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Wish I found this site ten minutes ago. Quit for 24 hr then fell prey to loneliness which triggered me to light up. Usually smoke 1.5-2 pack per day. Its not a nicotine craving that gets me to light up after having quit a day or more. Its feeling lonely. I will try again Monday when I have my work routine start up. I have no issue not smoking at work or being out of the house but in the house facing the weekend is truly tough. Next time I have the urge,  once I quit again Monday I'll SOS here.( I'm hoping / seeking a live chat support site where I know I can recieve a reply in my weak moments.) 

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Welcome Mel and congratulations on your decision to quit.


Sorry you had a set back this time but it is great to see you planning to get back in and quit again so soon.


SOS here is supper supportive and most of the time people will respond really quickly. Its good because we have people from all over the world so time wise there is usually a few floating around at any given moment.


So between now and Monday when you quit again check out some of the videos and articles or even threads in the quit boards. The more knowledge you have about how nicotine addiction works the more successful you will be. Knowledge is power.


Its tough when you feel lonely and like smoking is your friend. Trust me I was one of those smokers too. I used them to fill an emotional void and 'spare' time... or dead air moments. BUT none of that was true. Never felt like my life was this full until I quit.

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Welcome Mel and congratulations on deciding to take back your life. Don't let the addiction trick you into thinking you smoked because of loneliness. It will use any excuse it can to get that nicotine back into your body. 

Luckily you found us :) You can't be lonely here because we have lots of stuff to do be it reading about addiction or playing games in the social section. And those are just a couple. Plus like jo said, you will meet people from all over the world who are just as invested in your quit as you are. 

So I'm sorry you caved to your crave and looking forward to taking your journey to freedom with you :) 

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Welcome aboard, Mel.


The weekends were toughest for me to stay quit too, early on, but with education and support, you can quit smoking for good.  You can get both here.  Read up on nicotine addiction and reach out whenever you need help.  You will be doing a great thing by quitting smoking.

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I too would like to welcome you Mel :) Please do read all you can here and watch some videos as well (there's a whole page for those here). Helps pass the time and, will give you some very useful information about this addiction. As Jillar said, this nicotine addiction will use any weakness we have (loneliness included) to lure us back to feeding it. Our addiction to nicotine can't feed itself. It needs us to do that and we become literally slaves to this addiction. It's only when we make that personal commitment to say NO MORE that we can take our lives back. Have a look around this site and read all you can. I think you'll see we are all the same here. Nicotine addicts supporting each other while we turn our backs on this horrible addiction.


In particular, have a look at the daily NOPE page. This is where we all make a daily pledge of NOPE (Not One Puff Ever). This is at the crux of what quitting is. Never take another puff and you'll be free :) 

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Welcome @Mel!! 

Yes, please, circle Monday with a big red circle and get excited!!

Make a quit list of all the reasons you want to quit, and put yourself at the top! You. You are the most important part of the quit. Your mindset and commitment will determine how easy/hard it will be.

Get your snacks, and distractions, start reading all about nicotine addiction and the changes its made to your mind and body.

Education is a very important part. A blind quit is like building a house from the roof down...it won't have a leg to stand on, but an educated quit will stand on a firm foundation.

Hope to hear from you on Monday Mel!!


Edited by c9jane29
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Welcome aboard Mel...

Spend the weekend reading all the info here ,and watch all joels video,s...

You won't have to feel alone anymore...there is a train full of folks to support you through your journey....

Looking forward to getting to know you better....

Quitting is so doable....

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Hello and welcome aboard Mel, glad to have you along on this journey.  This site can be so helpful in many ways, it truly helped me get my quit going and staying on track.  Make a firm commitment and have a good understanding of that when Monday comes around, you can do this....

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