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My name is Geri and tomorrow is my quit date. I have been smoking for a *very* long time.

I chose tomorrow's date about a month ago. I had to get through some events that would be almost impossible to do smoke free and tomorrow is my big day.  I've quit smoking two other times in the past 36 years and both of those were due to pregnancy. I was successful both of those times by hiding in my house and not leaving for several days because I knew if I went out into the world where cigarettes were available, I would not stop myself from buying a pack. 

Wish me luck!  For some reason, I feel ready to do it now as I've never really wanted to stop smoking before, I enjoy smoking...a lot.  I'm having a big last hurrah with my usual smoking triggers.  Sitting in my regular smoking spot, drinking big cups of hot tea and surfing the internet.  I'm terrified but oddly resigned.  I will be able to get past the first couple of days merely by not having any access to any cigarettes even if I wanted one, but worry about having the strength to refrain when I have to go back to reality and leave my house.


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Welcome!  You don't need luck, just determination!   Quitting smoking is a process but the key is to stick to NOPE (not one puff ever) no matter what.  If you feel like you want to smoke come here and talk it out with us.  There is tons of experience on this site and everyone of us knows what you're going through.  


Glad you have you on the QT with us!

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Welcome Geri,

Quitting smoking is the best decision you will ever make.

I found that the anticipation of quitting was more stressful than quitting.

Read everything here and post often to let us know how you are doing.

You can do this and we will be here to help.

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Thanks for the quick encouragement.  It's comforting to know I can share my daily milestones and trouble spots and chat with people who get it.  I'm sure I'll have something witty to say tomorrow about an hour after I wake up.  :D

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Hi geri...

A huge welcome aboard....I also smoked a long time...but it's sooo doable...

Read all the stuff here ,understand this addiction....learn why we are hooked....and what keeps us hooked so long...

Allen Carr easy way to stop smoking...is a great book....he has helped so many....

Stay close to the board,support is also important....you can do this....


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Nice to meet you, Geri!  I like your avatar! :)


Looking forward to getting to know you better, and to watch your quit grow - you can do this, and we can help!  Stay close to the board, and post as often as you need to!  there are some great distractions here when times get tough!

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Good Morning,


I've been awake for about six hours and I haven't had a cigarette.  I feel like someone at an AA meeting like you see on TV.  My name is Geri and I haven't had a cigarette in 14 hours.  


I was planning to hide in bed all day but didn't factor in the cats desire for breakfast.  Isn't it funny how four people live in this house and only one of them can be counted on to keep the cats alive?


I've decided to avoid my usual three cups of tea in the morning as it would be painful without cigarettes so I poured myself a glass of iced tea and went back to my bedroom.  The first hour was OK.  It was like my body was patiently waiting for me get around to having a cigarette.  Around the second hour I had to consciously tell myself to close my eyes and breathe.  I had a bit of a mini breakdown around hour four where I yelled at my husband for not being supportive enough (where he was actually just laying low to stay out of my way).  I just had a small milestone, I ate something for the first time.  The cravings after I ate were not as bad as I had thought they'd be.  Maybe it will be worse when I'm not lying in bed and hiding. 


I guess I'll call them cravings but they're more like little feelings that come on almost immediately.  It's like I'm sitting here typing this and am not thinking about smoking at all because I"m distracted with something else and then this feeling washes over me, a longing, like in the space of less than a second I can envision what it would feel like to light a cigarette and take a puff, the feeling of inhaling it and the immediate feeling of happiness and relaxation that will wash over me.  (I know it's not real happiness and relaxation, but it feels like it.)  It's surprising me that it's more like an immediate and out of the blue feeling rather than a ongoing, building pressure.  I guess I thought it would feel more like an ongoing day of misery. 


I'm finding myself agitated and prone to screaming without much provocation.  I've watched all the back episodes of survivor on the dvr.  It looks very nice and sunny outside.  I'm closing my eyes and breathing deep and it makes the gripping tension go away.

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are some helpful hints from all of us 

about what helped us through the initial shock  :) . 

Be Kind to yourself and post often.



education about your addiction is essential to a successful quit.


and don't forget, we are cheering you on !

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Morning Geri!


What a great day. Your first day of freedom.


When a craving comes, breath. think calmly. Talk to your craving. See what happens if you just ignore it.






NOBODY ever died from a craving. One or two have not done so well from smoking.


Keep reading Geri - Keep posting. You have got this.


Well done you!

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