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It's Boo,s Lido Eve !!!!


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Reminisce for a moment here - why March 9th as your quit day? 


There was no significance in my choosing March 9.  I had been thinking about quitting for months.  It was going to be a January 1 quit...that didn't work out.  There were several false starts in early 2016.  I'm an addict and every time I looked for an excuse to smoke, I found one.  Finally, the combination of smoking, procrastination, and self-loathing got to be a bit much and I decided it was time to either quit or resign myself to the fact that I was going to be a smoker until it killed me.  I had a decision to make, as my grandfather liked to say: "shit or get off the pot".


A year-ago today I decided March 9 would be the day.  It was either quit or commit to a life of smoking.  I smoked all day on March 8, 2016...even more than usual.  For an idea of how obsessive-compulsive I can be, I stepped out on my back deck at 11:50 p.m.  I smoked one quickly, then lit another.  And at 11:59 p.m. on March 8 I took two more long drags and extinguished it.  It all seems so stupid now, but made perfect sense at the time.

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Haha ... yeah; when you look back now seems odd I bet but at the time it was like "OMG I might never smoke again?" like that was a bad thing lol. Good job buddy! Great work. You should be really proud :good3:

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There was no significance in my choosing March 9.  I had been thinking about quitting for months.  It was going to be a January 1 quit...that didn't work out.  There were several false starts in early 2016.  I'm an addict and every time I looked for an excuse to smoke, I found one.  Finally, the combination of smoking, procrastination, and self-loathing got to be a bit much and I decided it was time to either quit or resign myself to the fact that I was going to be a smoker until it killed me.  I had a decision to make, as my grandfather liked to say: "shit or get off the pot".


A year-ago today I decided March 9 would be the day.  It was either quit or commit to a life of smoking.  I smoked all day on March 8, 2016...even more than usual.  For an idea of how obsessive-compulsive I can be, I stepped out on my back deck at 11:50 p.m.  I smoked one quickly, then lit another.  And at 11:59 p.m. on March 8 I took two more long drags and extinguished it.  It all seems so stupid now, but made perfect sense at the time.

And then you found us.....magic...xxx
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Haha ... yeah; when you look back now seems odd I bet but at the time it was like "OMG I might never smoke again?" like that was a bad thing lol. Good job buddy! Great work. You should be really proud :good3:


I certainly didn't enjoy smoking anymore yet there was some fear about not "getting to smoke" anymore.  Addiction and reason don't live in the same neighborhood.


And then you found us.....magic...xxx



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