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Found 5 results

  1. I am riding my recumbant as we speak :) gonna go for a total of an hour than do some squats, lunges both with weights and some lateral rows, bicep curls and others two times round of 15 maybe some girly push ups also lol and a plank or two
  2. So its been a while and the exercise thread seems a bit quiet, so who is doing what lately? Our latest fitness routine apart from walking lots of dogs is a new weight bench and punch bag, I must have gone soft over the years as it hurts like hell punching that thing, even with gloves!
  3. In 2014, I decided to take control of my life - and quit smoking. I am far from complacent - as I know that "only the vigilant quit endures" - but I feel confident. Early in the quit, I developed some coping strategies for craves - one of which was a lot of walking (much to the Dog's delight!) This helped fill the extra time that I had suddenly found, and got me out and about into the fresh air. Now - I am 124kg in my socks. 273 pounds give or take. I'm 5'10. Allegedly my ideal weight is 58-80Kg. 127 pounds to 176 pounds. This is the BMI index calculation. Now - my Doctor has told me that BMI is a flawed system - which is good - as I have more chance of winning Miss World than I do of ever weighing 127 pounds and still being alive. I'm a barrel-chested Celt, and mant, many moons ago when I was a fit Rugby player, the lightest I was was 100 Kg. So then - this is my weight target. Under 100kg or 220 pounds by the end of 2015. That's a neat 20% of my bodyweight. Will I get there? Yep. I quit smoking. I can do anything. I think that is the message. Quitting smoking can, quite literally save you from a horrible death. But quitting smoking does so much more. It empowers you. It emboldens you. It gives you a sense of iron will. So, 2014. I quit smoking 2015 I'm going to lose weight and get fit.
  4. I think it might be good for me to start doing yoga on a regular basis. For various reasons, I do not want to take a class so I have to teach myself. What I want is to get my mind and body better connected and in better balance. I want to be more limber and physically stronger. I want my breathing to benefit every corner of my mind and my body and I want to stimulate the flow of blood and energy flow to every corner, too. And I want to dissipate stress and live more in the moment. So I think that I need to incorporate yoga philosophy and spirituality along with yogic breathing and physical exercises. Is that correct? The problem I'm having is that when I research yoga teaching (like via library books and DVDs or via online websites and YouTube videos) 95% of them are just teaching poses and exercises; no philosophy, spirituality or breathing. The other 5% teach the complete set of skills but they appear to want you to throw over your life and become a yogi (or so it seems). That's really not practicable. So those of you who have experience with yoga, have you found a way to combine spirituality, breath control and physical exercises? Do you, for example, meditate and breath for maybe 10 minutes and then do 30 minutes of exercises (asanas)? Or do you assume a pose and hold it while you focus on controlled breathing? How do you learn those aspects of yoga beyond the physical poses and exercises? Do you read books about yoga or something? I would appreciate any advice you can give me.
  5. Posted 11 June 2013 - 06:45 PM Very similar to Hell week, just less intense. I've actually been off the patch since Saturday. While exercising, I took it off because it wouldn't stay on. I forgot about it until the next day and never put it back on. With the patch, there was really no irritability and I had trouble sleeping. Without the patch, I find myself snapping at innocent people and losing my patience quickly. I also have trouble staying awake past 9, which is odd for me - a night owl. Hopefully, the grouchiness and inability to stay awake go away with time. Now, I am waking up very early without the alarm, 4 a.m. or so full of energy! A month ago, if someone asked me if I would consider going bike riding at 5:30 a.m. I would have said never. It's almost euphoric how much energy I have. I'm really trying to take advantage of being smoke free by exercising daily and eating better. Just can't afford to gain weight - I am only 5'3", so 5 lbs. would seem like 10 to me. Ditched the ice coffee and diet Dr. Pepper for water with frozen fruit for flavor - and I never liked water. I am already starting to breathe better and it can only improve. Clearly, I still have a lot of moments (and hours) that just really suck, but am starting to see some positive benefits and feel great right now!

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