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Breathless57 is 1 Month Smoke Free today!!


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Wow - you made it B57!!! 1 Month without smoking. How does that feel? You have been a silent but busy and focused quitter here on this board. Your daily nope pledges have been a constant and you have just been busy realizing your dream of being a non-smoker. You have taken on the nicomonster and beaten him back thus far. We are very proud of you as you should be too!!


Here's part of what you said in your introduction:

There are so many reasons why I no longer want to be a smoker.  There are the obvious: My health, cost, disgusting smell, it takes up my time, it is no longer socially acceptable, it’s a bad example for my grandkids, and it controls my life.  I want my car and home to smell good and fresh.  I want my hair/body/breath to smell good.  I want my clothes and purse to smell good.  I am tired of wasting money.  I don’t want to keep poisoning myself.  I want to breath better and not get sick so often.  I don’t want it interfering with where I go and who I hang around.  I don’t want to stress out because I am running low on cigarettes.  I don’t want it to be a barrier regarding how close I let people get to me because I am afraid they will smell it.  I want to have more energy, stamina and ability to do the things I want to do.  I want to control my own life and I want to say goodbye to my fake friend.


You are well on your way to being smoke fee for life. Just protect what you have built so far and you'll be fine. Be sure to reward your hard work then push forward to enjoy even more time as a non smoker :)t4zngj.jpg

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Congratulations Breathless. Every day will get just a little easier as you encounter new situations that used to trigger you to smoke. You will continue to learn how to deal with these triggers and therefore get stronger in your quit. Just keep doing what you are doing. You doing great!

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Thank you everyone.  I did make it through the first month and I am moving forward.  It has been difficult at times and I have been reaching for one a lot more the last of the month than I did the first.  Weird.  I guess it just shows me I won't be completely free of this monster for until a year or two passes.  I will keep pushing forward.

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^^^ I think you'll find that urge to reach for one will become weaker and weaker in the next month or so. At least things should be more manageable now. Just stay on guard particularly when some unexpected life issue arises. That's when the addiction will try and lure you back but you're stronger than that now so carry on :)

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