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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. The cost for years of smoking is often not just limited to our wallets. Very best wishes for your Dad with his procedure Boo.
  2. You forgot Meathead and he's damn near 4 years quit. He'll show up for that I'm sure
  3. Welcome farmgirl! I used to have a Pizza Farm myself so I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Congrats on 3 months smoke free - that's great You can think about having just one all you like - just don't ever ACT on it because you know where that ends and it's never at a happy place for those go down that road. Stay true to your commitment and you'll be just fine.
  4. 4 years is amazing Congrats to you GloryB!! Hope you will celebrate
  5. Well wow! Another 4 year quitter today!! Congrats Chrysalis as 4 years smoke free is quite an accomplishment. Be sure to celebrate by doing something special for yourself today
  6. I hope you can get some help with this from your Dr, Rasdaan. Quitting is something that once you are able to do it will not only be good for your health in general but will also give your self confidence a big boost just knowing that you did it. I didn't use any NRT product so can't comment there but what ever you need to do to make your quit work long term is worth a try if cold turkey is not working for you. Stay with us here and post as often as you can. That may help you considerably too, just talking to other quitters.
  7. Great job Jo! Another month done & dusted on your journey to freedom. I know it was a tough one but stay focused on your goal. The only way to it is to go through it!! You'll get there
  8. Just 6 of us that have replied so far is 114,000 cigs So how many smokers are there world wide? My God!! The number of cigarettes smoked is almost unimaginable.
  9. I'm surprised I haven't been arrested for some of the "bitch-fits" I had early on in my quit. My whole 1st year I was pretty quick to get ugly in my attitude toward almost everything & everyone. Now I'm back to my sweet old self
  10. I've got just over 10,000 ciggies not smoked & a can of gasoline to get this fire started!! Who's got some un-smoked ciggies to add to the inferno??? Who's got some to make the flames even higher?
  11. Yes - WTF week is next. That's when you may see some sunny breaks between the storm clouds. Just know that you will still have challenges ahead and be prepared for them. If your are, you'll be fine. Just keep fighting until things start to settle down more. It will come. Just stay true to NOPE whether you pledge it daily here or not - you MUST practice it! You learned that last time right? You can't have even a puff let alone an entire smoke. It's all in your hands now Opah. This is an empowering opportunity Opah that not everyone chooses to go for. YOU have chosen the right path here Opah and yes, there's some hard work involved but just think what else you can do in life after you've wrestled this monster to the ground once and for all
  12. I can tell you that you are good to go brother Just put in the time doing what you've been doing and you'll be fine!
  13. I'm glad you're still quit Berk Best thing you can do for yourself and although we can't change the choices we made in past days, we certainly can shape our own future and you my friend are headed in the right direction! Please let us know what's going on once you get checked out. Best wishes for a good outcome
  14. Smoking is all about personal choices and you are making the right one now for yourself Keep making that choice every day and pretty soon, as Sazerac said, that desire to smoke will fade to oblivion and you will know then that anything is possible for you.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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