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Christmas, Holiday, Stocking Stuffer ideas or Traditions?


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How much fun would this be to receive!!




One for DD :)




My gift for Bakon!






Loving the hunt for gifts at the moment  


Does anyone else make gifts?  I give massage oils, bath salts, vanilla fudge, chocolate marzipan etc. 

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How much fun would this be to receive!!




One for DD :)




My gift for Bakon!






Loving the hunt for gifts at the moment  


Does anyone else make gifts?  I give massage oils, bath salts, vanilla fudge, chocolate marzipan etc. 

Oh My! Love that! 


I make gifts for certain people too. I knit hats, mittens, stuffed animals etc. 

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I always wear a silly hat and a glass of festive red wine :)




smoked salmon, scrambled egg and bucks fizz is my traditional christmas breakfast


Its a standing joke with my family and friends as I always bake mince pies and they hate them, but I love making them so tough lol

Love the hat Tracey!  And my mom, bless her soul, would have loved having Christmas with you as she loved mince pie. Us kids hated it though, lol

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Last year, we broke tradition and my dad and little brother came to Ottawa to visit me. This year, I'm staying in Ottawa, but going to Steve's parents instead. Yay.


Now that my mom's gone, Christmas does not feel the same at all. She used to read us 'Twas The Night Before Christmas/A Visit from St. Nicholas every year on Christmas Eve, regardless of how old we were getting. We also would open stockings in the morning, but had to wait until everyone was awake to open presents. That meant waiting on my dad and step-dad to roll out of bed after a night of drinking. It always felt like ages.


My mom always did a huge feast of snacks/finger foods on Christmas Eve and we listened to Christmas music pretty much all night. She was a Christmas fanatic. Here's some pictures from Christmas 2008.






Mom's Christmas village. This is only half of it:



Omg! That is a feast Leanna!  I love the Christmas village  :)  

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Oh I love love love christmas!!  My poor Chris lost his stepdad on the 21st Dec 3 years ago so I try and include him now to have some good memories.  Traditions are extensive :)


Christmas Eve is my favourite part of christmas :)  I take the girls to the panto at the local theatre then we get ready.



1483401_10152077753700798_1726193639_n.j The youngest was alrady asleep so this is Milly doing the duties :)  Baileys, mince pie for santa and carrots for the reindeer.... then when they go to sleep.....

995267_10152077754395798_302255805_n.jpg1524787_10152077754510798_1742631538_n.jthe drunken Chris, sprinkles the "reindeer dust" cause they make an all fired mess those guys :)


Then drunk as a skunk, I start prepping the dinner... ready to re sort the following morning with bucks fizz!  The ex picks the kids up at 4ish and then I sit and chill with the man and whinge that christmas tv is pants!


How fun Marti!  I love hearing others' Christmas traditions :)

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I make creches, here are some of my Magi



That get put into some kind of Creche for The Epiphany (The Start of Mardi Gras)

here is one from last year



The Baby Jesus



Some years my puppet, Plum Bob,  is cast as The Baby Jesus



I make cards


XMas Cards 2013


and last years Solstice Cards




I listen to A Child's Christmas In Wales

read by Dylan Thomas

over and over and over and over, I love it so much.



I sometimes have a dinner for strays that will include Oysters.  Homemade Pate.  Armagnac.  Champagne

but, this year I am going to Lisbon

to cook and paint and visit with my Mentor, Marc and The Fabulous Mario.

New traditions to be invented.

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Its going to be interesting this year, usually I'd spend the day at my mums and then in the evening go over to my dads with my sister and a plate of food, listen to some prog rock and get incredibly stoned. I'm guessing I'm not going to do the stoned thing as that's smoking. Also his new girlfriend is going to be there and she's younger than me! Which is a bit weird! (To say the least!)


Also I've been invited to my boyfriends house for dinner too, bit worried about that though as apparently they're religious types and that sort of thing makes me very uncomfortable.


So its going to be interesting!

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I will have to see if I can dig out some pics...but one tradition that our girls always love is to see who can find the "pickle"


From what i understand,its an old German tradition. We hide a green (blown glass) ornament the shape of a pickle in the tree...when all the presents are opened and everyone is just sitting back, the girls get to all go up to the tree and try and find the pickle...its not as easy as it sounds..it blends in pretty good...lol...as the girls have gotten older, its turned into a small wrestling match whenever one of them thinks they see it...lol..who-ever finds it gets one additional present...I will see if I can find some recent pics..


Pretty calm at this point...but they are all starting to look....





and for the last 3 years in a row, Kristin has been victorious! 






And here is Kristin with her "prize"...my wife usually buys the girls some sort of decoration for the prize now that they are older...



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I will have to see if I can dig out some pics...but one tradition that our girls always love is to see who can find the "pickle"


From what i understand,its an old German tradition. We hide a green (blown glass) ornament the shape of a pickle in the tree...when all the presents are opened and everyone is just sitting back, the girls get to all go up to the tree and try and find the pickle...its not as easy as it sounds..it blends in pretty good...lol...as the girls have gotten older, its turned into a small wrestling match whenever one of them thinks they see it...lol..who-ever finds it gets one additional present...I will see if I can find some recent pics..


Pretty calm at this point...but they are all starting to look....





and for the last 3 years in a row, Kristin has been victorious! 






And here is Kristin with her "prize"...my wife usually buys the girls some sort of decoration for the prize now that they are older...




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I will have to see if I can dig out some pics...but one tradition that our girls always love is to see who can find the "pickle"


From what i understand,its an old German tradition. We hide a green (blown glass) ornament the shape of a pickle in the tree...when all the presents are opened and everyone is just sitting back, the girls get to all go up to the tree and try and find the pickle...its not as easy as it sounds..it blends in pretty good...lol...as the girls have gotten older, its turned into a small wrestling match whenever one of them thinks they see it...lol..who-ever finds it gets one additional present...I will see if I can find some recent pics..


Pretty calm at this point...but they are all starting to look....





and for the last 3 years in a row, Kristin has been victorious! 






And here is Kristin with her "prize"...my wife usually buys the girls some sort of decoration for the prize now that they are older...




Joe, I completely forgot about the pickle! We do/did this as well. My mom was German (Rohrback). I never knew it was a German thing -- I just thought it was some silly tradition my mom made up.

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Joe, I completely forgot about the pickle! We do/did this as well. My mom was German (Rohrback). I never knew it was a German thing -- I just thought it was some silly tradition my mom made up.

well..you got my curiosity up and I had to google it...lol...it seems my parents didn't have the luxury of using google when asked "why"...so they just went with what they were told...lol..It seems the pickle started life right here in the good ole U.S.of A.

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I want all of these!  I've bookmarked the zombie one - stocking filler for the eldest - always struggle with ideas for him as all he asks for is money these days ... I like them to have pressies they can open - almost takes me back to when they were little ... not the same now they both grown ...


Although one year with money was fun as I decided to hide it, split into several envelopes and sent him on a treasure hunt!  Unfortunately I was drunk when I was hiding the envelopes ... and he struggled to find them all ... I couldn't remember where I'd hid them ... oops!  Turned up eventually LOL ...


Our only 'tradition' now is going out on the 23rd to see all the christmas lights in the neighbourhood ... my youngest still likes to do that so we still go ...


Loving seeing everyone's celebrations  :)

oh Wendy, I chuckled, I am always drunk christmas eve too so can totally see how this great idea failed :)



Still looking for ideas for Christmas gifts...any suggestions?  I've got the kids taken care of, now need adult stuff....

You looking for joke or serious pressies?  Male or female adults?

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oh Wendy, I chuckled, I am always drunk christmas eve too so can totally see how this great idea failed :)



You looking for joke or serious pressies?  Male or female adults?

Serious presents..actually for couples...

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