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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/18 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Just for today....NOPE !!!
    4 points
  4. Present and accounted for!
    4 points
  5. Thank you guys so much!!! What a blessing!!!!! 1 full year.....holy crap..believe it or not....its so great to forget I was a smoker!!! Baby is doing great and should arrive in about 8 weeks....we r soooooo darn excited go meet him!! Thanks again and Happy New Year all!!!
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Here! AND... Bakon gave me an upgrade for a new seat on Jimmy's bus!!
    3 points
  8. Not it....sorry wrong game.
    3 points
  9. Babbles posted three hours ago... Mexican was here in 31st Sausage is all over buddy book Why haven't they posted? Jimmy? Pepe? I will tell u y. Cuz spelckek....those morons are two dum to figur eht haw to buy pass it.... Plus a lot of people are still pissed off on how much dd cheated on the counting games and picked on the guys....so they won't post on her threads.....notice any chicks that did check in are part of her cheating crew....
    2 points
  10. Nope I'm on the Quit Train
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Below are resources related to questions or comments you raised here. Besides watching the top of the page videos, be sure to check out the links on the bottom of each page. "Most of the time I am OK but there are days and moments when I want one." http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-want-one/ "I have no cigarettes and do not feel like buying any." http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-am-doing-okay-im-not-buying-cigarettes/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/finding-cigarettes/ "Sometimes i worry about relapse because some people do." http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/the-fear-of-relapsing/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/its-inevitable-some-smokers-are-going-to-relapse/ "I cannot quite figure out WHY someone would relapse after months or years of not smoking." http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/complacency/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-will-control-my-smoking-now/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-know-too-much-about-smoking-to-ever-be-able-to-relapse/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/lost-long-term-quits/ " I guess we always have SOME level of desire but it weakens" http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/ill-have-to-use-willpower-for-the-rest-of-my-life-not-to-smoke/ "For those who DO light up after so long, what is it like? I imagine it to be pleasant somehow, like the first hit off the first cig in a brand new pack." http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/smoking-a-cigarette-will-help-me-secure-my-quit/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/ive-relapsed-and-i-hate-it/
    2 points
  13. Here are a few resource pages addressing different issues you raised here: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/are-doctors-taught-about-nicotine-recovery/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/every-quit-is-different/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/past-successful-quits/ Since you mentioned feeling deprived last time: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/no-thank-you-i-cant-have-a-cigarette/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-gave-up-smoking/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/resources-regarding-the-advantage-of-quitting-with-a-positive-attitude/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/some-people-wont-be-happy-until-they-relapse/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/intentional-relapses/ I am glad that you did not experience the ongoing depression this time around. Your attitude may have played a factor in this. At the same time though, I don't want people reading this who may be experiencing ongoing symptoms to automatically write them off to attitude issues and not seek help for ongoing problems. The following pages address this issue: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/when-you-may-really-need-to-talk-to-your-doctor-about-quitting-smoking/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/resources-regarding-mental-health-issues/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/will-this-get-better/ One extra resource I want to make people here aware of is the page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/resources-to-pass-along-to-health-professionals/
    2 points
  14. Did I get the booger off the end of my nose yet??
    2 points
  15. Here and exercising already :(
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Congratulations sweetheart...I'm so happy to share this fabulous day with you... It's great to see you here..the four year gang is solid....xxx
    1 point
  18. I am going on three months since I quit blackening my lungs. Most of the time I am OK but there are days and moments when I want one. The two things that keep me from doing it are - I have no cigarettes and do not feel like buying any. I know I would just be back to square one. Sometimes i worry about relapse because some people do. I cannot quite figure out WHY someone would relapse after months or years of not smoking. Oh sure if someone relapses during their first week or two, that is understandable cause the desire to smoke is still pretty strong. I guess we always have SOME level of desire but it weakens. For those who DO light up after so long, what is it like? I imagine it to be pleasant somehow, like the first hit off the first cig in a brand new pack. But more often than not, people report otherwise like it is gross. So which is it? I am not about to find out, just wondering.
    1 point
  19. Just because your city is shut down doesn't mean you can cheat... -11
    1 point
  20. -13 my whole city has shut down
    1 point
  21. I think what Jules said is probably the overwhelming feeling you would be left with. Crushing disappointment! I have never heard of a person relapsing and happy about it after the fact. Whether there is or isn't some momentary "pleasure" or dizziness in conjunction with that first drag is secondary to the sudden realization of what you have just done. Killed your quit and now have to start all over again I also think anyone who would do that never really quit smoking. They can abstain for long periods of time but eventually the lure of the cigarette reels them back into active addiction again. They never really understood and believed that this addiction does nothing good for you and only does harm because once you DO get that part of it, it's easy to turn your back on smoking for good.
    1 point
  22. Here but needs a vacation.
    1 point
  23. Seems strange, I think it would be awful, not the smoke, but the disappointment I would feel.
    1 point
  24. Congratulations ..youv,e nearly done a quarter of a year...massive achievement.. I carnt answer why some people test the water after some smoke free years ...I can only speak for myself.....this is a scarey thought.... We are addicts...there is no such thing as ....just one !!!!....no matter how long it' has been since your last one... At the moment ,the fear is still very fresh in my mind ..of having my two feet amputated.. This alone keeps me from romancing ... Living with a spouse with end stage emphysema ,is also a great reminder... What smoking does..and more... So to smoke that first one ..for me would be madness.... I can imagine through...how horrible it would be...that burning in the throat, dizziness..sick...yes very sick... After fighting for my freedom... Putting the ball and chain back around my ankle is something I carnt imagine doing ...I love my freedom ,and am very proud ...
    1 point
  25. Nice to meet you PeaceTrain. There are so many people who believe that they can never quit, and sadly the idea is perpetuated by so many in the tobacco control, the popular media and the medical community. It is shocking how many professionals believe that quitting is close to impossible for many smokers. The resources that I assembled on the page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/breaking-free-from-nicotines-grip-is-more-doable-than-most-people-think/ hit home the point that smokers can quit even if they don't believe the can. Also the page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-cant-quit-or-i-wont-quit/ is a good one for debunking the idea that people can't quit. One other page worth mentioning is http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/do-you-really-need-to-want-to-quit-more-than-you-want-to-smoke/. It touches on a peripheral issue that I think handicaps some people from starting or sustaining their quits. People here like you are doing a great service by sharing your experiences and insights. The page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/showing-others-that-there-is-life-without-smoking/ illustrates how everyone sharing their experiences are helping all who participate or just read here. Wishing you a happy new years too and know that it is likely to be a happier, healthier and calmer year by you continuing to stick to your personal commitment to never take another puff. Joel
    1 point
  26. Thrilling to see you here on the Quit Train, Joel. You are an iconic figure to me as I watched so many of your videos during the earlier part of my quit which made it so much easier to keep my quit and, as you famously say, “never take another puff.” I was one of those who believed I could never quit until I learned enough through you and others here to believe I can. And I did! Thanks ever so much for what you have given me and the quitting community. Best wishes in 2018 and beyond!
    1 point
  27. Glad to have been able to help Devil Doll. I'd write more but just getting ready to release a new video and have a few quick announcements I need to get out. Actually, here is the link to the new page with the video now: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/its-cold-outside-boy-do-i-need-a-cigarette/ I need to work out a protocol as to how to announce new videos here at Quittrain. For now you may be the first to see it since its first public announcement is here in a reply to you that I believe you are getting a notification for by me using your quote. As you can see from above, I am just getting used to this new system.
    1 point
  28. Welcome Joel. Thank you for all that you do. Your videos and knowledge helped me immensely.
    1 point
  29. Yes it does notify the poster that you have quoted them in a post you made. Here's the notification I got from you quoting me Joel Spitzer quoted you in a topic: Greetings from Joel Spitzer 35 minutes ago
    1 point
  30. I just figured out how to use the "quote" feature here. MQ wrote me yesterday to just hit the "Quote" function when wanting to respond, but for some reason I thought it meant hitting the "+" next to the "Quote" and nothing was happening. Now I got finally got it. Sorry for not getting these quotes into the responses that I did yesterday to these comments. Still getting to know the different functions on the board. When you use the quote feature, does it notify the person who was quoted that you have responded to their post?
    1 point
  31. Nice to see you here too ILikeTurtles. I believe we have had quite a few conversations through the YouTube comment section over the past year. Most people on that channel just ask a question or two or send a simple thank you. There are a few people though who are I have had more regular and ongoing conversations with--and I feel like you are in that category. Later I will go check through the comment section on the channel and remind myself what our major topics of our conversations were over there. Whatever they were, I hope that you found them all helpful. Look forward to seeing you around the board here now. Joel
    1 point
  32. Hi Joel! Welcome. I´ve been talking to you occasionally on youtube under the nickname "ILikeTurtles" ;´D I barely think of smoking anymore but back in 2016 i watched your videos a lot. Man, i was climbing walls, watching your videos and drinking cold water nonstop! :´D Thanks a lot for your materials and all the work you do. :´)
    1 point
  33. Here !!! Of course ....
    1 point
  34. Hello and Welcome Joel.. Between your good self and the folks here..I finally quit after 52 years of smoking... At the beginning i watched and listened day and night... Knowledge was my tool.... I am delighted to see you here...
    1 point
  35. Yes! Around 6 weeks in, I asked how soon I might expect to maybe, hopefully, no longer spontaneously bust out in tears. They said it could be ma while. Phfft!, not the answer I wanted, but at least I knew to expect curveballs now and then. Just having that info really helped me. So, I settled in and let it happen. Doing great! Keep the Quit!
    1 point
  36. Glad to have been able to help Sazerac. Don't give me too much credit for your success though--your work and your efforts is what made your quit successful. The page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-couldnt-have-done-it-without-you/ addresses this issue. Also, I think you will appreciate the page http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/quitting-smoking-can-be-a-very-lonely-experience/ Congratulations on your four years of freedom--and remember to keep the streak going is as simple now as remembering to never take another puff. Joel
    1 point
  37. Joel, I am delighted to see you have joined QTrain. You were instrumental in helping me quit smoking and deal honestly with my nicotine addiction. For this, I cannot thank you enough, Joel. Along with you, the truth, affection and camaraderie I found on QTrain has been essential in protecting my quit these last four years of freedom. Thank you, S
    1 point
  38. Welcome Joel !!! I am so glad to see that you have joined the forum. Cristóbal
    1 point
  39. I quit this year and have found your videos plus the support from members here a huge plus in my quitting tool-kit. Thanks!
    1 point
  40. It's a traditional time to of renewal. 2018 could be smoke free. A clean break.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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