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Interesting point about Nicoteen

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I read a very interesting post in a forum the other day about nicoteen and addiction, which there were significant agreements to in the reply sections. 

The point was made on a vaping forum which basically said that nicoteen is not as addictive as people say it is. It was generally based around the fact that when people are smoking cigarettes they are always waiting the next fix etc. However a lot of people whom have completely stopped cigarettes and replaced with vaping have expressed how easy it is to go several hours, a day etc without vaping. If they forgot there device, batteries run out etc, they wouldn't panic but wait patiently. However, and I know too well, that if i forgot my smokes back in the day it would be a full on panic to the next store, return home etc.. my day would stop until they were replaced.


This then leads to the issue that is there other substances in cigarettes that are addictive apart from teh nicoteen?



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I also know folks who carry it around with them all day..puff on it all day...

I suppose it's the same as cigarettes some can just smoke smoke 1,2,3.a day..while other folk smoke 3 packs a day..

Even those who manage to smoke a couple a day.they are still smokers..

I'm so grateful I didn't swop one kind addiction for another.

I wouldn't have another 52 years left to vape..lol...

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It sounds more to me like people are justifying their continued use of nicotine.  At the end of the day whether you need it every hour or every few days, if you can't stop you're an addict.  Nicotine has many harmful effects beyond the addiction factor as well.  

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I agree and I honestly get sick of seeing people walking around sucking on things 24/7. I have in-laws vaping and they do it at the table which aggravates the crap out of me because even as a smoker I would NEVER think to light up at a table with people. I get it there are many people stating well it is better than smoking so if that makes them feel better to each is own. I am glad I broke the habit of HAVING to walk around with something in my mouth (hahah that sentence just made me snicker my mind was in the gutter LOL sorry)

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No question there's a lot of other crap in cigarettes. There's a list on this site somewhere. Whether or not the mixture of some of those other toxins with nicotine makes a difference in the way smoking cigarettes addicts us to them, I don't know.


I quit the cigarettes cold turkey back in January. I'm told the nicotine would be completely out of my body 3-4 days later yet I was still pretty miserable with my quit for much longer than that. Getting your brain re-wired is as tough or even tougher than the physical addiction to nicotine.  The thing I don't get is, if someone has gone to all the trouble of ridding their body of nicotine by quitting cigarettes then why would they wish to reintroduce nicotine back into their body through just a different delivery system? Doesn't make sense to me.


I'm pretty happy to just get rid of the whole sad process frankly. No more dragging around materials to satisfy my habit/addiction.


As indicated by what Dee said above, people seem to view vaping as somehow very different from smoking cigarettes yet, when I see people doing it, there's always a huge cloud of expelled vapor or whatever it is they're exhaling after taking a puff. It may not be cigarette smoke but if someone sat down close to me and started doing that without even asking permission, I'd be in their face pretty quick. I'm betting the rules and regulations around vaping get a lot more clear and a lot stricter in days to come.

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Our goal, as should also be yours, is to get off of nicotine completely.  We're not going to debate how "addictive" nicotine is or isn't because the fact remains that smoking is deadly.  Our goal is to get people off of nicotine quickly and permanently.  You see, as nicotine addicts, when we introduce nicotine into our bodies, we run the high risk of going back to smoking 2 packs/day.


Vaping websites are completely irrelevant and have an entirely different goal than we do.  Please, do not muddy the waters with this vaping stuff, okay?  Yes or no?  If you want to quit smoking and get off of nicotine, this is your place.  If you want to straddle the fence, tout how great vaping is, this is not the site for that.  Please focus on getting off of nicotine so you may never, ever take another puff of nicotine again.



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bottom line is....they may go hours, they may go days, they may even go weeks...but rest assured...they are addicted.  


Vaping is dangerous....every bit as much as cigarettes...and based on the puff of cloud of smoke I see from people who are vaping...I am betting they are even more lethal.


Our lungs were not designed to smoke...puff...or vape..period!

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In answer to your question Jules....you are probably right....the 10,000 other chemicals in cigarettes are all designed to make the addiction more gripping, no doubt.


My question for you is this....why are you on a vaping forum?  Please answer that question honestly

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The only way you know for sure if you are not harming your lungs ..is not to breath in anything ,that wasn,t

Intended. Our lungs were only made for good clean air...

Who knows what problems they will find in the future...by then it will be too late for your lungs..

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I am going to copy this post of my unfiltered opinion in this topic as well and add that the tone of the start of this thread is worse than the other one in the sense of you sound like you are condoning vaping as a substitution for smoking.


If you are puffing on something as a crutch then you are not serious about actually quitting. If you are puffing on something because you are bored then you are not serious. There are a thousand more constructive things to do than puff on something that creates a substance that goes into your lungs. Lastly, if you keep a cigarette and lighter around then you are not serious about quitting. We have seen that scenario so many times, "I am keeping it to show my strength" (or whatever b.s. reason is given) and then, wham relapse.


Take up a hobby and lose the juices, vaporizer, and cigarette laying around if you are actually serious about taking your health back.


Sorry (not sorry) for stepping out of my calm, gentle realm of posting but this scenario is no good and new members thinking of joining shouldn't think it is okay.


Quitting using vapes as a step down method similar to NRT ending with no longer filling their lungs with anything but air, like members have done before, is fine but this post reads like it is trading one addiction for another and that is not okay.

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Nicotine is very addictive but more addictive is the psychological habit of delivering dopamine from the hand to the mouth. I mean i was climbing walls for 5 months straight, it wasnt bloody nicotine. Vaping seems dumb, like an easy kinda small fix on the situation. The best solution is to grow some balls and tell tobacco au revoir les enfants.

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i have heard the same. my husband, who vapes still [ugh, wish he wouldnt] can actually go a couple of days without vaping. i have wondered this, too, if it is other ingredients in cigarettes and not just nicotine.


my honest opinion?


to avoid it......avoid it all. i replaced cigarettes with werthers and strawberries, LOL

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Ok, time to clear a few things. I am off the nicotine completely  for now around about a week. my ONLY source of nicoteen came from patches, which i followed a plan over 8 weeks and finished with the small low strength a week ago. 


Now the vaping... yes I Vape, but I vape 0mg nicoteen! I dont vape much and i done it to take the edge of the giving up process. Remember everyone is different.


To me I have not had any nicoteen in my body in now over a week. For me giving up has so far been way easier than i thought it would be, but like i said each person is different and like another post each person will have different symptoms. 


One thing that always told me smoking was a mental game was flying. I travel all the time. I would be in the smoking room getting my fix after fix just before the flight. I could then board, sit on a 16 hour flight, and not once be bothered about smoking. This i believe is because my brain knows I can not smoke in the air and so will not allow me to crave having a cigartette. I guess hypnosos works the same way?



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Ok, time to clear a few things. I am off the nicotine completely  for now around about a week. my ONLY source of nicoteen came from patches, which i followed a plan over 8 weeks and finished with the small low strength a week ago. 


Now the vaping... yes I Vape, but I vape 0mg nicoteen! I dont vape much and i done it to take the edge of the giving up process. Remember everyone is different.


To me I have not had any nicoteen in my body in now over a week. For me giving up has so far been way easier than i thought it would be, but like i said each person is different and like another post each person will have different symptoms. 


One thing that always told me smoking was a mental game was flying. I travel all the time. I would be in the smoking room getting my fix after fix just before the flight. I could then board, sit on a 16 hour flight, and not once be bothered about smoking. This i believe is because my brain knows I can not smoke in the air and so will not allow me to crave having a cigartette. I guess hypnosos works the same way?




Congrats on your week free of nicotine!  Vaping with or without nicotine is playing with fire.  Are you sure your 0 mg juice (or whatever it's called) is actually nicotine-free?  Even so I maintain, it's one step removed from smoking a cigarette.  Good luck with keeping a forever quit because you're puffing and it's just a matter of time before you get a hold of some "juice" that has nicotine and you could be back to a full-fledged nicotine addiction.  Is it worth it?


Is Your Nicotine-Free Electronic Cigarette Actually Nicotine Free?

Recent studies show that some electronic cigarette fluids being marketed as nicotine free actually contain nicotine. Video discusses the real danger for any former smoker who tries one of these products.



Link to articles about these studies:

-E-cigarette nicotine labels not always accurate


-'Nicotine-Free' E-Cigs Still Deliver the Juice


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Jules, I have the same concerns MQ just spoke to. Continuing to go through the motions of smoking is tempting fate the way I see it. I have also read a lot of articles about how vaping is helping people to get off cigarettes and away from nicotine by adjusting their nicotine content down until they reach zero content at least according to who ever is mixing the stuff.


I look at my own quit and what really surprises me is the length of time the whole process takes. Most of that time line is not getting off the nicotine, it's rewiring my brain to not pick up something, stick it in my mouth and draw on it in any number of daily life situations. My concern is that if I took up vaping in some manner that I would then rely on that form of smoking to replace the times I used to rely on cigarettes, regardless of whether there was nicotine in the device or not. I know you said you only vaped to take the edge off the quit smoking process. Just be careful that it doesn't lead you back to smoking cigarettes at some point because you haven't re-programed your brain to live live without smoking something under certain circumstances.


You are right that everyone is different and quits are different too. We are all here to support you in your quit journey and we just want to pass on what we have experienced in our collective quits so that you can have the best chance possible to quit and remain quit for life :)

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Freedom to me means exactly that...free...

Being slave to a Vaping pipe.. to me is not free.....its still having a addiction..

Buying a E cig..getting juice...charging batteries..this to me is being enslaved ...

I too.jules hope you don't reget this ..some time down the line....

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i agree with others that vaping can lead to smoking [again] but we also have to keep in mind that everyone is different.


my brother vapes and has for a few years now with zero nicotine; can't stand the smell of cigarettes, you name it.


so, i don't think it's IMpossible to do and none of us are medical experts who can diagnose whether it will or will not happen to someone - whether it be a past smoker or someone who's never picked up a cigarette a day in their lives, like my brother. it's all case by case situation just like our quits are and have been.


keep up the good work, jules. KTQ!

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why? well it keeps me occupied, in fact its a way to help me, lets take a step back. In my case I was a heavy smoker... 3 PAD min. smoked for 20+ years. 

Money on cigarettes doesn't bother me, where i live they are cheap and without sounding like a complete ahole the savings i will make form not toking have no interest to me. 

So I quit because i wanted to quit. I did quit. I went on the patches and affetre a few weeks felt so much better.... now where am i today almost 2 months later... well here the truth.


I quit on 1 May,. I went on holiday a few days later and smoked about 6 cigarettes during the week. 


I kept with the patches following what they had said and reduced the strength. 


I started vaping 0mg Nicoteen once in a while.


I finished the patches.


I Vape 0mg nicotine maybe a few times in the evening max. 


So, while I may not be 100% clean and free from puffing something, my goal is to get there. Its a long road and i consider where i have come from that its been a huge success. 


PS the 0mg Vape is not really worth it, all that messing about with juices and batteries etc.... so I have decided to stop that one now.



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Good for you Jules and yes, we are all proud of what you have done as you should be too. I think our posts here are meant to help you along and just make you aware that long term vaping could lead you back to where you once were. If it has helped you in your journey to get off the cigarettes then GOOD. I think the sooner you can get over the vaping too, even better for you (not us - you)!

Best wishes my friend :)

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