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I am really craving


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Yep. That happens. But, you decided that you don't smoke any more. So, there will be some cravings, but they become fewer and fewer and less noticeable every day that you do not smoke. Cravings are caused by smoking. Stop smoking and you stop the cravings.


Keep on keeping on Rowly. The craving will pass.

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Rowland your brain and body is going through a lot of healing right now


its looking for its fix - most nicotine is out of your body (but not all)


your blood sugars are going to be all over the place


make sure you drink some juice or eat fruit - eat small regular meals - drink loads of water (keep rehydrated) - if you think you have had enough water drink some more because probably you havent!


especially as you are a runner and in hot climates


the crave will last between 3-5 minutes but if you fixate on it and give it attention it can and will seem like hours (and thats where the battle lies)


get busy for those few minutes - clean windows if you have too ;) - anything to take your mind off it and then it will pass


every time one passes your brain will register that it did not get a fix


and so the re training begins and things will start to ease up



its like training for a marathon, some extra work needs to be put in, you need some mental and physical training and push the boundaries


you can do this Rowland!!!! - get training

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Goo job posting Rowley!


It's perfectly normal to feel like this! But just because you want one, doesn't mean you have to have one!


I realise that you posted this a few hours ago, so and are you feeling now?

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Rowly it sucks that our own brain does this to us but it will pass....it ALWAYS PASSES and then we are let being happy we didn't smoke. Because you do not smoke anymore my lovely, just get busy and get distracted. It will go away.


And check back, how are younow?

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When I first quit....I went through every emotion possible.....

I cried,I was angry,I couldn't sleep,they were on my mind 24/7......

Somedays screaming n.o.p.e was all I could manage.....all day.....

Folks here told me it would get better,I had to hang on to that thought,other wise I would have gone crazy....

When I first heard the saying ...smoking is not on the table ....my brain seemed to connect with this....

Ya scream ,shout cry,just don't smoke......I get it now......even when days are rough......don't smoke....

You can do this rowly......believe me ,if this old girl can.....you can.....



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I remember taking the crave by the horns.................i remember getting active in any way i could when i would feel the crave creep in............Distraction..................Jump into any activity, take a shower, go for a walk, vacuum your place, call a friend............etc, etc......the list is infinite.....the craves are not infinite................they will stop

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It is the Habitual Ritual of smoking that is getting you right now.  You have to retrain your brain.... you are no longer a smoker.


Get strong and stay strong.  Push your way through this non sense... YOU GOT THIS!!!


Keep on .... forward and only forward.

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Remember Rowly a crave is just a thought, if you put out the flames it will die, if you give it room to breath it will grow and grow, the crave is not making you want to smoke, the thought is creating it, change your thought process and think of all the benefits not smoking will do, health, money, smell, well being, looks, exercise, family, peace of mind and many many more.  Benefits of smoking, uhhhm early death .........thats the one that sticks in my head.  You can do this just dont give in too easily, fight it xx

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Often times what we feel and reality are two different things.  You may feel like you want to smoke but in reality, your body doesn't want you to. 


You've shaken up your whole routine both mentally and physically by quitting smoking so expect that there are going to be times where your brain tells you that you want/need to smoke.  You're doing great!

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Rowly, grind it out, wait and ride the craves like waves. Distract yourself......I was just thinking about how when I first quit, I felt like I was melting and my whole body was screaming for that cig. I waited and waited and ignored and distracted.....here it is only nine months later, not really a long time, and there is no desire to smoke anymore. A miracle really after 35 years of a pack a day.

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Thanks guys! Funny thing, I got so busy at work just after I posted that, that I did not even remember the crave. Forgot about it all day and have not even thought about smoking since! I feel really good!

After work I did a 6k run, was a really good one too as I seem to be getting so much better at it! Had a good dinner, and now I am chilling on the couch (sofa). Think I will have some coffee.....


Clean and serene from nicotine..... day 4! Done and dusted!

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Nice job rowlyd,


That's the best thing to do for a crave is to distract yourself (mind) to forget about it!



The crave is nothing more than your mind thinking you want a cigarette! 


Your taking it one day at a time and that is excellent!


Over half way to a week! 

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Thanks guys! Funny thing, I got so busy at work just after I posted that, that I did not even remember the crave. Forgot about it all day and have not even thought about smoking since! I feel really good!

After work I did a 6k run, was a really good one too as I seem to be getting so much better at it! Had a good dinner, and now I am chilling on the couch (sofa). Think I will have some coffee.....


Clean and serene from nicotine..... day 4! Done and dusted!


See, it's 99% mental at this point.  Can't go wrong with the coffee either.  :)

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