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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Test completed. Anonymous users are anonymous and only you can see your name. Thank you rixcz and MQ for fixing this. And thanks too for bringing back the online users list because I've always enjoyed seeing what topics others are viewing. It's a great way to find old topics not yet read
  2. jillar

    True or False

    Capital letter TRUE TNP hangs their toilet paper over and not under
  3. My name shows too saz, not sure though if only I can see it or everyone. Let me know when your on and we can test it to see if we see each other
  4. jillar

    True or False

    Yes, but years ago. My dad made us stilts lol TNP has had a dirt bike or atv
  5. Hi Diane, to be honest, my whole first year sucked. BUT, I was my own worse enemy. Like Nancy said, once you realize smoking offers nothing positive, you'll have a much easier time. I see that you're quit date is July 11? So you already have three days under your belt. That's half way through what we call hell week. The name speaks for itself.... It's not going to be easy but it is doable, IF you truly are ready to quit......
  6. I've done it for so long now that can you believe I can't remember what made me start?
  7. jillar

    when will i feel good

    Richard all of that is normal for the first two or three months. But I promise you you will feel better soon. Think of it as a reminder for if you ever think about relapsing. You can remember how sucky these first months were so you don't have to go through them again! I used to read my posts every monthaversary just so I wouldn't forget where I came from. And let me tell you, I had awful quit stuff going on. My gums bled, my tongue hurt, I couldn't sleep for weeks, it was horrible. But reading that each month reminded me that no way did I want to go through that again! At 54 days you'll soon start seeing the great benefits instead of the bad effects. Heck you've already seen one by getting off the alprazolam
  8. Congratulations on four years onthemark, hope you're doing well
  9. Congratulations on a half a year quit Solo, you should be so proud of yourself
  10. Congratulations Koder, that's a great quit!
  11. Sounds like a fun day @Rozuki, enjoy
  12. I've got a leg up on him
  13. You don't have a leg to stand on
  14. Congratulations on 4 months Lilly, you're doing great! We'd love to hear how you're settling in with your move
  15. You're going to succeed Diane, between the chantix and us for support you got this Enjoy your girl time
  16. Congratulations on 7 years smoke free babs, I hope you have a great day
  17. Bring the outside in
  18. Yea, a bunch of us have. Welcome back Mona, glad you're back to quitting
  19. Hey @MichelleDoesntSmokeAnymore, how are you doing today?
  20. Yes @Wayne045, the dreams were the best part about taking chantix, loved them!
  21. Hope your results are good @reciprocity, I think no news is good news so I'm thinking the best for you Yes, we b.b.que the bacon wrapped pineapple. We use the pineapple chunks and then cut the strips of bacon into thirds and wrap each chunk of pineapple then throw it on the grill until the bacon is cooked. So freaking good! Just make sure not to overlap the bacon, that's why we cut into thirds, no one likes raw bacon

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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