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Closing thought of the day

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Setting here at work, we were suppose to get the holiday schedule today but did not.  what a hassle and now I am told because our normal day off is Thursday we do not get paid for it ?  what a rip off.   ERRRR this just pisses me off,  how can you pay some but not the rest for a holiday like Thanks Giving  what a load of crap.  I m so disgruntled 


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Ol' yoda got a little story to tell.  Yep, I'm back to being Andy DuFresne crawling through shit today to get to freedom.  I had been doing pretty good then one little moment of weakness and a half a bag of Cheetos later put me right back in the bad place.  Bloated up like bull frog, cravings almost as bad as they've ever been and almost 4 lbs of something reattached itself to my ass.  The focus and clarity I was starting to get is gone and the energy I was beginning to feel has also left.  So what's the moral to the story.  The cleaner I eat the easier the quit.  It's easier to stay healthy than to get healthy.  Hopefully I don't suffer for weeks for this but if that's the punishment then I'll just have to take it on the chin and keep going.  I know come Thanksgiving I'll most likely ruin myself again but these are the choices we make.  The silver lining is I haven't smoked.  Even though I thought about it I never really viewed it as an option.  Maybe getting over the addiction to sugar and carbs is replacing the cravings for nicotine.  I don't know.  Maybe it's like what women used to say about relationships...the best way to get over and old lover is to get under a new one.  Not sure how that relates to a man and his addictions but whatever.  I hope everyone else is having an awesome weekend.  I do get strength and conviction from seeing all you good people succeed.  Let's me know I can do it too and for that I thank and love you all.  Peace

Edited by intoxicated yoda
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@Opah Sorry but in Texas, that would be grounds for a lawsuit.  The only way you would not be paid for a holiday is if you called in sick the day before or after the said holiday.  If you were sick, you could provide a Doctors verification you were ill.   They can not give everyone else a day off with pay for Thanksgiving.  Here if you had to work the holiday you either get double pay or a day off at your discretion.  Sounds like a bunch of crap.  Did you sign anything that you accept this or have a union that did.  If not I would be contacting the labor board in your state.


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@intoxicated yoda, maybe you're trying to give up too much too soon and that's what's throwing your system off so badly? We usually recommend focusing on just one big thing at a time. I know quitting caffeine abruptly can cause constipation. Oddly for me once I got farther and farther into my quit the less coffee I drank. I used to only drink two cups a day but now I'm lucky to get a whole cup down.

Also, are you drinking enough water? How about fruit juice? You could also suck on candy instead of eating junk. I was stuck on soft peppermint puffs my entire first year and they were only about 20 calories each. 

Hopefully, you'll be right by Thanksgiving but if not this one then you will by sure be by next year. 

Use all this suffering to cement your quit. And each time you feel you may cave to a crave come back and read this thread so you can remind yourself how you DON'T want to have to go through this again!


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I am with @jillar Everyone fights more than one demon.  Sometimes it is a physical thing, smoking, drinking, over eating. Sometimes emotional, whatever it is just take the time to really feel and understand.  We all have to figure it out our own.  You will feel better as we come to know whom we are and what we deserve. 
We all deserve the best.  It will be okay, just do not force it, it is okay to go one step at a time. 

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3 hours ago, intoxicated yoda said:

It's easier to stay healthy than to get healthy. 

#truth I’ve lived my whole life by this rule. A shame that I didn’t see any issue with smoking. I was still able to remain active. I have always been in great shape and I’ve maintained the same weight for at least 30 years. I could still play sports and run. Smoking wasn’t a problem for me. Until I couldn’t bear the smell anymore. Until I started watching my sister’s health decline so drastically and now she has COPD among other major issues. Until I quit. Until I was forced to admit that ‘I’ am an addict. Then it was a problem. But it was always a problem. I just refused to see it as such. I honestly would just deal with the withdrawals from smoking first and then when you are comfortable with that you can start the dietary changes. A whole lot of walking, water, and cold cranberry juice worked wonders for me during my initial quit and from all that I have read on here they did the same for a whole lot of other people too. You are doing great on keeping your quit! 🙂

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@jillarthere in lies the problem I face.  If I focus solely on quitting the cigs and indulging in everything else then the problems of bloating and weight gain get so severe I can't move.  I'm beginning to believe that smoking masked a lot of food addictions/reactions and I may have backed myself into a corner where I have to fight all of it at the same time.  I'll give the little peppermint puffs a try and see how I react to them.  I'm definitely drinking enough water but fruit juice is something I haven't been able to tolerate in years.   It will be interesting to see how things progress.  In the meantime, know that I appreciate you and Kris and Linda and Gus chiming in and supporting me through a rough patch.  I love you all for that and can't thank you guys enough.  May you all be richly blessed.

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There in lies the problem.  We all have to say that everyday, at least I do.  I say that everyday and I am tired of it.  Do I have problems, yes, but I can only be responsible for me.  I can't fix everything for anyone if I don't fix my own first.  Right now, the goal is my quit, have I gained weight, you bet.

Do I feel bloated and tired.  Also true, but the most important thing is to quit smoking.  That is my biggest health issue.  I do feel physically better, I can breath which means I will be able to be more active, that will help the weight issue.  You need to appreciate what you are doing for your self. Remain committed to the goal.  I am 5 months in and the hand to mouth thing is passing and the weight is slowly going down.  Now that the weather is cooler, I will start taking small walks.  Keep in mind that I am still recovering from a hip replacement.  You are doing great, even if you don't feel great right now.  It will get better the more time that passes.  I have found that to be true but I did not believe it at the beginning.  Everyday does make a difference, keep going!!

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Sorry to hear you are suffering ....

I didn't suffer with this ..so carnt really come up with anything more positive than what other members have said ...

Water and gentle exercise ...to keep things moving ...it works for me ...

Hope you find relief soon ...🙏

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This has been popping up on my screen every Morning,  showing how to make sure you empty your bowels every morning.

Before you get up, stay in bed,  Lay on your Back, bring you heals up to your Butt and left your butt off of the mattress and push your knees away from you at the same time. doesn't have to be huge lifting just enough to get your butt off of the Mattress.  Continue till  yep you got it.


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@Opah I can only guess you are having issues going.  If that is the case and it has been happening for a length of time, you might want to check with the doc.  Our bodies all work differently.  You should not try to be in control, your body will do what is needed when it needs to. I do not know you,your age etc...but if you have not it may be time for a colonoscopy.  People seem to think that is a bad thing.  The procedure is easy, it is the prep that I find the worst part.


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I poop at least twice a day, once first thing and after I get running around at work.

That was a suggestion for Morning Buzz Yoda for the Mornings to help get the bowels cleared out.

Edited by Opah
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I am going to take this a different way.  Sitting here on the couch with back door open five feet away. The cool air drifting in, two of the pups here on the couch with me and the big boy laying on the patio enjoying the cool night.  Keeping his home safe and without worry.  I wanted to go off to a pity party, we all tend go to the bad sometimes. I am not thinking of smoking.  Just missing the crazy activity that this house has seen. A house full of little boys, and the next day (or so it seemed) a house full of teenage boys that were always hungry.  The yelling and laughter as they played the latest video games. Making pallets on the floor for those that wanted to stay the night. Making pancakes, bacon and eggs for them in the morning.  They drank so much milk we should have bought a dairy cow. They may not remember but I will.  I still get to see most of them, all grown up, most are married with young children of their own. There is one who still calls me Mom.  


Then I realized I am not alone, you all are here with just a few clicks of a button.  Is that not a miracle, a blessing that none of us have to go through this challenge alone.  I am so grateful, thankful to all of you. You wait and listen for me if I struggle.   You give comfort, advice, make me laugh, share your hardships and your joy.  I am truly thankful for all of you.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ol' yoda is back to give y'all another bedtime story tonight.  I've been trying to keep my mind clear of smoking thoughts which has been going ok but this whole weight gain thing is getting out of control.  I've monitored my intake for the last week and it really isn't that much different from when I smoked, however, if I even think about eating anything I love like potatoes pasta bread or sweets I put 5 pounds on.  I had gotten my weight down a little bit but this past week I put 12 pounds back on for a total of 35 pounds gained in the last 100 days.  So to anybody that says you won't gain but a few pounds quitting smoking I say **** You in the most sincere meaning of the phrase.  Did I get a benefit from smoking?  Yes, yes I did.  It kept me from being a ******* fat slobby bastard.  Unfortunately, it's not worth emphysema so I've got find a work around and fast or I'm gonna have to ditch all my pants and wrap a shower curtain around my ass.  Anyhow, tomorrow morning at around 8 30 will mark the end of my 100th day without smoking.  It's been an up and down fight with symptoms of quitting going from bad to tolerable to bad to worse.  The cravings aren't so bad now I don't think but the weight gain, constant bloating and constipation and only getting about 2 decent nights of sleep a week is getting old quick and there don't seem to be any relief in sight.  I do want to thank all of you who have offered solutions to the issues i've bitched about in the past and honestly, for beating the cravings you guys absolutely rock...but these digestive issues are proving to be quite the challenge.  So what to do.


Here is the plan for now.  Not smoking at any and all costs is bringing diminishing returns as far as health goes so that is going to have to share the podium with getting my gut health back up to par.  Now I know what you guys are thinking, Ol' yoda is setting up a great excuse to hop off the train.  Quite the contrary...Ol' yoda is working out a way to stay on the train and get back to a comfortable weight so I can continue to work toward optimum health...or is that optimal health...I don't know...maybe somebody can give help me with that, but whatever,  I didn't go through the hell of quitting smoking just so I can turn into a ball of sweaty rotting lard that can't enjoy life cause I'm to goddamned fat to get off the couch.  But the devil is in the details and so far I've not provided any so here goes.  

You guys have NOPE...I'm gonna have to add NOTE and NOSE.  Not One Taste Ever and Not One Sip Ever.  But wait, you can't stop eating and drinking ya daft twat.  And that is true but I can stop eating and drinking the things that cause me problems.  The deeper I go into this the more I believe that I'm addicted to certain foods, especially sugar.  So if that is an addiction that can cause health problems on the same level as smoking then why wouldn't I quit that as well.   I would and should so sugar is off the table...along with bread, pasta, potatoes, chips any kind of snack food and especially sodas.   If you are one of those people that don't need to take such drastic measures then I am happy for you.  I, on the other hand am not one of those people.  I can gain 3 pounds just seeing a bottle of Mtn Dew so imagine how ****** I am when actually drink it.  So the challenge gets bigger.  2 addictions at the same time.  It took 100 days to put on 35 pounds how long will it take to get rid of it?  time will tell.   You guys and gals have a great night and wonderful weekend.  I wish all of you the very best life has to offer because you all deserve it.  Peace 

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Man @intoxicated yoda sorry you're still having so many issues. I'm  really glad that you're not using it as an excuse  to relapse because even though it doesn't seem like it right now I promise you the day will come when you'll see it was all worth it. So use this that you're going through as a future reminder that you never want to go through it again!

Nutritionally you can Google just about everything on foods to help with digestion or cause bloating, high fat etc. I wish I could have those pounds I have the opposite problem and am just as frustrated as you that I can't gain weight lol

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Aww Yoda ....

Don't get down hearted ...your quit is still in the very early stages ...your body is still in a messed up mode ...

When us oldies say quitting is a journey it's because of good folks like yourself .....

All you can do is eat healthy ... excercise every day....

One day ....your weight will stablize....but this can be different for each person ....

I feel and hear your frustration....

As Jillar has said ....Don't let this be your reason to smoke again .....

Dying with a smoke related illness is far worse ....

Your amazing ....and I look forward to travelling to your freedom with you ....

Stay positive ...🐸

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@Doreensfreei'm not anywhere near giving in to smoking just yet.  a lot of me coming here and bitching is to help keep me stable in my real world.  I'm not lying or embellishing my reactions to the quit but having a place to vent where people have the option to just completely ignore me is a great outlet.  and then having some positive feedback to my negativity is a great offset.  the journey continues and thanks for the encouragement.

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105 days...hard to believe I made this far when I look back.  I try not to look back to much though cause it starts reminding me of what I once was.  That's not who I am now nor do I want to be that again.  I actually had what I would call a good day.  Everything pretty much went wrong but it just dawned on me that I never once considered a cigarette as a means of escape.  When it hit me I actually felt like a non smoker instead of an abstaining smoker.  Not to say that it felt good, it just didn't feel at all.  The changes to my diet feels like it might stick this time.  I'm definitely feeling better although I still have a ways to go to reach my goals.  Quick question though...does anybody ever get cravings but then you just can't decide if it's a craving for a cigarette or maybe something else?  The last few days will get a craving feeling but I just can't resolve what the craving is for.  I don't really want to smoke although I could, not gonna lie.  Or is the craving for something sweet.  Or for a coffee.  It's hard to say, but giving up a bunch of vices all at the same time has pretty much confused the shit out of my mind to where I can't tell what my craving is for which oddly enough makes it easier to ignore.  Anyhow, I definitely think the diet change is helping a lot.  All but giving up coffee is another thing that probably has had a positive effect.  I still will drink a coffee every few days cause I'm still a coffee addict but there is a very small amount that I can tolerate without it causing some adverse effects.  The reality though is that i'm still crawling through that sewer pipe out of the addict prison but i can see the end of the tunnel now and even though I'm not smelling the fresh air of freedom I can feel it on my face.  


Here's a joke for you guys...why do people put cream and sugar in their coffee....answer.....





'cause they don't like coffee.  LOL😂  Alright, it ain't that funny but it's kinda true if you think about.  good night everyone

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48 minutes ago, intoxicated yoda said:

Quick question though...does anybody ever get cravings but then you just can't decide if it's a craving for a cigarette or maybe something else? 

Yoda, what I do when my stomach is hungry but I'm not is I start thinking about all the different options I have on hand until something clicks and winner, winner I'm eating dinner. I've done this for years and it pretty much always works.

So maybe think about every other option BESIDES smoking that you have until one clicks for you 😊 

I'm really happy to hear that you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Now you can truly see that all your hard work is paying off 😊

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