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Pet Pics!


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I wish I could have a cat! Please adopt one of these guys, they are sooo adorable. Ugh, I cannot even stand to think about all the pets that need homes. I think my yorkie wouldn't last a day in a shelter, but I guess none of these animals are equipped for that type of thing.

Oh, I want to so badly! He looks like such a sweetheart. Money is a little tight right now and my boyfriend doesn't think we can afford him just yet. He would cost us about $200, but that includes all of his shots and what not. I am trying to convince him this is our guy! I think I'm going to have to drag him to the humane society so he can see Milo up close. Once he sees him, I'm sure he will be sold.


If we're too late though, I'll keep looking. We're definitely going to adopt... I just don't know when.

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Hey Annael - think of all the money you saved not smoking - surely you can justify a kitty 3daa4cc69413a4a4fda538b0ecb14120_zps9b10


For the record my 2 little rescue cats - Machu and Cusco !




Babs - hope your little one is feeling better !!

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  • 6 months later...

Alex got a beautiful new necklace last night..... this is for you guys that don't visit the OTR section.


She looks at me like she wants to hurt me now... but that is what happens when you remove your own stitiches.



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This is Nucy & Ivan...


(on top) Nucy, short for Nuisance is about 3 years old now, she was dropped off on our front porch when she was about 7 weeks old.


(bottom of fountain) This is Ivan, he is almost 11 years old now. He was washed down to us during the flooding of hurricane ivan.




this is nucy the weekend that we got her, (thats a soup bowl)....




They really do love each other,, but the little one always starts up and wants to play...





Poor alex... how long does she have to wear that stupid hat???

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This is Nucy & Ivan...


(on top) Nucy, short for Nuisance is about 3 years old now, she was dropped off on our front porch when she was about 7 weeks old.


(bottom of fountain) This is Ivan, he is almost 11 years old now. He was washed down to us during the flooding of hurricane ivan.




this is nucy the weekend that we got her, (thats a soup bowl)....




They really do love each other,, but the little one always starts up and wants to play...





Poor alex... how long does she have to wear that stupid hat???

Wow Scott, they resemble each other so much!  

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Chris, I hate those cone things! I know that they don't hurt the animal, but they're so annoying.


A few years ago, our cat had surgery on his flank. To keep him from tearing off the dressing and the stitches, the vet put one of those collars on him. It really bothered me (probably more than it bothered the cat). If the only purpose was to keep the cat from licking the wound, the collar just seemed like overkill.


So I cut the legs off a pair of panty hose and I cut the crotch out. I removed the collar, put the cat's head through the crotch and put his front legs through the leg holes. Then I pulled the panty hose down the length of his body almost to his tail. Sort of like a T-shirt. It was so light and comfortable the cat didn't even know it was there. But the mesh fabric prevented the cat from messing with the bandage or the stitches. When we took the cat back to the vet 5 days later, he was delighted. He thought it was a brilliant idea! 


Could you put some panty hose on Alex's back legs to keep him from crewing on his stitches? Just a thought. 

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Chris, I hate those cone things! I know that they don't hurt the animal, but they're so annoying.


A few years ago, our cat had surgery on his flank. To keep him from tearing off the dressing and the stitches, the vet put one of those collars on him. It really bothered me (probably more than it bothered the cat). If the only purpose was to keep the cat from licking the wound, the collar just seemed like overkill.


So I cut the legs off a pair of panty hose and I cut the crotch out. I removed the collar, put the cat's head through the crotch and put his front legs through the leg holes. Then I pulled the panty hose down the length of his body almost to his tail. Sort of like a T-shirt. It was so light and comfortable the cat didn't even know it was there. But the mesh fabric prevented the cat from messing with the bandage or the stitches. When we took the cat back to the vet 5 days later, he was delighted. He thought it was a brilliant idea! 


Could you put some panty hose on Alex's back legs to keep him from crewing on his stitches? Just a thought. 


Great thought...I will have to check into this... she was doing some sort of coughing this morning so my wife took it off.  By the time I got downstairs she almost hate one of the 2 remaining stitches out.  

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