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My friends' gone home - I'm on my own now with my quit almost 72 hours I feel very sad my friend left, - always end up in tears when someone stays over - something with attachment? :P


I went to the local market to buy cheese and juice. My last money is gone, I off course was tempted to buy a pack but I didn't want to throw away my quit. 


It's almost 3 days quit. Offically within one hour and a half. But I counted in days so this is my third day - day 2 completed. 


I feel so obsessed with the cigs. Sometimes I wonder off 'he hadn't thought of a cig in half an hour'. 


But the nicotine monster is still lurking waiting for its chance to nail me. I'm not giving up . 

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My friends' gone home - I'm on my own now with my quit almost 72 hours I feel very sad my friend left, - always end up in tears when someone stays over - something with attachment? :P


I went to the local market to buy cheese and juice. My last money is gone, I off course was tempted to buy a pack but I didn't want to throw away my quit. 


It's almost 3 days quit. Offically within one hour and a half. But I counted in days so this is my third day - day 2 completed. 


I feel so obsessed with the cigs. Sometimes I wonder off 'he hadn't thought of a cig in half an hour'. 


But the nicotine monster is still lurking waiting for its chance to nail me. I'm not giving up yet. 

Let me correct that for you!

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I'm still going strong :)

If you can Evelyn try and think 'I am strong' if you get rid of the word 'going' it makes it less that things can change, it removes the 'well it's ok for now' get out clause we used to give ourselves.


Evelyn I don't know if your waiting for something to happen? That was my problem in previous quits, waiting for something to happen. If that is what you feel like, in limbo, then set yourself a few things to do. Obviously the normal day to day tasks are waiting to be done but try and add a treat task. I don't know what you consider a treat task but there must be something you enjoy that can refocus your mind, distract you. Mine would be de heading my spring pot plants with my music playing.


Life is carrying on as normal around you so engage in pleasures and distractions.


You really can and are doing this Evelyn, you already stopped smoking...be proud, be very proud.

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You're right, I just don't feel sure as I'm so being attacked by the nicotine voices.



And no wonder Evelyn, your brain chemistry is coping without nicotine and friends. It will talk to you often probably, no matter as it's trying to offer you a soultion (give me what I am used to having) only an offer...not a command. Hold tight to that part Evelyn, that it's never a command.


Also be realistic in that once the nicotine has gone is when the brain is repairing, so offers will come you way. You are quit so no matter what offer you get blast it with truths and logic ;)

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Just keep telling yourself that anytime a doubt creeps in "I AM QUIT" shout it out loud if you have to, I think sometimes when we quit our expectations are "okay Ive stopped smoking so after a day, I will be a non smoker and everything will be ok"  Sometimes we are not prepared for how hard it can be how the addict clings on with a grim determination, BUT Evelyn if you use that same grim determination you will defeat the addict and another day and then another will have passed, do not give the addict any room to grow inside your head, read a book, do a puzzle, jigsaw, I always find music and singing and dancing help me.  Whatever it takes Evelyn, we've got your back, just DONT SMOKE x

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Ramblings....getting it off your chest does help very much it seems. I come from a 'stiff upper lip, head down & crack on' family so never understood the value of 'getting things off your chest and then your able to think them through and act on the legitimate points'


Once you've got it off your chest, uninterrupted, we are able to be in a position to recieve information, and can address our fears and and concerns by calm, truthful self talk.


So ramble away when you need to Evelyn as it will be doing your new none smoking self the world of good.

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