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Cristóbal celebrates FOUR years


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     According to my trusty spies,

                     our friend,


                 celebrates his

               Fourth Year Free today.
            He was/is  an important voice  in my quit.
His post, Your Quit & Your Life still resonates with me.


       Congratulations Cristóbal



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Thank you very much Sazerac for posting this, it is nice to know that people have remembered my quit anniversary !!!


My wife quit a week after I did, so Mirian's anniversary is coming up this week, both of us are at 4 years.


About our quits...........



My wife Miriam cried and screamed almost every day for almost a month when she quit. She thought she was going to go crazy, she had a very difficult quit. She smoked a pack a day for about 10 years.


My quit was real easy - I just decided one morning to not smoke for one day.....and then one day became two days, then three days.....and now I am at 4 years. I have had only one quit in my life. I was amazed how easy it was to quit !!! I smoked for 30 years, for most of them about 2 packs a day...and I was one of those smokers who would say "If I quit smoking I am going to die !!!"


What is interesting to some of our friends, is that although our quits were opposite in difficulties, with time we both found ourselves at the same place:


Free of the addiction physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


For us, we both feel almost as if we never smoked, but our memories do remind us that we were smokers once, a long time ago. Still, with time we have moved forward in our lives away from this garbage. The longer you do not smoke, the more you realize what garbage it really is and destroys any romance for it that may be left. Smoking does not impact in any way our lives today, except that we both continue to support and educate others with their quits.


My wife does this with Facebook, and I do it occasionally in internet forums and more often in person.


It is important to emphasize, again, for people who are new and reading this, that we both feel completely free of the addiction. It went to sleep a long time ago and will continue to stay that way as long as we respect the "Law of Addiction" and do not ever put nicotine in any form into our bodies again. http://whyquit.com/joel/Joel_04_02_law_of_addiction.html


We were nicotine addicts when we smoked.


More importantly, we were smokers because we were nicotine addicts, and because our brains were permanently changed when we became nicotine addicts, we will continue to be nicotine addicts until the day we die. Because of this, we can NeverTakeAnotherPuff. (NTAP).


Internalizing these simple truths is enormously critical to all people who start their quits, and to all people who really want to keep their quits.


It really is this simple, and if you are struggling right now with your quit, realize that once you accept these truths is when you will make real progress to quit smoking just for today......and then what follows is the rest of your life.







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Congratulations Cristobal! You were still in your first year when I joined up, and I'll never forget how much you contributed to all of us. Especially the chat room you rigged for us when the one on the board was down.


Great to see you again.

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