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Nicole Diver

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There were so many things I *hated* about smoking.


I remember that I hated wondering if every cold was the big C (as info, I have not had a cold once since I quit a year and a half or so ago - some days I would think I was getting the beginning of a cold but it always went away quickly).


I hated wondering if any person that came near me could smell stale smoke.


I hated going to bed at night and wishing so much that the next morning I would wake up and the cravings would just magically be gone from my life.  (Well, guess what, you starve the crave a little while and that very thing happens, you wake up no longer physically wanting to smoke.  It's just the best feeling.)


What do you remember that you are so glad is no longer part of your life as a non smoker?

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There were so many things I *hated* about smoking.


I remember that I hated wondering if every cold was the big C




The Sarge still wonders.


You know who the second biggest population of preventable cancer is? We are. Us. Ex-smokers.


We don't get a pass on decade-on-top-of-decade of poison and long-term damage just because we recently quit, y'know?




Easy Peasy

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" I have not had a cold once since I quit a year and a half or so ago - some days I would think I was getting the beginning of a cold but it always went away quickly."




I remember, 

when I was a smoker,

my 'colds' would go quickly to Bronchitis and often not leave until Spring.

Always,  that deep,  horrible,  exhausting cough.


I had a wooden cooking spoon handy for my middle-of-the-night coughing fits,

and tap tap tap my upper back with the spoon

to help my lungs dislodge the gunk.

That wooden spoon lived on my bedside table.


I quit late last October with a 'cold' starting out,

that 'cold' never morphed into Bronchitis

and I haven't had a cold since !


Like you, Ava,

I may feel one knocking at my door but, in the morning I am fine.

Knock on Wood.


I was eating peanuts the other day

and one got caught in my throat,

a lot of coughing and throat clearing ensued...all was fine

but, it got me to wondering,  


When was the last time I coughed ?


I couldn't remember. 

When I was a smoker the last time could have been minutes, maybe some lucky hours or,  the last time I laughed.


Thanks, Ava,

good post.



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I remember smoking outside in blizzards!  I also remember the panic as to if I had enough cigs to last the night.  Crazy amounts of time were spent wondering if I had enough smokes to get by.   So happy to not have to think about that anymore.


Also, even though we are at a higher risk for smoking related disease as onetime smokers our risk factors go down tremendously once we quit and for each year we remain quit.

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I worked from home for the last several years so I didn't have to go outside to smoke. However, I do remember how much I hated being half-asleep at bedtime and dragging myself out of my nice warm house because I knew that I would run out of cigarettes in the morning. I always asked myself, "Which would you rather do, go out and get some cigarettes now or wait until you run out of cigarettes in the morning and have to get dressed to go buy some more?" Rock and a hard place.

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I remember on a family vacation going out to eat at a restaurant on the lake with a lot of deer, birds, and fish on the walls. One wall up high there was a big fish that someone put a cigarette in its mouth..at the time my daughter was three and proclaimed loudly Look its a momma fish! Okay it was funny..but not really...

My grandchildren will never refer to a fish as a grandma fish. My grandchildren will never know me as a smoking grandma! Ever!!

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I remember on a family vacation going out to eat at a restaurant on the lake with a lot of deer, birds, and fish on the walls. One wall up high there was a big fish that someone put a cigarette in its mouth..at the time my daughter was three and proclaimed loudly Look its a momma fish! Okay it was funny..but not really...

My grandchildren will never refer to a fish as a grandma fish. My grandchildren will never know me as a smoking grandma! Ever!!

So happy for you!

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I remember Milly telling me she had been picked on because she smelled of stale smoke! I still well up every time I think of it it! Never again baby girl.


I remember talking to people and thinking I hope my breath is ok...it wasn't, I know that talking to smokers now

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I remember not being the boss of me.


I remember wanting to arrive at the restaurant early so I could smoke a couple before dinner. I remember eating my appetiser quickly so I could get a cigarette in between courses. I remember dreading vacations because of long flights....


I remember being a slave.

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