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I'm craving a smoke, badly


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I seriously doubt my quit, myself... my bloody memories. I feel the urge to call my downstairs neighbor, asking a cigarette. I hurts so bad.
I do not want to start over.  But I'm so through with my pain, everything. I shouldn't use it as an excuse. 
I don't care, at least I got that feeling. Don't worry I'm not suicidal or thinking about harming myself...
It's a dangerious fantasy; that cigarette.
I choose not to smoke. No matter how bad I feel.

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Ok sweetheart....

Take a minute to take stock.of what you have achieved.....this takes strength and courage....

You my young lady....are both these things....of course you'll get craves like the rest of us....

But....it's what you do with them.....

You have come so far....please dont lose your quit....you know deep down you want this.....

Stay strong.....because you are strong......

You can do this Evelyn.......you know you can.....


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You want to feel better - to feel less pain.


A cigarette will just make you feel worse. You know this.


Take a quiet moment to breathe deeply, to relax. 


Drink some tea.


You have got this Evelyn.

I took an extra nicotine gum, rather do THAT then freak out and run downstairs... These are tough days for me, writing down memories and processing them in therapy. 


I seriously considered the idea of smoking but put it away. It's a fight but I choose NOT to punish myself for the trauma's I endured that would anly make my father win. 


So I NOPE'd and am pretty upset (crying) BUT smoking is not an option althought the mental craving is still there.

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Prayers abound, Evelyn.

Learn what you can from your traumatic past.

Learn to navigate through those triggers just like you do with great success over Nicotine.


Learn to love the beautiful being that is Evelyn

(your Pigs know and Love you and you know Pigs are NEVER wrong)

just like you say Not One Puff Ever,

you will soon say No More UGLY  EVER !


Hang in there, sweet one.

We are in your corner cheering you on !



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Praying for you Evelyn, you can do this.  I know you can.  Try to focus on something else, take a walk jump up and down.  Whatever it takes to get past it. 

Eat something, take a nap.  Those things helped me so much when I was in the early months.  xx

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Evelyn, try to think back to when you were a smoker - I remember, and you were not happy! Being free from cigarettes is the best gift you can ever give yourself, and look at your quit - nearly 2 months! How amazing is that!


Keep posting here until the crave passes (which it will)!

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Ev you know you don't want to be a smoker, you don't want to go back to day 1, smoking is not an option because you are a non smoker,

Can you go soak in a bath, light candles, take deep breaths and relax, meditate, go for a run, a walk or go to bed early and wake up soo proud of yourself for getting through it, just remember how fantastic you will feel when you get through this one, ontop of the world, you would be miserable if you gave in and smoked.

You are doing fab hun, make sure you treat yourself to something lovely when you are over the crave because you totally deserve it xxx

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Smoking will not erase your past but they will stop you from making new, happier memories.  Smoking won't do anything except wake up the addiction and leave you feeling worse than you are right now.


Stay strong.  This will pass just as the other tough days have. 

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I got through last evening, but it's over yet - still got that craving itch. on wedneysday I'll processe a certain traumatic event and after writing it down yesterday it is al stirred up. 

i won't smoke but I need to stay close since I'm not outta woods yet.

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