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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. Tammy

    chicks or sticks

    12 And round and round we go :p
  2. This is just like Mumbai however it floods even when the rains are what we expect each year, because guess what, the way we generate trash clogs all the drains, hence rainwater and silt cannot get out and floods the city. As a planet, we are hurtling towards our own doom, without even realizing it (at least most people don't). Glad to know you're ok Jo.
  3. Congrats Runfree, what you have achieved is amazing.
  4. Stewman, wassup, this is not directed at you...you are a good person for sure
  5. Congratulations on 7 days of kicking the butt, literally. One day, one crave at a time you will beat this addiction. You got this K!!!
  6. Thanks Stewie, glad you found it worthwhile.
  7. Tammy

    chicks or sticks

    11 Hey Fluffy, All well, how are you?
  8. So yes, I know the first question that might pop up in your head is wait, what? Superheroes and smoking? What kinda connection is that? Well, I'm a huge nerd/geek/fangirl (whatever other fancy term you may want to use) and a big big follower of the comic book/superhero universe. And though I love both DC (Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, Green Arrow etc) and Marvel (Ironman, Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thanos, Loki etc) the one guy that stands above all for me is Batman. Why him you may ask? Because Batman is amongst that rare breed of superheroes, who doesn't necessarily have any superpower, per se. He's not faster than a speeding bullet, webs don't shoot out of his hands, he doesn't have the strength of a God. In fact, he's a lot more human than any other superhero I know. What he has is grit and determination, to train better, have better gadgets, use technology and science to overcome superhuman challenges, and yes of course he's rich :p Point being, Batman grapples with his own self every single day, when confronted with the question: Why does he fight? Why not leave it to the others who have a lot of extra things going for them. Why put his mind and body through incessant beatings, efforts and still see himself come up short sometimes against people with higher abilities, and then why doesn’t he give up, but enter the foray again? And the answer he gets is because he can. Because it is possible to try and make his city (Gotham) safer. Because he can fight back, even if not win each time. Because the body may heal, but not acting when he could have, that scar the mind cannot get rid off. Day after day, he chooses to fight and each time he chooses not to bow down to his own fears, he wins. That's where each of our battles with smoking come in. Nicotine addiction is a relentless foe. I have read so many posts here about people coming so close to smoking. Some in week 3, some in month 5, some even after a year or more. It sneaks up on you in your weakest moments, and makes you believe that lighting up will solve everything that is going on with you. And each of us fights that addiction, day in day out, incessantly. Each one of us is a superhero. We’ve all got our weaknesses, our problems, but each one of us chooses to fight them rather than give in to the craving of smoking. It’s the easier bit, giving in. But keeping on fighting, now that is the stuff of legends. So kudos to each and every one of you. As Alfred Pennyworth (Batman’s Butler and confidante) once reminded him: Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.
  9. Congratulations on staying strong on your quit for 3 months KDad, it is a phenomenal achievement.
  10. Tammy

    chicks or sticks

    7 Day's going by way too fast for me...but it's fine
  11. One of the newborn pups in my lot...

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