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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. crikey, I thought you was gonna yell at everyone lovey. Pleased you're back in the game. Strong lady. x
  2. KJT is a scouser? Good for her, she's looking great at the high jump
  3. Did you see Jess, BOOM!!! Man she is so fit and ready for this chance to retain her championship! Beyond excited...scared the dog a bit yelling at the tele :D
  4. Big up to the American gymnast Simone Biles tho, frikkin amazing to watch! OK back to GB :)
  5. The Judo was great to watch! Can't wait to watch Jess Ennis, I recorded it and am waiting to be alone and quiet lol
  6. Aw, happy birthday!! Hopefully there's treats in store :) x
  7. Thinking of you and sad that we didn't see the light sooner, all of us and those we love. x
  8. If not hitting that makes sense to you, then that's all good :) I think there are mutiple "eureka" moments like that as we go through a quit process, things that we read or hear that resonate and make it easier to understand why we're quitting. It's the understanding that keeps our quit more secure. Pleased you're doing well buddy and hope to see you around :) x
  9. Hiya, Yep, increased anxiety, probably for a few months and it seemed a lot of people said the same. I added in a lot of breathing techniques and added some more spiritual type practises and exercise too. Can you try any of those? I think we need to create new and healthier mood lifts, something to do with endorphins and finding better ways to manage when things don't go well. It's all just new but it will pass as time passes. In honesty I had been avoiding dealing with a lot of life and I hid behind smoking, once I started to face down the actual problems (a bit at a time), my anxiety naturally reduced. I'm sure yours will too. x
  10. Sounds reasonable :good3:
  11. Here but not as much as I'd like to be. Lots of work plans going on with me. x
  12. Massively late to the party, sorry for that. Huge congratulations for 8 months free!! x
  13. Also put on the weight I'd lost and all my muscles have gone too. I hear your pain! You did brilliantly going and starting. Beginning of a fresh start at healthy living, go you!!
  14. Laughing, possibly hysteria, at the statistic of needing 91 EU regulations on a teaspoon.... crazy times!
  15. If I don't have any specific plans until lunch tomorrow, shall I have a wine early and go to sleep earlier - or does daytime drinking make you a bit of a wrongun... 1st world problems.....
  16. Your Mom can never be a part of your quit. It is yours, win lose or copd. xx
  17. Day 8 done and never needs doing again!! Massive congrats!! x
  18. I wish we could bottle and hand out that "eureka" moment. As smokers, we lived in perpetual fear that we will always crave or be triggered when the reality is you co create that yourself.Stop doing it and you're freer then you were. Educate about nicotine addiction and you move another step towards eureka. Then just give it some time and distance and trust that the feelings will subside. All of which is less effort then smoking in reality, more cost effective and better for your health. After that the mental ability benefits start piling in and you feel so much clearer, about everything! x
  19. Sorry to hear about Baxter. And yes, one day you will feel about smoking how you felt about drink in that moment. A thought association that you realize has really bad consequences so you move on and do something else. It might help to treat your quit a little like a baby. It's so new and precious and needs protecting and looking after at all times, in good times and stressful. xx
  20. 24,473 Watch em go up in smoke as I stay free with you guys :)
  21. Good question. I think I lost the thought association with counters just before a year. Emotional responses lasted much longer and I had to catch myself early to not go into romancing if I'd added alcohol to the mix of emotional times. Holidays or chilling in the sunshine set up the thoughts still weirdly. Possibly because I'm English and don't relax - no sun and no chilling out lol. However what lessened was the severity of it. So while I say a thought, it is literally almost a memory of I would smoke here - rather then I want to smoke if that makes sense. From what I read of others it would seem every time a trigger was faced down it carried less strength the next time. I liked that because it gave me hope. I also gave myself no room for excuses. I couldn't smoke, I had made that commitment to myself and my buddy. It helped with those trigger/memory points to remember I HATED being a smoker and romancing one would take me to 40 a day in the blink of an eye. So I don't think the thoughts carry weight if we accept they are part of the adjustment, rather then give them power. x
  22. Didn't realize it was a bank hol.... wow, must pay more attention. Have fun!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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