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What´s the deal with vaping?

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Hey guys, question. My sister is now "not smoking" but vaping with one of those e-cigs. Is it as dangerous as smoking? What´s with it? I think she´s still an addict because the liquid has nicotine (and I said so and we got in an argument. Ooops).  But apparently there are also nicotine free vapers? 

Can anyone help me figure this out?



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Google it.   :)


You can vape with Nicotine and without Nicotine.


You can quit smoking cigs and just vape Nicotine


You can quit smoking and Nicotine and just vape flavour.


You can quit smoking, Nicotine, and vaping too.


This is my freedom.


Who knows how safe they are.  Like I cared.


I liked them in addition to smoking cigs  because I could really amp up my Nicotine levels.


I am a Nicotine Addict.   :(

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Natalie, vaping (i.e., e-cigarettes) is a complex and controversial topic.


As you discovered for yourself, you can "vape" nicotine or non-nicotine liquids. One problem is who is making these liquids and in which country? What are the ingredients? What are the quality controls? Are they deliberately adding addictive substances to their e-cig liquids? Questions like that. 


Another issue is safety. Is it safe to be inhaling ANYTHING into your lungs all the time? And some e-cigs put out what is essentially steam-- what damage will result from constantly burning delicate tissues with steam? Are the supposedly "non-toxic" ingredients like ethylene glycol really not toxic when repeatedly inhaled? Questions like that.


And, finally, what is the purpose of vaping? It was originally conceived as a way to help people quit smoking. Use e-cigs to help you cut down on cigarettes and then go off the e-cigs. But then people started switching to e-cigs INSTEAD of smoking (with no intention of ever quitting vaping) as a way to circumvent anti-smoking laws. And now big tobacco companies are buying up the e-cig companies and actually trying to get people to use (and become addicted to) e-cigs. Some people say that the tobacco companies are marketing vaping especially to children and young people to get decades of profits from their addiction.  


I, personally, tried e-cigs 3 or 4 years ago to help me quit smoking. They did work in that I was able to cut down on my cigarettes a lot. However, the steam and/or the chemicals burned my throat and caused me to have severe asthma attacks in the middle of the night (I don't have asthma--that was specifically due to the e-cigs). So I stopped the vaping. 

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I did it a little throughout the year before I quit. It made my lungs feel like they were being coated with a film of oil. Finally I had enough of it all and went Cold Turkey. Best descion I ever made. 



Nat, don't let your mind wander and get you in trouble. Stay focused on Your Quit. NOPE NOPE NOPE !!!!

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Hi Nat, it is a difficult subject to discuss, because there are so many unknows! There are some people here who used them to help quit, and others


I was just thinking the other day about the regulation and safety of then, when I saw some e-liquid in a £1 store on Saturday!


Anyway, I think you've got a great quit going, and I think that you will be a great influence for your sister to follow :)


Big hug :)

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I tried an e cig, and it made me wanna smoke. I know some utter beauties here that did the e cig/vape route and used it to quit, some on this site.


I'm gonna say I think it's better then smoking a cig. I dunno what's in them but what's in a cigarette scares me silly now and I truly believe it's better then that. With a cut down plan in my mind it's just another form of NRT, al be it, a less tested one...but someone had to guinea pig patches/gum etc and still better then smoking.


I buy into any effort to kick nicotine apart from gradual withdrawal cause that is pretty awfulfrom my experience. Support her Nat and show her nicotine free is not as scary as it seems. If she has a plan, back it up. I had many a practise quit but it's all good now, I got this. Sounds like you do too and I'm super pleased for you. If she needs a crutch then so be it. xx

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In the best case scenario, let's assume it's as safe as any other NRT (which is far from being proven).  It should only be used as an NRT and not to replace smoking.  Just as someone is using nicotine gum or patches, they should be used for the short-term with the intent of getting completely free of nicotine.


Using the same drug to get off the drug you're addicted to is only prolonging and dragging out the withdrawal process.  For some smokers NRT works wonders and they are happy non-smokers while for others it keeps them chained to the addiction and they suffer and struggle.  Many members here have used NRT and have just as strong quits going as those who didn't use it.

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this is always a hotly debated subject between me and my brother-in-law..i quit smoking 10 months ago....when anyone congratulates me, he is quick to point out that HE quit smoking 1 1/2 years ago......he is casually making that statement while sucking vapor into his lungs ....and no...he hasn't stopped the nicotine..he still uses "juice" with 18mg nicotine....but...(according to him)..he quit smoking, and has no intentions of quitting vaping because he likes the flavor and without the tars and other chemicals cigarettes have, they are completely safe (his words)...sounds to me like his addiction is still controlling him....he doesn't agree with me..


anyhow...I REALLY think something should be done to stop the production and use of these devices...its just another way to get kids (and adults) addicted to nicotine....if ..for some reason my BIL cant get his "juice"...I guarantee he will by a pack of cigarettes when the addiction comes knocking and he has no way to quiet it down  :( ..so what did he quit?...


its like the drug addict that snorts it instead of shooting it up because its safer that way...in the end, it doesnt matter...he justifies what he does so he can get his "fix" with less guilt..



As you can tell, I am not a fan of vaping..I suppose if it was used as a NRT ..well..maybe, but ...so far, anyone I have met that vapes, has no intention of quitting...its just another addiction

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How many crack addicts get drug free by switching to snorting their drug of choice?


Why complicate things?


If you're quitting, then quit.


You don't need that other shit and it won't make your quit magical.


Just manage your quit as is without introducing complications.


If you don't, you'll soon wish you did.




Easy Peasy

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I had hoped the vape pipe would have been a cigarette replacement but alas, it just didn't have a satisfying lung hit. I'm not the type to settle for cheap imitations; had to go ahead and suffer through a real quit. Watching smokers smoke gives me a giggle but watching

vapers vaping makes me feel embarrased for them. "Have you no self esteem?" Bwahahaha.


Okay, I'll admit to it - a bit of self righteous "quit" ego stroking feels damn good sometimes.

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:dash2:  :dash2: My Favorite fight topic........To me all vaping is good for to brainwash addicts into thinking they're kicking their habit when all they are doing is switching delivery systems. I'M thankful my heart dr. didn't suggest vaping but instead forced me to quit cause I bet I'd be a hard core vappar instead of Queen of Freedom. Also I think I have that COPD so why in the hell would I want to coat my lungs with slime. :dash2:  :dash2: 

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Vaping...I think that all of the points above have merit. I believe lots is not known about Vaping and regulation is light.


Obviously no company would try to profit by selling stuff that was addictive if there was any risk that it might harm you..


.oh wait.


I am not a virulent anti-vaper, but my concern is that those people that use it instead of quitting rather than as a part of a quitting process are reinforcing the idea that self administering nicotine is in some way pleasurable.


It is only pleasurable in so far as it relieves the withdrawal symptom that it creates. Stop doing it, and there will be no withdrawal and therefore no pleasure in doing it again.


I understand that people have found Vaping an effective tool in quitting smoking. Fair play to them. Good work.


If a youngster close to you (family, friend) whatever, came home from school and announced. "Hey. I'm Vaping now. A bottle a week. It's great." Would you be happy? I think that I would be unhappy.


An addictive substance + marketing is, to me, slavery. The addict becomes completely reliant on the seller.


It may be that the companies that own the Vaping companies are benevolent, only interested in making a fair profit for a harmless product. But given that increasingly these companies are companies that remain engaged in selling cigarettes, it would be my suspicion that the leopard has not changed its spots, and that the profit motive trumps all.


Nicotine kills weeds.


But apparently, sucking it in as a vapour multiple times a day for years does no harm.



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Nicotine kills weeds.


Pedantic Correction: Nicotine kills bugs.


It's *IN* weeds (some would argue it evolved specifically to f*ck with the bug populations)


It's a pesticide, not a herbicide


But ... Yeah: what he said.



Easy Peasy

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People also mistake the reduction in coughing when they switch to vaping as it being les harmfull. Problem is it's the nicotine that beats the hell out of the cardiovascular system as well as the cillia in the lungs. Getting away from the tar in cigarettes is a minor deal if one is still using a nic juice.


Vaping is for sissies anyway. :lol:

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  • 4 years later...

I know this is an old thread but I'm replying anyway 🙂 I vaped for three years before this latest quit and loved it. The scary thing is though that its a recent enough "invention" that there hasn't been enough research on its effects. My personal opinion is that even if you vape 0 nicotine juice, you are still inhaling the vapor from the juice, which can't be good. And we don't know the long term effects of vaping. I have heard that popcorn lung is a consequence. My grandfather had that and it sounded terrible. I had the popcorn sound now and then when I was smoking. With vaping you lose the smokers cough and the rattling and wheezing and I think thats why some people think its safer than smoking. I'm so glad I am quitting. 

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