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New Spin, Same Old Bull$@%#


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I quit smoking and the natural progression seems to be to start focusing on other aspects of health and fitness.  I've started a workout routine, I'm eating better, and I am collecting as much information about healthy living as I can.  A topic I never expected to see in information supposedly advocating healthier living has come up more than once in my research.  Nicotine is good for you.  There has always been loads of bull$@%# in the fitness industry and with the ubiquity of social media, it has never been easier to spread the manure of faulty logic and fake science than it is right now.


One article contained this line: "while the science of the dangers of nicotine is technically correct, it is confusing."  It is only confusing if you are whoring yourself out to sell what you know are bad ideas to gullible consumers.  The acknowledgement of real science was there, but forget that, listen to this wild-eyed marketing scheme we just farted out.


Other big tobacco funded studies are selling nicotine's amazing ability to improve cognitive function.  Nicotine will increase your heart rate, raise your blood pressure, and give you a feeling of increased alertness.  Yes, that's what stimulants do.  No mention was made of the inevitable crash that comes when the body's supply of the stimulant begins to wane.  Which of course necessitates the user to get another fix.  And another...and another....


Fortunately, consumers no longer have to smoke cigarettes to get a nicotine fix.  There are vaping devices, e-cigs, gum, and lozenges you can use to get your fix.  Big tobacco has a legion of lawyers so they were careful not to say that these nicotine delivery systems are safe per se.  However, they are kinda sorta confident that these devices are somewhat safer than cigarettes.  So they feel somewhat confident that these new delivery systems are safer than the most dangerous consumer product in the history of mankind.  If you lower the bar any farther, people will be tripping over it.


And when I thought it couldn't get any worse...nicotine may prevent Parkinson's disease.  Not only was there no evidence offered to support this claim, there was not even a workable hypothesis offered.  Basically, some people who never used nicotine developed Parkinson's while others who are nicotine addicts did not get the disease.  If you're a fan of logical fallacies, today is your lucky day.


I've allowed myself to get all worked up over this.  I could take a dose of nicotine as the stimulant offers "relaxing qualities."  Sound familiar?  Taking stimulants to relax is like screwing for virginity.


I never expected the merchants of death to develop a conscious and close up shop.  I suppose I was naive concerning some so-called health and fitness experts willingness to sell their souls at the first offer.  Live.  Learn.  Question.



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Lol boo, I'm totally with you, I have just had my first coffee and not quite awake yet


"A chance of a buck, there will always be muck!"


When you scratch the surface under any industry, but especially the health and food industry it's a very murky, corrupt and frightening reality! Covered up with glossy magazines, pretty models, fancy words and bullshi@


When you dig deeper it gets worse, sometimes you wish you kept those rose tinted glasses on your head!


Have a great day x

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Nicotine is a poison. Don't give it stimulant status. It may act like one, but a dog who wears a dress and stands on hind legs is still just a dog in a costume, not a dancer.


I remember this fact from quiting- the nicotine in one cigarette, just one, would kill a one pound rat if eaten. 


Light em up boys....poison break.

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They provide the nicotine for the NRT products and own E cig companies , quids in all around just keep NIcotine in the "system" and the addictions will remain

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Wow Boo. As always your posts are spot on and so elegantly written compared to my feeble attempts which normally end in a waffle as opposed to a well thought out rant. I have definitely had my eyes opened over the last 6 months around the true horrors of nicotine and the tobacco industry. I can't believe I ignored it before? I am so surprised there aren't more people raging about the subject? Until I came here, even the ex smokers I knew still had no animosity towards the industry or the product. It's just shocking really.

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When I first watched the videos here about the tobacco companies...it was my light bulb moment...

I finally understood...and it still angers me ,to think I have let them rule my life for 52 years...

I was blinkered...

But grateful I am still alive to be able to rant and rave...so many have lost their lives far too young...

I remain so angry to this day...that to me is a good thing...it keeps me NOPE...

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Wow, they never fail to P me right off these jokers! It's like saying if I cut my leg off, I'll lose a stone or something, like we could promote that as a diet with no thought to the after effects.


I just really want to take the jack a++es who write this poop and put em in a COPD clinic, or with someone dying of lung cancer etc etc. I wonder how they sleep at night?!!


I too wonder how we never really got the opportunity to "see" this addiction for what it was until we'd stopped. 


Sad times for those still there. 

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Great information, good work-


keep fighting the good fight-  no smoking is great compared to when I did smoke,,, I still cant believe it sometimes (my quit)



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When you scratch the surface under any industry, but especially the health and food industry it's a very murky, corrupt and frightening reality! Covered up with glossy magazines, pretty models, fancy words and bullshi@


Separating the wheat from the chaff in the fitness industry is more time consuming than working out and changing your diet.  Bull$&^#...bull$&^# everywhere.



Nicotine is a poison. Don't give it stimulant status. It may act like one, but a dog who wears a dress and stands on hind legs is still just a dog in a costume, not a dancer.


Fair point.  Nicotine is a nightshade poison that can produce some of the same effects as a stimulant.  What it certainly isn't is a "smart drug" as some people are now trying to promote it.  I'm looking at you Ben Greenfield.



They provide the nicotine for the NRT products and own E cig companies , quids in all around just keep NIcotine in the "system" and the addictions will remain


That's what is particularly insidious about this current form of poison peddling.  This is not even about nicotine replacement therapy for addicts.  These bastards are promoting nicotine to people who have never smoked as a means of improved performance under the guise of health and fitness.  They are using the trust some put in them to create new nicotine addicts.



I am so surprised there aren't more people raging about the subject? Until I came here, even the ex smokers I knew still had no animosity towards the industry or the product. It's just shocking really.


That's the one upside I see in this for me personally.  I struggled with my addiction for a bit.  Then had a breakthrough of sorts and got excited about quitting.  Over the last week or so, I perhaps got a bit complacent about my quit.  Any complacency that may have set in is gone.  Seeing all these manipulative pricks that live to profit off of the misery and death of others has me back on point.  When it's us against them, I'm for us.

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