.  Quitting is very doable.


22 minutes ago, Shezi said:

... so why am I here? I live in a world of non-smokers and they don't really 'get it' - that sounds ungrateful for their genuine support, but it's true. Sometimes, 'well done, I'm proud of you' isn't really what I need. Soon it will be 'you don't still need support do you?', in the way that people have when they don't realise the depth of something. You know?




I smoked for 20 years and towards the end, I noticed that I had fewer and fewer smoking friends.  When I was quitting, I didn't have many ex-smokers around me who "got it" when t came to quitting either.  I joined an online quitting support forum similar to this one and the support and knowledge I gained really helped me and I'm sure it can help you too.  There are a lot of resources here to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and a lot of people who will help support you.


Keep reading.  Write about your experiences.  Reach out for help if needed.  Participate.  Quitting is a great thing.


It is good to have  you here.

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So far you've had replies from a Bunny, an angry, defiant baby and now, a Pig. That should tell you something. People on the train are a little odd but, we're all quitters like you! We all went through the whole deal, like you are doing now. Yeah, we "get it"! And because we all do, there's a wealth of information here. Read as much as you can. There's a lot of support here too if/when you need it. It can be fun to quit with other quitters and it helps to keep you accountable (to yourself)!


Knowledge is Power; power to quit! Congrats on a great start. 6 weeks is awesome. A lot of the tough stuff is already behind you. Keep building on that foundation :) 

Edited by reciprocity
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Welcome aboard, Shezi! You have the right mindset, so you will be successful with your quit...but do lots of reading here and watching the Joel videos to educate yourself about the nicotine addiction. Congrats on the 6 week mark! Reward yourself and KTQ! 🎉😷


PS I quit using NRT - patches and gum


Edited by Rozuki
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Welcome aboard the train, Shezi! Good for you for quitting smoking! Six weeks is huge, and you've already done the head-shrinking part. This is an excellent place to get support through the long haul, and a wealthy resource for information and distractions. I too highly recommend Joel Spitzer videos for counseling and reinforcement.  Once you get off nicotine altogether, just remember that the reward for not smoking is not a cigarette.  Plan for that.  We are here to support you on days 45 onward! Enjoy your happier lungs forever and welcome!

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 So glad you found us Shezi!  This is such a wonderful place for friendship and support in quitting.  You are doing great.  The first month is the toughest.  I would not bother with the nicotine mints.  It is best to get the nicotine out of your system.  Stay focused on your life of freedom.  I promise you will get stronger and more powerful as you travel this journey.  

I smoked for 42 years and tried every quit method.  I wasn't successful until I found this forum.  Stay close to the forum, educate yourself and have some fun playing the games.  You can do this!


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5 hours ago, jillar said:

... what I would do when I got a bad crave was use my air cigarette. I just pretended I was holding an actual cigarette in my fingers and then went through the motions of "smoking" it. I can't believe how well it worked at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing.


It's funny you should say that, I'd never heard of an air cigarette but right before I joined this forum today, after looking up nicotine mints and rejecting them (I'd never heard of those either), I read about this air thing on Amazon and ordered one! It'll come next week, one of the reviews said the size and weight felt right. I really miss the 'hand to mouth' action. Crazy right? So here's the thing, I showed it to my husband, who promptly said 'do you not think it's a step in the wrong direction?' Well clearly not, since I just ordered one, duh! But now I feel a bit stupid, I'm embarrassed that I 'need', if that makes any sense at all. As I said in my first post, people are proud of me, even the doc, but I feel like I have to live up to that, show strength and I really feel like I am... but jeez I miss it.


Guys thank you so much for your brilliant welcome! 



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Welcome Shezi,

 You have come to the right place for support. Everyone here is a former smoker and we are all in different stages of our quits. I personally quit cold turkey but they're many who quit with the patches and some who are still in the process of using them. I am closing in on 6 months quit after being a smoker for over 35 years. So, grab a seat and enjoy the ride to an happier and healthier life as a non smoker.

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There's a lot of people both ex smokers and never smokers who hate when I suggest this clue but I tell you what, it really did work for me and a lot of others. And I got the clue from another member of the forum I was on. I really missed the hand to mouth thing too and this did a great job until I was strong enough to let it go as well. 

And fyi, my husband is a never smoker too and he also asked me all the time that shouldn't I be "over it" already. And this was only after a couple months quit. My point being that people who have never smoked can never really understand what we go through when quitting both mentally and physically. So cut your hubby and any other never smoker some slack but keep doing whatever works for you to stay smoke free 😊

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Hello and Welcome ...

Take your seat on the Magical Train ,that takes you to the land of Freedom ....

Congratulations on your fabulous Quit ....You have been given some great advice to keep you on the track ...

We have a daily pledge....a great tool....it's a promise to yourself you don't smoke that day ... you'll be surprised at the power that has ...

Get your self a ticker ...watch the days smoke free clock up....as well as the money ..

My advice is ..Just enjoy being here amongst fellow quitters....supporting them ..helps you ...it makes you stronger.. 

Read and watch ... Knowledge is a great tool...

I smoked 52 years ....you can do it ....all you need is to want it bad enough ....

ps....A Bunny ,a pig ...and a Toad ....the Goat will show up later I'm sure ....



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Welcome Shezi.


8 hours ago, Shezi said:

...I showed it to my husband, who promptly said 'do you not think it's a step in the wrong direction?'...


I think I know what you're referring to, when I started my quit I saw an ad for 1 of those "air cigarette" too, so I showed my wife and she immediately asked "If you really want to quit, why would you still want to pretend smoking?"

I didn't order it, and I'm so glad I didn't because I now have true FREEDOM!  If I have 1 of those air cig, I would still be mentally addicted.


Take a seat and enjoy this wonderful train ride to Freedom Shezi.

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Hi Shezi


Welcome and congratulations on your six week quit. Sounds like you're doing well and keeping a positive attitude. Of course there will still be some bumps along the way and you'll just need to address them as they arise.  Come here and vent, chat, or just browse. Others may start to think you should be "over it" by this point, but you have a new group who know better and will support you all the way. Keep up the good work.


10 hours ago, Shezi said:


 I read about this air thing on Amazon and ordered one! It'll come next week, one of the reviews said the size and weight felt right. I really miss the 'hand to mouth' action. Crazy right? So here's the thing, I showed it to my husband, who promptly said 'do you not think it's a step in the wrong direction?' Well clearly not, since I just ordered one, duh!


I seem to remember that Amazon eliminated their Return Department years ago because no one had ever made a mistaken purchase and all products worked beyond every customers expectations. 🤔

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1 hour ago, Shezi said:

Thanks guys, Doreen I think I read somewhere that you're a Liverpudlian? I'm a Mancunian - currently stuck in Tennessee! 

You read correct .... Liverpudlian  through and through ...

Wow !!!!.....Sorry to hear you are stuck so far from home ....Stay safe ❤

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Hi Shezi, welcome to the Quit Train and congratulations on your decision to quit smoking!  Like you, I used nicotine patches to help me quit.  They were a godsend and made quitting so much easier (I had one other quit that was cold turkey).  Personally, I don't think I would continue with nicotine (mints) after finishing the patches.  I was very nervous at each step down in the patches.  I had a little brain fog when I stepped down from 21 mg to 14 mg.  I didn't notice any physical withdrawal symptoms when I stepped down from 14 mg to 7 mg and same thing when I went from 7 mg to no nicotine.  So, for me, there was no reason to be nervous at all!  I know we're all different though so you should do whatever you feel most comfortable with.  Sounds like you are doing really well.  Best wishes to you for a successful quit!

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On 9/24/2020 at 11:39 PM, Shezi said:


... but jeez I miss it.





Hello Shezi! 

Welcome aboard.  Ever so glad you have six  plus weeks off cigarettes!  That is an amazing accomplishment.   You spent 30 YEARS in active addiction.   Referring to the above statement....   I am a bit over 6 months smoke free after 37 years of slavery and hardly ever think about it anymore.    You are making a massive change.  It may feel like you miss it, yet I am certain the benefits of remaining smoke free FAR exceed whatever you perceive you are missing.  You got this, even when it feels wobbly.

The train is a wonderful place for support, laughter and community.  So glad you found your seat.   Use the boards.


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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