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Everything posted by Wayne045

  1. Whether you tried to cover it up or not, whether you think you didn't smell or not. I can definitely say that YES you did smell. Now that I've quit you can smell the odor even if you douse yourself in perfume/febreeze etc. I can tell a smoker now whether they just smoked 2 minutes ago or an hour ago. And if you smoked in your house/car, OF COURSE it stinks. You can have solid air fresheners in every room, have plug-in air fresheners periodically spraying the air all to no avail. Of course most people are not going to say anything about it. Why start an argument with a friend or stranger.
  2. I remember those, used to use those too. I haven't seem then around lately. I don't know if it's because I'm not looking for them or they're not sold anymore.
  3. This is probably more a reflection of the modern social stigma of smoking, than in past years. Seen this guy at work who smokes cigars. He doesn't hide while smoking, so not a closet smoker. Then a few days ago, I happened to be in the restroom when he came in smelling of cigar. He washed his hands and then proceeded to wash his face and head (close cropped hair). Wouldn't have been surprised if he had mouthwash but I didn't hang around to watch. That is definitely going the whole 9 yards to cover it up. I wondered is he just being conscientious so as not offend anyone or really hates that he smells. Maybe both. What lengths did you go to to cover it up? I would always wash my hands after coming in and have a mint (if I had any), if not then get a long drink of water to sort of wash to taste out of my mouth. In colder weather I would wear this old hoodie to go out and smoke to keep the smell off my normal jacket and shirt.
  4. It's obvious what you need to do... Get rid of the coffee too. Or wait till you are at work to have the coffee. Since I quit smoking I use that time I would have been smoking to oversleep. It's amazing how hard it is to wake up when you're not craving a cigarette.
  5. Airports. I had a layover at Memphis recently and my connecting flight was delayed, so I walked around a bit (inside the security area) and discovered an actual smoking lounge. It wasn't just a non-ventilated glass fish-bowl type room that was fogged up with smoke that you usually see, if you see one at all. Instead, it was, a nicely furnished, ventilated room with a privacy wall so you wouldn't be seen by other travelers. You couldn't even smell anything from the outside. I was so shocked to see it. Felt brief disappointment that I was no longer a smoker, because prior to that I would race outside, suck down a cigarette and then have to go through the whole security screening process again. 2nd best reason to quit is not having to worry about when and where you can have the next cigarette.
  6. My cheap plastic ashtrays are long gone. While still smoking I had been trying to find a decent one and ended with a couple cheap plastic ones that I found at a party store, where 99% of the store inventory was children's toys and balloons. Even the tobacco shop where I bought cigarettes didn't have decent one. I do still have 2 lighters though which I've used to light candles in a power outage.
  7. Glad to see I’m not the only one who wanted to be completely rid of the smell. It’s amazing how it persists. I have an old recliner that my dad used when he visited. And after many years and febreeze shots. You can still smell it although you have to be close to it. I couldn’t get them to go outside even with perfect weather and a covered patio. When I would visit my parents and returned home. I would just dump the entire contents of my suitcase into the washer whether they were clean or not because they all reeked.
  8. Growing up in a house where both parents smoked. The house and everything in it (including me) had a stale smoke odor, and sickly yellow tint. My mom tried to explain that yellow tint as the furnace, my dad however was under no delusions as to what caused it. When my parents had relatives/guests over for a party, most of whom smoke, the smoke would practically fog up the house and pre-teen/non-smoking me would feel slightly nauseated at the end of the night (it's hard to believe the smoke detectors didn't go off). Even after starting to smoke myself, I hated that smell/look. I always tried to smoke outside, to avoid having the odor and yellow discoloration in my home and on my stuff. I never smoke in my car either. When I quit I was thankful that there was no odor to deal with while I was in withdrawal. After my parents passed away, me and my sister rented the house, but first we did some renovations, and the first thing we did was hire a cleaning company to clean and remove the odor. They scrubbed down every accessible surface to do it, but the results were amazing. The house no longer had the stale smoke smell, the walls and windows no longer had a yellowish tint and it was a very noticeable absence to both of us. Everything else, carpet, curtains etc. was removed and trashed. We tried to sell the furniture but it was old (and smelly) and ended up in the trash also. My question is, once you quit took hold, what did you do to get rid of the odor in your house or car?
  9. Because asbestos in most uses was not a choice made by the individual. Companies used it in factories, exposing unknowing workers to it, and sold products containing asbestos as a fire proofing material. It should be and is regulated now. Anyone born after 1964 (the surgeon generals report) knows that smoking is bad for your health, it is not forced on anybody. If you want to talk about advertising and such or how tobacco companies market it, well that's a different argument.
  10. Jet-black has a point. Why come here to tell us you can't quit because it's too hard. This reminds me of a topic on the former QSMB. An 80+ year old woman was essentially asking for permission to keep smoking. When you're asking that question on a support forum for quitting you already know the answer before you post, else why come here. If you want someone to tell you to keep smoking, there are plenty of pro-smoking forums that will not only tell you to continue smoking, but to increase your smoking. But you are here, not there. So I'm guessing you want to quit no?
  11. Are you asking if the number of smokers will decrease? Current smokers who will now be underage when the law changes isn't going to stop them. I would think that the already high prices plus the continual price increases will definitely cause the number of smokers to decrease, because it will become unsustainable for the average income person to smoke.
  12. I tried Blue, didn't like it much, I didn't get that same "hit". The only advantage is that it didn't stink up everything. Anyway, went back to smoking cigarettes, then quit about a year later. Can't say it helped me quit either as a couple of times I would "smoke" a Blue e-cig, feel unsatisfied and then immediately after light a real cigarette.
  13. When I was a 11 or 12 years old, before I started smoking, my uncle gave me a "pinch" of his smokeless tobacco. you didn't chew, just put it between cheek and gum. It was just awful and I ended up gagging and spitting it out within 15 seconds and then had to go brush my teeth to get the taste out. I remember thinking how does anybody get to normal use of this. Years later I became a smoker and I had my answer. Then the question became "How stupid am I" ?
  14. Wow what a coincidence. I remember reading that article when it was first published and I was contemplating quitting. Sadly, I also remember a footnote to it that said at the time of publishing the author had relapsed and was smoking again. I hope he was able to find that final quit.
  15. On my last visit to the doctor I of course get asked "Do you smoke" and even though I've told them several times over the past two years that I had quit, they took no official notice, not even a note in my file saying that I was trying to quit. This time I was asked and answered "Just over two years quit now". I guess this was the magic number because I saw her note in my record "former smoker". Yay? I guess? Truthfully I expected more fanfare at the beginning of my quit when I proudly told them I was 2 months quit (especially from a doctor who has been telling me for years I shouldn't smoke), but I guess they were expecting a fail. I showed them though!
  16. How come our quit days are the same, but your ticker shows one less day than me?
  17. That is actually dead-on correct. My parents had the exact same remote and they would stop working after a year or so because of all the tar and ash getting into them. Once, when I was visiting my parents, the remote stopped working and dad had a new one (still wrapped in plastic) right out of the box ready to go and it was all clean and shiny just like the one on the left. I have to ask. Did you got those from my parents, and what where you doing in their house?
  18. I didn't join a forum (or lurk) until I was almost a year quit. Before quitting I was researching methods on quitting and no doubt this forum came up #1 or #2 in most searches, but I saw the word forum and passed on by as I was looking for scientific studies on Chantix, NRT, and the like. I know now that all that information could be found on these forums, plus the wisdom and experiences of people who have actually used them. This information would have been extremely helpful in preparing for my quit, but I don't think I could've joined in the daily discussions early on. If I was constantly reading about, talking about, and thinking about quiting smoking, it would make me want to smoke. Best to put it out of sight, out of mind as much as possible. So when someone disappears, I want to believe they just can't deal with the constant reminder, even if it is positive reinforcement of their quit.
  19. Congratulations! I'll give you a copy of the key to the "double-secret" Lido deck!
  20. Thanks everyone and a shout out to @jillar for also reaching the double secret Lido deck. I have been so busy lately that the date came and went before I realized it. I did get an awesome combination birthday present and 2 years quit reward for myself. A new 2018 BMW 330i
  21. You're still young, You'll easily reverse those numbers.
  22. You have it backwards. Using the numbers in your post, it would be 67% smoking 33% non-smoking
  23. You should also count the years before you started smoking as non-smoking years, not just the quit years. To give you a more accurate percentage of not-smoking years. Going by those numbers, I have 32% non-smoking and 68% smoking If you just go by years smoked and just quit I have 5%, there would never be a chance to break even.
  24. You're going to love being a non-smoker.
  25. I should probably get her name first. She is still smoking, but said she wants to quit.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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