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That's a tough one @Kdad!


All I can say is when you think your world is falling apart, work on things that you and you alone can control ... like quitting smoking!


You have obviously realized smoking again was not the answer you were seeking so get rid of it. Hang in here and let other quitters help support you in your effort to quit once again! Cigarettes offer nothing positive for you going forward!


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@Kdad, sorry to hear about your divorce and relapse. I agree with Reciprocity. Plus there's nothing better than improving yourself to an ex who probably expected you would start smoking again right?!

I'm glad you're back, let's get you your forever quit :)

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Sorry you relapsed kdad, that really sucks. How did u feel when u first lit up and how do u feel now? May help to remember those feelings and also help us newbies be reminded to not cave. You got this, even though life may feel crummy right now ❤️

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Hello Kdad, I remember you from a few years back. Sorry to hear you divorced - and  relapsed. I did too, took me a good 2,5 years to pick myself back up again.  Must be a difficult time for you atm. 

Wishing you all the best, and let us know how we can help you! I for one know that you can do it all over again!  

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Sorry to hear that you are going through hard times, @Kdad, but I’m glad you came back here for support. 

The thing with smoking (and other addictions) is that they are demoralizing, isolating, and they erode our self esteem. You don’t need all of that junk that when coping with the loss of a relationship!

So saddle up and re-start that quit. It will be hard at first but will ultimately help you feel better. You are not alone, we are here to help you!

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I know the struggle is harsh, but none of that bargaining needs to be going on. You get that first day done, reward yourself HANDSOMELY because you’ve earned it and then you move on to day two. You’ve got this. 

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I know it’s tough, but the only way to break free is to take smoking off the table, @Kdad. No negotiation, no bargaining, no increments. There are a million things you can do to manage your restlessness and cravings - keep distracting yourself. You know that quitting gets easier with time, you just need to stand tough to make it through those first few days.  Give yourself that gift!

Edited by DenaliBlues
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I never cared for the stuff myself but that was decades ago the only time I tried it and it was very hard to chew and tasted bad to me but hey; if it helps you through the early days then no harm in giving it a try.


Just know that whatever quit aids you might try, you'll have to wean yourself off those at some point in the future but some people feel that it's easier to have some aid product in the early days then wean off it later when confidence is higher. In the end there's no magic product that will take away the hard work we all have to do in order to quit successfully long term. No short cuts there but as I said before, some find it helpful to use nicotine replacement products early on in their quit.


Many roads lead to Rome. Doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you get there!


Edited by Reciprocity
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You know the drill, stay strong. Stress for me was, and still is when I am my weakest. Find your power and move on to the next moment.

Sounds like your in the grips of it, fall back on what you already know to be true, suckin on those butt's are just that! and a no-win situation that is just there to pull our happiness and

turn it into anger, despair and a whole room full of negatives...


Keep POSITIVE and keep the faith that things will get better.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, Kdad,


I just logged in after not being here for about a half year or so. I am sorry to hear about your divorce and that you relapsed to smoking because of how this awful life event is affecting you. Noone can blame you for wanting a pick me up, and nicotine is a short term pick 

me up.


Even while you feel bad about restarting, remember that you quit before, and you can quit again. Remember that!


Even if you dont yet feel strong enough to quit again, make a decision for yourself how many breaths, and how much money, you are willing to give over to smoking this go-around. Set yourself a limit, and stick to it. Once you have reached that limit, use everything in your arsenal to quit again! And stay on the train, and do your due diligence, smoking education, etc. 


I am so sorry you are going through a divorce. It's extremely difficult challening phase of life.


You can quit again. Make it sooner than later, for breath's sake. All the best and good luck with everything.


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  • 3 months later...

Happy New Year, Quit Train!


Hey Kdad,


just checkin in how u r doing...see if you're sick of dem stogies again yet...Hope all is better on your side...

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