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AceWhite last won the day on June 28 2022

AceWhite had the most liked content!


About AceWhite

  • Birthday October 29

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  • Location
    OC So Cal
  • Interests
    Off roading- motorcycles- anything water related- hunting- camping- triathlon
  • Quit Date

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  1. Puck Eaters- my beer league hockey team- made State Finals lol We play for the glory first weekend of June Training hard- need a new beer bong
  2. 99.9% of media is crap- As for election deniers? No way Newsome won that re-election Seriously
  3. Awesome 2 years Katgirl & super congrats with getting married!!! We started our quit journey about the same time- what an awesome feeling to live smoke free
  4. congrats and thank you for your support!!!!
  5. I smile from my quit knowing I have the power and learned to exercise it Lesson?- if I can quit the smoking addiction then I can do anything I set my mind to Smiles to all!!
  6. So awesome to live smoke free- what a blessing it is! Thank you to everyone for the priceless support
  7. Hi Darcy. I was scared to quit also. I had established such a love/ hate relationship with smoking and I wasn't sure how to deal with withdrawal. Good news is I didn't think about it anymore- I just did it. And kept doing it. Times were tough on occasion, but overall it was very doable and I kick myself for not trying sooner. Bottom line? Just do it- don't overthink
  8. this thread all about? If I had my way
  9. When my son was 4 I bought him ice hockey skates. We would go to the ice rink on Sunday mornings at 5 am before anyone was there so he could slap at pucks & dad didn't have to worry about him getting run over by other skaters. He eventually got pretty good and traveled the US with a Jr team. Fast forward 24 years from those early cold mornings and we're playing on the same beer league team. Nothing beats feeding your kid an outlet pass for a breakaway score. Father/ son time Absolutely priceless Life is beautiful- God is good
  10. 2. somebody finding out ..........

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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