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Everything posted by MarylandQuitter

  1. The blog section of the community can be used to read other members' blogs, and to create a blog yourself. To access it, click the "Blogs" tab at the top of any page. Blog Home Page When you first go into the blogs, you will see a list of blogs. Important blogs and your favorite blogs will be shown at the top, followed by all other blogs. You may also see a featured blog entry above the list. Blogs may be local blogs, meaning that they are stored within the community, or they may be external blogs, which are links to blogs not stored within the community. Blog List For local blogs, you will see the title of the most recent entry along with a short excerpt from it, and details of the blog such as the title of the blog, to whom it belongs and the total number of comments, entries and views the blog has had. For external blogs, you will just see the title of the blog, to whom it belongs and the total number of views. To view any blog, you can click on the title of the blog. For hosted blogs, you may also click on the title of the most recent entry. Changing the View There are a few ways the blogs can be displayed. You can change the display using the filters at the top of the blog list: Dashboard - An aggregated view of the latest entries from all blogs. All Blogs - A table view, which is similar to how topics are shown on the forums. Local - As above but limited to local hosted blogs. External linked blogs - As above but limited to linked blogs using 3rd party services. Following a blog You are able to follow a blog and subscribe to be notified of updates to it by clicking on the follow blog button. Statistics Below the blog list, you can see statistics of the blogs, such as who is currently reading the blogs, the total number of blogs, the newest blog, etc. There are also links to see the top 10 viewed blogs, top 10 commented blogs, and 10 blogs with the most entries. Viewing Blogs This only applies to local blogs. For external blogs, you will be taken to the blog when clicking on the blog name. Entry List In the center of the blog page, you will see a list of recent entries. You will see the title of the entry, who posted it and when, the entry itself and how many comments and trackbacks it has had. You can click the entry title to see the full entry, along with trackbacks and comments, or press "comments" or "trackbacks" to be taken straight to those areas. Rating You may be able to rate a blog by selecting one of the stars at the top of the blog. After rating, you may be able to change your rating by selecting a different star. In some cases, the stars may not be shown or you may not be able to click on them. Content Blocks In the left or right columns of the blog, you will see blocks containing various content. Which blocks are shown and their positions will vary based on the blog owner's configuration. The most common content blocks are: Mini Calendar - This will show a small calendar, highlighting days for which entries are available. Last entries - This will show a list of the most recent entries to the blog. You can click on any entry title to be taken to it. My Blog Links - This contains useful links, including:Track this Blog - Clicking this link will add the blog to your tracked blogs which you can view and manage in your settings panel. Add blog to favorites - Clicking this link will add the blog to your list of favorite blogs Syndicate my Blog (RSS) - Clicking this link will take you to an RSS feed of the blog which you can subscribe to using an RSS program. Archive - Clicking this link will take you to an archive of all entries to the blog. Last Comments - This will show who most recently commented on the blog and which entry was commented on. You can click on the entry title to be taken to it. My Picture - This will show the profile picture of the blog owner. Active Users - This shows how many and which users are viewing the blog. Categories - This shows the different blog entry categories. You can click on any category to see a list of entries in that category. Search My Blog - You can use this to search all entries in the blog. Simply enter your keywords into the box and press "Go". Sharing You can share blog stories with sites such as Twitter or Facebook, or share them via Email, by using the "Share" buttons found below each entry. Trackbacks When viewing an entry you may see any trackbacks stored for the entry, if the blog has trackbacks enabled. You can access the trackback URL by pressing the "Trackback URL" link. Comments At the bottom of an entry's page, you will see any existing comments on the entry. Below the comments will be a textbox you can use to leave your own comment. Creating and Managing Your Blog Creating a Blog You may be able to create your own blog within the community. To do so, visit the "Blogs" tab in your settings panel. Under "Your Blog Settings" you will see your current blog if you have one. If you can create a blog, you will also see a section titled "Create a Blog" - you must read and accept the terms by checking the box, and pressing Next >. You can then give your blog a name and description and choose if it will be a local or external blog. When you are ready, press Finish. You will now be taken back to the "Your Blog Settings". Make sure if you are setting up an external blog that you now go into your blog settings and enter your blog URL. You may be able to create more than one blog, and you may not have all settings mentioned above available to you. Your Blog Settings From the "Your Blog Settings" area of your settings panel, you can click on your blog name to manage its settings, including: Your Blog - This is general settings for your blog such as the name, description and whether it is local or external. You may also be able to change the view permissions. "Public" means all members that can see the blogs can see your blog, "Private Club" means that only members you allow can see your blog, and "Private" means only you can see your blog. Some of these options may not be available. Your local blog settings - If you have a local blog, you can configure here various settings such as guest access, comments and trackbacks. RSS Settings - You may be able to disable RSS, or enable an alternate RSS service here. Customize the look of your Blog - You may be able to change the way your blog is displayed here such as the style it uses, and the number of entries shown per page. Private Club - If your blog is in "Private Club" mode, you can enter who has access to your blog here. Editors - You may be able to assign additional people permission to add entries to your blog. Enter the names of members who should have this permission here. Your external blog settings - If you have an external blog, you can enter the URL to it here. Adding Entries To add an entry, you can either click "Post new entry" beside your blog from "Your Blog Settings", or press the Add Entry button from your blog. You will need to enter a title for your entry. You can enter "tags" for your entry, which can be used to separate entries into categories if you frequently blog about multiple subjects. You may be able to choose the date that the entry is posted on, and if you have more than one blog, you can choose the blog it should be saved to. You may be able to add a poll to your entry just like you would on the forums. You should the type your entry like any message. You may be able to add attachments to your entry. At the very bottom of the page you can choose to submit your entry as a "Draft", meaning it will not be published right away, or, as "Published", which will mean it is immediately available for others to view. When you are ready, press Post New Entry. Changing Your Blog Theme You may be able to change your blog's theme to a different style by pressing the " Change Theme" button from your blog. This will bring up a pop-up displaying the styles you can choose from. Click on a style to change your blog. You may be able to create your own theme by choosing the " Create a custom theme" option from the same "Change Theme" Menu. This will bring up a box that will allow you to change the theme of your blog by entering custom CSS code, or using the color picker. Once you have saved your theme, it may have to be approved by an administrator before it becomes active. Content Blocks You can add content blocks by pressing the "Add Blocks" button from your blog. The functions of the default blocks are explained earlier in this help file, or you may be able to add your own blocks by pressing the " Add Custom Content Block" option. There may be additional content block options available. You can move your content blocks by clicking and holding on the title bar and then moving them to the new location, which can be in the left or right columns. To remove a content block, press the icon.
  2. The blog section of the community can be used to read other members' blogs, and to create a blog yourself. To access it, click the "Blogs" tab at the top of any page. Blog Home Page When you first go into the blogs, you will see a list of blogs. Important blogs and your favorite blogs will be shown at the top, followed by all other blogs. You may also see a featured blog entry above the list. Blogs may be local blogs, meaning that they are stored within the community, or they may be external blogs, which are links to blogs not stored within the community. Blog List For local blogs, you will see the title of the most recent entry along with a short excerpt from it, and details of the blog such as the title of the blog, to whom it belongs and the total number of comments, entries and views the blog has had. For external blogs, you will just see the title of the blog, to whom it belongs and the total number of views. To view any blog, you can click on the title of the blog. For hosted blogs, you may also click on the title of the most recent entry. Changing the View There are a few ways the blogs can be displayed. You can change the display using the filters at the top of the blog list: Dashboard - An aggregated view of the latest entries from all blogs. All Blogs - A table view, which is similar to how topics are shown on the forums. Local - As above but limited to local hosted blogs. External linked blogs - As above but limited to linked blogs using 3rd party services. Following a blog You are able to follow a blog and subscribe to be notified of updates to it by clicking on the follow blog button. Statistics Below the blog list, you can see statistics of the blogs, such as who is currently reading the blogs, the total number of blogs, the newest blog, etc. There are also links to see the top 10 viewed blogs, top 10 commented blogs, and 10 blogs with the most entries. Viewing Blogs This only applies to local blogs. For external blogs, you will be taken to the blog when clicking on the blog name. Entry List In the center of the blog page, you will see a list of recent entries. You will see the title of the entry, who posted it and when, the entry itself and how many comments and trackbacks it has had. You can click the entry title to see the full entry, along with trackbacks and comments, or press "comments" or "trackbacks" to be taken straight to those areas. Rating You may be able to rate a blog by selecting one of the stars at the top of the blog. After rating, you may be able to change your rating by selecting a different star. In some cases, the stars may not be shown or you may not be able to click on them. Content Blocks In the left or right columns of the blog, you will see blocks containing various content. Which blocks are shown and their positions will vary based on the blog owner's configuration. The most common content blocks are: Mini Calendar - This will show a small calendar, highlighting days for which entries are available. Last entries - This will show a list of the most recent entries to the blog. You can click on any entry title to be taken to it. My Blog Links - This contains useful links, including:Track this Blog - Clicking this link will add the blog to your tracked blogs which you can view and manage in your settings panel. Add blog to favorites - Clicking this link will add the blog to your list of favorite blogs Syndicate my Blog (RSS) - Clicking this link will take you to an RSS feed of the blog which you can subscribe to using an RSS program. Archive - Clicking this link will take you to an archive of all entries to the blog. Last Comments - This will show who most recently commented on the blog and which entry was commented on. You can click on the entry title to be taken to it. My Picture - This will show the profile picture of the blog owner. Active Users - This shows how many and which users are viewing the blog. Categories - This shows the different blog entry categories. You can click on any category to see a list of entries in that category. Search My Blog - You can use this to search all entries in the blog. Simply enter your keywords into the box and press "Go". Sharing You can share blog stories with sites such as Twitter or Facebook, or share them via Email, by using the "Share" buttons found below each entry. Trackbacks When viewing an entry you may see any trackbacks stored for the entry, if the blog has trackbacks enabled. You can access the trackback URL by pressing the "Trackback URL" link. Comments At the bottom of an entry's page, you will see any existing comments on the entry. Below the comments will be a textbox you can use to leave your own comment. Creating and Managing Your Blog Creating a Blog You may be able to create your own blog within the community. To do so, visit the "Blogs" tab in your settings panel. Under "Your Blog Settings" you will see your current blog if you have one. If you can create a blog, you will also see a section titled "Create a Blog" - you must read and accept the terms by checking the box, and pressing Next >. You can then give your blog a name and description and choose if it will be a local or external blog. When you are ready, press Finish. You will now be taken back to the "Your Blog Settings". Make sure if you are setting up an external blog that you now go into your blog settings and enter your blog URL. You may be able to create more than one blog, and you may not have all settings mentioned above available to you. Your Blog Settings From the "Your Blog Settings" area of your settings panel, you can click on your blog name to manage its settings, including: Your Blog - This is general settings for your blog such as the name, description and whether it is local or external. You may also be able to change the view permissions. "Public" means all members that can see the blogs can see your blog, "Private Club" means that only members you allow can see your blog, and "Private" means only you can see your blog. Some of these options may not be available. Your local blog settings - If you have a local blog, you can configure here various settings such as guest access, comments and trackbacks. RSS Settings - You may be able to disable RSS, or enable an alternate RSS service here. Customize the look of your Blog - You may be able to change the way your blog is displayed here such as the style it uses, and the number of entries shown per page. Private Club - If your blog is in "Private Club" mode, you can enter who has access to your blog here. Editors - You may be able to assign additional people permission to add entries to your blog. Enter the names of members who should have this permission here. Your external blog settings - If you have an external blog, you can enter the URL to it here. Adding Entries To add an entry, you can either click "Post new entry" beside your blog from "Your Blog Settings", or press the Add Entry button from your blog. You will need to enter a title for your entry. You can enter "tags" for your entry, which can be used to separate entries into categories if you frequently blog about multiple subjects. You may be able to choose the date that the entry is posted on, and if you have more than one blog, you can choose the blog it should be saved to. You may be able to add a poll to your entry just like you would on the forums. You should the type your entry like any message. You may be able to add attachments to your entry. At the very bottom of the page you can choose to submit your entry as a "Draft", meaning it will not be published right away, or, as "Published", which will mean it is immediately available for others to view. When you are ready, press Post New Entry. Changing Your Blog Theme You may be able to change your blog's theme to a different style by pressing the " Change Theme" button from your blog. This will bring up a pop-up displaying the styles you can choose from. Click on a style to change your blog. You may be able to create your own theme by choosing the " Create a custom theme" option from the same "Change Theme" Menu. This will bring up a box that will allow you to change the theme of your blog by entering custom CSS code, or using the color picker. Once you have saved your theme, it may have to be approved by an administrator before it becomes active. Content Blocks You can add content blocks by pressing the "Add Blocks" button from your blog. The functions of the default blocks are explained earlier in this help file, or you may be able to add your own blocks by pressing the " Add Custom Content Block" option. There may be additional content block options available. You can move your content blocks by clicking and holding on the title bar and then moving them to the new location, which can be in the left or right columns. To remove a content block, press the icon.
  3. That's an awesome looking kitchen!!!
  4. Thinking about quitting smoking and the process of quitting smoking all work.
  5. Many times, quit smoking forums and quit smoking message boards (along with other online discussion groups) use the terms forum and message board interchangeably. :)
  6. They are just names to describe the same? Both provide a "forum" for online discussions...
  7. Need not worry about being offensive over such things! We believe that whatever one has to do to beat this addiction, do it! We are all different but that doesn't mean that we can't support those differences because by doing so, we're putting someone else's needs before our own to support and help them. My faith helps me as well. Now, way to go on that most difficult first day! Keep this day. Own it. You worked damn hard for it so don't give it away! Please post an SOS if you run into any trouble. We got your back on this. :) http://www.quittrain.com/index.php/forum/5-the-sos-board/
  8. Congratulations on 7 smoke-free months, Beacon!!!
  9. Yeah, no kidding on both accounts!! One afternoon my wife came home and I was fast asleep on the couch. My son came up to me, woke me up and said that we were going out to eat. Apparently, according to my son and wife, I gave him the "thumbs up" and rolled over and went back to sleep. I had no idea I did this as I was still sleeping and not knowing what the hell I was doing. Needless to say, I didn't make it to dinner and I might as well have moved into the garage for a week. :lol: Me... Wife...
  10. I'm impressed that at 27 years young, you've aggressively gone after this addiction and are stomping it into oblivion. When I was 27, I had not a clue about cigarette smoking and how much it controlled my life, not to mention potentially shorten it. It always makes me happy to see young people "get it" early and go after it with a vengeance. Congrats on quitting smoking and especially helping others along the way. :)
  11. HM killed that addiction like the boss she is!
  12. Hi Leanna! Great to see you again. You know, I thought that Annael was your name and although I had never heard that before, I liked it. Didn't quite know how to pronounce it. But I liked it. lol Glad to see you!! :)
  13. Goin' back to the Straits days. I've been listening to DS "Alchemy" lately. What a great recording of great music.
  14. Welcome to The Quit Train! Congrats on that long quit you've got going. Very well done. Looking forward to seeing you around. :)
  15. I put this on Bassman's thread as well. :)
  16. Mark Knopfler is one of my all time favorites!!!!! Two of my little girl's favorite songs are his. :)
  17. Man, if that story doesn't wake you up. Even if it doesn't, sometime down the road a smoker teetering on whether to quit or not, will remember this and quit. Even if just one remembers, it's a life saved. My guess is that it's going to make a lasting impression on those who need to quit and those of who have and to not relapse. Good stuff, Markus.
  18. I used to own and operate a hide tanning business. I spent my youth and most of my adulthood hunting and tanning hides. :) It's been several years since I've done any of that, but I really miss the hide & fur tanning. Do happen to be familiar with the magazine Fur-Fish-Game?

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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