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5 months..Was it easy?

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So, I quit 5 months ago.


Look understand this, I smoked properly. A couple of packs a day, an attitude that says, "live life, be happy".


To me, quitting smoking was about admitting that mortality might actually apply to me.


I'll be honest. I am a lot more fun than your partner.


But you are far better going home with your partner, they are better looking and better partner material than me.


I quit, because my beautiful wife said, "what will I do if you die first?"


I have responsibilities. Therefore I will quit.




On account of my massive ego, I now feel obliged.


So, I quit.


I read the book, the EasyWay. I quit on vacation. I made a simple decision, I will not smoke when I wake up. I didn't.


Did I get craves? Yep. But then I always got craves. The cigarette caused a crave.


When I read posts saying, this is easy...I was furious! it's not Effing easy I screamed!


It isn't.


But actually, it kind of is. Do not Smoke. That is it.


There are people that post here, that I would fight for. There are one or two that I would die for;


After 5 months...you can all do it. This fat bloke in a skirt guarantees it.

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I quit, because my beautiful wife said, "what will I do if you die first?"


I have responsibilities. Therefore I will quit.



I love this statement. Very powerful. 


I didn't want to quit when I started this a year and a half ago.  Honestly, I thought if I did want to, I could quit anytime I wanted.  It wasn't until my son asked me to quit that I basically said "fine, I'll quit."  I really thought I would just quit long enough to satisy his little demand and then start back up again.  I had no clue. 


But I have a responsibility to him and my daughter.  I owe them this.  I owe myself this.  I love them enough to love myself more.  And sometimes that's all it takes.  One question by someone we cherish to make us see the light. 


I am so proud of you El Bandito man.  You have done awesome !!! 

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Stu dear friend......you said it so perfectly.......

Your wife is a lucky lady......selfish folk don't care what happens to the ones left behind.....

Although my quit is a wee bit longer,you inspired me to fight on when you joined the board......



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Cross dressing sorry golf ball chasing window licking rocket surgeon finally said something smarter than a cat.


But I think the mrs was just wishful thinking out loud. She got dancing shoes hidden and probably a car in mind with the insurance.


Good job queen of Scotland

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Cross dressing sorry golf ball chasing window licking rocket surgeon finally said something smarter than a cat.

But I think the mrs was just wishful thinking out loud. She got dancing shoes hidden and probably a car in mind with the insurance.

Good job queen of Scotland

Logically, given an infinite amount of time even a cat will type a Shakespeare sonnet eventually...

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Good on Mrs El B for saying something that made you think :)


Those constant craves were mad weren't they! All day every day, thinking about your next cigarette. No wonder I got so little done, mentally exhausting!


So pleased you have 5 fabulous months of freedom my friend!



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