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Is Vaping Okay? Seems to be working for me...


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I hope it will but I don't think it will, you only smoke different, with or without nicotine; you're sustaining withdrawls.... I tried it and knew I fooled myself


I really hope you're able to quit smoking and all nicotine. And I am not you so it might work for you

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Only you know the answer to that.


My mother Vapes. I feel that she is doing less harm to herself than she would be with cigarettes. 


As a vaper - I think that she is always closer to relapse than I am - she is still nicotine-dependent for one, and she maintains lots of 'smoking' habits and routines.


Do you have a fixed plan for nicotine reduction? Elimination? Stopping? Or is it one step at a time?

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I think the jury is still out on the effects of vaping.


My 2 cents... vape to quit smoking ciggies and then quit the vaping.  If you gotta step it to quit...the step it.  Just quit.


Just make sure you don't pick up a vaping habit... as I said, I don't think we know the effects yet.


Keep on keepin on.

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Only you know the answer to that.


My mother Vapes. I feel that she is doing less harm to herself than she would be with cigarettes. 


As a vaper - I think that she is always closer to relapse than I am - she is still nicotine-dependent for one, and she maintains lots of 'smoking' habits and routines.


Do you have a fixed plan for nicotine reduction? Elimination? Stopping? Or is it one step at a time?

Well right now the nicotine is 6 mg seems to work fine- after I run out I am moving down to 3  once the 3 is gone I believe I will still Vap however the plan is zero nicotine.  So yes the habit of holding the cigarette and smoking it is very similar but I do believe the damages will be way less and it seems to be an easy transition

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So this day one of my plan to finally quit smoking :)  It has been way too long since I tried



Vaping as a method to quit - and then discontinue. I'm for that.


As the Dog says - the Jury is out on the health impact of vaping - which is the exact replica of the cigarette debates in 70s and 80s.

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I think as a tool to get to a quit, all roads lead to rome and it's not like we aren't doing damage smoking anyway right?!


Some things cause bigger health implications and the lack of info on Vaping worried me if I'm honest but I still tried an e cig and would have pursued it if it had worked for me, but everyone is different so if it's working for you then why not. I am a "whatever works" kinda chick and I did chantix which is a whackload of tablets that threatened as a side effect I might wanna top myself (all good, didn't get that feeling thank goodness), and honestly, I'd take them again if I got the end result of a quit so take from that what you will.


Massive congrats on day 1 free of the cigs and for the start of a wonderful journey :)  Welcome home. xx

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You can do it!  One step at a time.  I think as long as your goal is eventually zero nicotine there is no issue with Vaping.  Some folks seem to have an easier time taking baby steps rather than jumping right in.  Whatever works!!  Proud of you!!

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To me vaping & coating your lungs still doesn't sound healthy to me. But then again I think if I was told I could vap my brains out I'd be a vaper still today instead of almost 4 yrs free of ccigs. I think some vap so they can still get their daily fix & not have drs,wives or whatever harping at you to quit.

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My sister vaped for over a year, she was totally addicted to it but she ran out of juice on holiday a few weeks ago and just quit, she had planned to come off it anyway just not so quick but she did it.


I think the important thing is to have an end game to come off of nicotine all together, she had said that if her boyfriend wasn't such an avid anti smoker she would have brought cigs on holiday to get a "fix" but now she is nicotine free she said she wouldn't dream of it.


Great to see you Amy x

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