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Right now I'm wondering about the hands and feet thing. 


So the app on my phone says after 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease and your hands and feet are warmer. 


This really did happen but it got me thinking. Why were my feet warm on the night I quit, but they never warmed up 20 minutes after getting into bed every other night before ?

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Just got home, shoes (bra too) off!!

Have to wait 2 days for the Dr. to call (but I bet he will tomorrow)

Her clip is preforming perfectly, ASD fully closed, VSD only 5mm!! 

I'm so happy and so grateful that I can finally stop my own guilt and rubbing salt in this open wound of self-hatered I've carried so long now!!

Glitter for EVERYBODY!!


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8 minutes ago, c9jane29 said:

Her clip is preforming perfectly, ASD fully closed, VSD only 5mm!! 

I'm so happy and so grateful that I can finally stop my own guilt and rubbing salt in this open wound of self-hatered I've carried so long now!!

Glitter for EVERYBODY!!

Oh Jane, I am so grateful your news was good.  Quit beating yourself up.  I don't know why you blame yourself but I truly believe that God gives us difficulties for reasons.  They build our characters and make us stronger, better people.  I have only known you for a short time but you are spectacular.  

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What splendid news, Jane.  I am so glad about your daughter's heart

and I am happy that you will use this time to heal yourself from guilt.

Guilt serves nothing and nobody, you know,

but, hard to put aside.

Now, you can free yourself and cover the world in guilt free glitter.


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39 minutes ago, Linda Thomas said:

I don't know why you blame yourself

I smoked everyday of my pregnancies...all 4 of them, like this couldn't happen to me. It does happen and it's devestating. 

I have never talked about this. I needed to feel the conviction, embarassment, and guilt...I had to own it; live in those emotions (just like I said to you) to heal.

Now, we are healing❤️ 

Thank y'all for your support...I will not forget it.


New subject tho because in my own mess I never asked @Sazerac how was the wedding? 

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22 minutes ago, c9jane29 said:

I have never talked about this. I needed to feel the conviction, embarassment, and guilt...I had to own it; live in those emotions (just like I said to you) to heal.

Now, we are healing❤️

@c9jane29  I also smoked during my pregnancies.  I understand your guilt.  Both my children were extremely low birth weights.  So glad you are finally starting to heal.❤️

Yes, I too would love to hear about that wedding.  I was hoping for pictures of the beautiful bride and her mom!

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On 10/30/2018 at 7:46 PM, notsmokinjo said:


Oh you have left so many openings there for a Reci comeback.... I need to watch this space.....

Actually. that's a snow clearing train car used in Northern Ontario to clear 10 foot snowdrifts from the tracks in more remote regions during winter otherwise, nothing is getting back and forth from east to west and back again.



Other version of the same thing.



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You and me both! Don't come to Canada in winter - that's for sure. Last year around New Years Day, temps were hovering around -40 C at night. When it's that cold, you can't breath through your nose because your nostrils just stick together. Breathing through your mouth hurts because too much cold air is getting into your lungs all at once. There's no upside at -40C :38_worried:

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6 minutes ago, reciprocity said:

You and me both! Don't come to Canada in winter - that's for sure. Last year around New Years Day, temps were hovering around -40 C at night. When it's that cold, you can't breath through your nose because your nostrils just stick together. Breathing through your mouth hurts because too much cold air is getting into your lungs all at once. There's no upside at -40C :38_worried:


I had to read that twice to make sure it definitely said minus 40 ??


We come to a complete standstill if we get an inch of snow ??? Public transport stops running, heating systems break down, supermarket shelves get emptier and you realise that winter coat you bought really isn't a winter coat. 


Crossing Canada off my "places I'd like to see" list.


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18 minutes ago, Lilly said:


I had to read that twice to make sure it definitely said minus 40 ??


We come to a complete standstill if we get an inch of snow ??? Public transport stops running, heating systems break down, supermarket shelves get emptier and you realise that winter coat you bought really isn't a winter coat. 


Crossing Canada off my "places I'd like to see" list.


You will be OK to come in summer (June -Sept.) as the temps will be in the +30 range. 

Just don't come in winter if you don't like cold and lots of snow :) 


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1. Woohoo Jane, that is awesome news... super, dooper wonderful..... OK I get the mumma guilt... I blame myself for heaps of stuff with the kid... so if it helps... I quit smoking when I was pregnant and until I stopped breastfeeding... My daughter had her first hospitalisation for bronchial asthma at 3 months old... she was still breastfed so she wasn't around smoke or smokers.... middle of the night, ambulance, the works.... so here I was doing what I thought was the right thing and I have a child with asthma so bad she spent at least 6 weeks a year for the first 8 years of her life having hospital sleep overs because the asthma was so bad... didn't smoke when preggas... did when I wasn't.... but I smoked outside and not near her..... she tells me a couple of months ago she is so happy I don't smoke anymore because the smell used to make her lungs tight and coughy all the time. This is the first winter of her life she has not had a hospital visit for her asthma.... so I totally understand what you are saying.... but not smoking when pregnant didn't help in our situation at all.


2. I have seen snow 5 times in my life, when I went to the snow fields and a lot of the 'snow' there was man made.... if I added all the nights in Melbourne that the weather went below 0 together I still wouldn't get -40C for our whole winter... tonight, and its still spring, we are expecting a low of 23C after a high today of 33C.... it is currently 5.40pm and it is still over 30... taking the dogs for a walk to the park for some BBQ snags.... love all our parks have BBQ's onsite... the kid wants to swing into the river but it will depend if the snake signs are up or not.


3. I am really here to post half a dozen woohoos... just wanted to check on Jane's glitter baby news... very happy it is so good.... now off to post the first of the month half dozen... well ok I exaggerated, its only 5

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