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crazy day and nights


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I conquered the drive home after work trigger a long time ago, or so I thought but when I got in my car last night it hit me hard. I just blew it off but it sure was out of the blue. Then I've had some crazy dreams and I haven't had any of those in a while either Last night was the second night in a row. The first dream I smoked and I could actually feel the smoke being drawn into my lungs. That's the only part of that dream I remember. Then last night I went to my mom's house just to smell her cigarettes because I thought they smelled bad. My mom doesn't smoke and never has. I also dreamed that 2 of my bosses kept coming over to my house because they had a crush on me and my husband was ok with it and even thought it was cute.

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 I also dreamed that 2 of my bosses kept coming over to my house because they had a crush on me and my husband was ok with it and even thought it was cute.

Hi DF the only thing that concerns me here is the bosses part LOL ;)


how did it end? ;)


I know loads of members have had weird smoking dreams and some even dream of other members, not mentioning any names but action might tell you ;) LOL


I have not had any dreams myself but then I never remember any dreams good or bad :(


I believe its part of the process 


congratulations for dismissing the car trigger, they can be sneaky  :ph34r:


did you tell hubby?

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Smoking dreams... Where to begin, lol! But, I see my mammy is here, so is better not get into that :p


There was one time, where I had smoking dreams every night for a week... It got old, fast lol. I'm going to try to find out when that was, because I'm curious if it was around the 2-3 month mark, like you.


It's all part of the process, and personally, I think that these dreams made my quit stronger!


You are doing great DF!

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Ya they are nasty creeping little buggers those triggers.....they come from nowhere.....

So always be on your guard....

Smoking dreams ...I havnt had any.....lucky or unlucky......I don't know.....

Yes I was unlucky my photo wasn't up when action had his dream....who knows ,it might of been me he dreamt of.....

But I'm still waiting....for the next one.....l.ol......

It wasn't anyone here....but 2 bosses is not bad.....

Hugs xx

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Dentalfloss, I can't tell if you are upset by the brief driving crave and the dreams or not. You don't seem to be upset, just reporting on things that have been happening to you, which is good.


The only thing I would add (because I frequently forget it myself) is that you should remember that weird things happen to non-smokers, too. There could be things going on in your life right now that are provoking a lot of dreams. Because you recently quit smoking, your brain attaches the dreams to smoking. But if you were still smoking (or had never smoked) your brain would attach the dreams to something else symbolic. Don't worry about it. 

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Hey DF, many's the time I woke crying from those crazy dreams, just dreams chick, don't mean a thing, nor do craves. We just truck on, nope'ing as we go.


On another note strange dreams may be more prevalent at the moment as we are coming up to eclipse time soon and equinox now (I work with energy, my thing:) ). So perhaps your subconcious is trying to tell you something is all :)  Quick google for dream meanings of your boss

To see your boss in your dream represents the bossy or authoritative side of your own personality. Your boss may reveal self-confidence and the assertive aspect of yourself.�It is telling of your issues of control and authority. Alternatively, to see your boss in your dream may indicate your over-involvement or obsession with your work. Negatively, the boss in your dream may symbolize your limitations and lack of freedom/originality.

Dreaming that you are in trouble with your boss is a reminder that there is higher power that you will need to answer to.To dream that you are afraid of your boss indicates your fear of authority. You may feel that someone else is running your life or dictating what you can and can not do.

To dream that you are having sex with your boss signifies your desires for authority and control. You are feeling empowered.

Consider also the relationship you have with your boss. This may provide clues to work-related stress or issues that need to be resolved.



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Hi DF the only thing that concerns me here is the bosses part LOL ;)


how did it end? ;)


I know loads of members have had weird smoking dreams and some even dream of other members, not mentioning any names but action might tell you ;) LOL


I have not had any dreams myself but then I never remember any dreams good or bad :(


I believe its part of the process 


congratulations for dismissing the car trigger, they can be sneaky  :ph34r:


did you tell your hubby?

How did it end? UMM, WELL, UMM.. :blush:  just kidding. I woke up. 

No I didnt tell hubby. He knows my bosses and might tell them. How embarrassing would that be for me??

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Dentalfloss, I can't tell if you are upset by the brief driving crave and the dreams or not. You don't seem to be upset, just reporting on things that have been happening to you, which is good.


The only thing I would add (because I frequently forget it myself) is that you should remember that weird things happen to non-smokers, too. There could be things going on in your life right now that are provoking a lot of dreams. Because you recently quit smoking, your brain attaches the dreams to smoking. But if you were still smoking (or had never smoked) your brain would attach the dreams to something else symbolic. Don't worry about it. 

No.Not upset at all. shocked but it shows that they can come out of nowhere.

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When I was on a strict diet, I used to dream about eating sweets . I loved those dreams! I was always happy to be eating.


The smoking dreams are always fmade me feel bad that I had thrown away my quit.


The craves come and go.


You are doing good :)

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Glad you have got a grip on your triggers!


Take your dreams for what they are, just a dream, a figment of your imagination!


But your dreams do sound interesting, a cross between the twilight zone and a soap opera!


Maybe sell the movie rights! lol!

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