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I just ran out of gums and i wont be buying any until 6th april 2020 .

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I have decided to be completely be nicotine free  until 6th april  , that means no gums till 6th april 2020


I think i am going to go through some withdrawal issues very  soon


4/4/2020 , 9:13 PM





Edited by Sunshine59
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Nicotine only stays in your system for about three days sunshine so by the 6th you'll have two of those days behind you. Why would you take it back up when it's almost out of your system?!

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Thanks for the reply jillar ,


This was my sudden short term plan .


Right now i am not sure how to manage it in the long run .


I could try not to buy the gums .


Had to start somewhere , I don't have any gums with me right now

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We're all bored and chewing gum really isn't that exciting.   Give it a few days for the nicotine to get out of your system and if you want to chew something, Orbit sugarfree isn't bad if you can get it.  

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You've got this Sunshine. 


Not sure what will feel helpful as the nicotine leaves your body.   I slept for a day or so.   Drinking lots of water and juice. 

Playing cards.   Glad you are FREE!

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Thanks for the reply Jordan7 , darcy


This NRT withdrawal symptoms are nothing compared to cigarette smoking withdrawals


Yes , i can handle it .


What i really don't like is the constant feeling of hunger


Will wait three days and see if the three days have made any differences when it comes to my sudden hunger issues

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Mate....let's aim to make this the final push....no more NRT yeah?


So chewing normal gum will help with appetite issue...most gum now is sugar free do diabetic friendly. Healthy snacking option that is good..celery sticks. Also good option is to suck on sugar free lollipops. I know it's hard to do that final step and give up the NRT...cos I've done it...but you can do this mate. 

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Thanks for the reply

Still only bit of  appetite problems , i don't know why i have cravings for food all the time now , lol



OK , flushing all the little amount of nicotine out of my system .


Head feels a bit clouded in the morning for some time , but that is normal too


@Sazerac ,


Yes that is how i was able to quit smoking the cigarettes

In one or two days like this , i might even forget the gums too .


Must  manage the cravings for food properly



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Walnuts are a good snack and also an appetite suppressant.

Black chai tea without sugar is a good appetite suppressant & it boosts your metabolism.

Strawberries and blueberries are the best fruit for diabetics....and strawberries are an appetite suppressant. 


You can do this. No reason not to have a cuppa tea or coffee in the morning. 

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20 hours ago, Sunshine59 said:



I did not know there were  appetite suppressing foods like that

Still no gums , i am going to buy some regular gums in the evening


Thanks a lot



Almonds are great for diabetics and an appetite suppressant.

Avocado falls into that category too. So does ginger and cinnamon. 

Apples do but they are high in sucrose so not really that good for diabetics.

Green tea, with some ginger and cinnamon is a good option.

You can slice strawberries in a water jug overnight and then the water will have a strawberry hint, hardly any sugar... you can add mint leaves too.

Most green leafy vegetables are appetite suppressants, not as good as walnuts and almonds though... just be careful though as often these are high in sugars.

Dark chocolate (preferably bitter) is both low in sugar and also an appetite suppressant.


Patchouli oil is supposed to suppress your appetite if you burn it or rub it on your pulse points.


Onions have more sugar than most fruit... often diabetics think they have had a nice healthy meal and the BSL will be high because of onion.


My mum is diabetic. She always has almonds and walnuts to snack on.

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@notsmokinjo ,


Thanks a lot for all the food suggestion , i really do not like getting hungry all the time .

I will try almond and walnut

I am going out in the evening to buy regular gums , something in the mouth makes me forget about a lot of other unwanted things


Time to be a little more stricter about my diabetes


I am stopping the watermelon too






Yes , i am feeling OK  without the gums

The withdrawal symptoms of gums usually go away in 3 hours in my experience


@Doreensfree ,


Yes , thanks a lot for all the support





Edited by Sunshine59
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1 hour ago, Sunshine59 said:

 i really do not like getting hungry all the time .



Nicotine is a stimulant and an appetite suppressant.  Study the effects of nicotine to better understand what you are experiencing.


I'm not sure if you are having concerns about your increased appetite and weight issues but, somebody reading may be.

Weight Related Resources


Quitting smoking and putting a nicotine addiction to sleep can highlight your power, your self-control. 

We are free to choose and no longer being led around by addiction. 


Being told with nicotine that we are not hungry when we may, indeed, be hungry ! ? These days are over.

Also, your senses are being re-awakened.  Use this to your advantage.






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