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Ask Petra Anything


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So, yeah. I haven't been here a lot like I was in the early days, lots of new peeps, have had my own threads, but not the "Ask me anything" thread, and I'm in need of a little attention, I guess, so have at it peeps, and I'll tell you what I want you to know  if you want to know anything.  ;)



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What's your fave part about being smoke free and why?

So many things to love about not smoking!!!  My fave is that I don't have to hide anymore because it was a HUGE pain in the butt!!!  


Many people knew I smoked when I was younger, but then I quit and relapsed  After I relapsed, I hid it from EVERYONE, my husband, my kids, my friends.  It was sooooo hard to find a place to smoke, then hide the smell from my breath and clothes.  How ridiculous!  Plus I wanted to smoke ALL the time!  


I LOVE being free! :)

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So where have you been Petra? What great adventure have you been on?  :)

I've been taking care of my family lately.  They need lots of attention and are worth every moment.  


I did go to Florida and wrestle alligators.  I also swam with hundreds of jelly fish!  I only got stung once, but others were not so lucky.  


Well, maybe the "wrestling" with alligators was not true, but we SAW alligators, and the jelly fish story is WAY true.  I've got pix to prove it.  :)  Lots of jelly fish in the water that day! :)

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I did go to Florida and wrestle alligators.  I also swam with hundreds of jelly fish!  I only got stung once, but others were not so lucky.  



Ask anything, she said ....


When are you going to leave that boring old life of alligators and jelly squids and come live a life of adventure with The Sarges.


We'll throw you out of perfectly good airplanes at 11,000 feet, drag you up to 14,000 ft peaks hanging vertical off a slice of dental floss, and have you running marathons before breakfast.



Did I mention the sport of Extreme Gardening that awaits you in your new life?


When will you be joining us?






Easy Peasy

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What bucket list/adventure will you do next year??

Where are you originally from?

How many siblings do you have, do you see them regularly?

Do you have any major regrets in life (apart from smoking)?

What would your ideal career/dream job be?

Are you happy with what you have achieved in life or do you wish you had done more?

What countries have you been to?

If you won the lottery tomorrow what would you do/ change?

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I've been taking care of my family lately.  They need lots of attention and are worth every moment.  


I did go to Florida and wrestle alligators.  I also swam with hundreds of jelly fish!  I only got stung once, but others were not so lucky.  


Well, maybe the "wrestling" with alligators was not true, but we SAW alligators, and the jelly fish story is WAY true.  I've got pix to prove it.   :)  Lots of jelly fish in the water that day! :)


Did you let someone pee on you when you got stung?

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Ask anything, she said ....


When are you going to leave that boring old life of alligators and jelly squids and come live a life of adventure with The Sarges.


We'll throw you out of perfectly good airplanes at 11,000 feet, drag you up to 14,000 ft peaks hanging vertical off a slice of dental floss, and have you running marathons before breakfast.



Did I mention the sport of Extreme Gardening that awaits you in your new life?


When will you be joining us?






Easy Peasy

While it sounds appealing, Sarge, you may have to come up with a better offer.  This girl ain't jumping out of no plane.  I hike well traveled trails below tree level, and I rather swim in an ocean than run in Ohio. 


As far as gardening goes, my husband has made a huge garden plot, which he so carefully and graciously roto tills each spring with fresh manure.  We could have a beautiful, abundant, flourishing garden if that lazy wife of his would put in just a little more effort.  But as it is now, we grow an abundance of weeds and a few vegetables - maybe when I retire I'll put a little more love into it.  ;)


I will however, swing by when I'm in your part of town.  I'd be thrilled to meet the lovely Mrs. Sarge...


and check out The Sarge's grapes.  ;)

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I just want to take you drinking. When is good day?

Any time, Bakon!  I'd love to go drinking with you.  I'll ditch the flip flops, get a pedicure and throw on some strappy sandals.  We'll borrow the Pimp's limo, stop at a couple of fun bars, grab some food, maybe hit a strip club.  I can't wait!  :)


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If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

What was your best holiday?

What's your favourite drink, alcoholic and non alcoholic?



I would live in San Diego, CA.


Thanksgiving - reminds me all reasons to be Thankful.  I miss spending it with my family though.  We spend the day at my in-laws.  They are very mellow.  With my family, it was always loud, chaotic, kids running around, barely room to sit. :)  


I start every day with two cups of coffee and end it with a glass or two of red wine (maybe a little more on weekends, and the occasional Tuesday - lol), so I guess those are my faves.     


xx :)

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What bucket list/adventure will you do next year??

Where are you originally from?

How many siblings do you have, do you see them regularly?

Do you have any major regrets in life (apart from smoking)?

What would your ideal career/dream job be?

Are you happy with what you have achieved in life or do you wish you had done more?

What countries have you been to?

If you won the lottery tomorrow what would you do/ change?

What bucket list/adventure will you do next year?? - Next year in the Spring, I'm making plans to travel to Nashville, TN with my two BESTIE COLLEGE BUDS!  For about the last 8 years or so, we have been meeting in a different city for a girls' weekend since we all live in different states.  Not sure what else is on the books.  I like to try to get in a vacation with the family too and to do a few things locally.  :)  (No jumping out of planes for me, Sarge!)


Where are you originally from?  San Diego, CA (technically a suburb, but SD County).


How many siblings do you have, do you see them regularly?  One brother who I see once in a while.  Sometimes our families go camping together.  I see him on holidays, for the occasional birthday dinner, and sometimes just randomly.  He lives about 35-40 minutes from me. 


Do you have any major regrets in life (apart from smoking)?  I wish I had spent more time with my dad when he was sick and dying (he died from cancer caused by – yep, smoking).  I lived in a different state, and wasn’t financially stable at all, but life is valuable, and I wish I had made a stronger effort to be with him a lot more than the few times I went to see him.


What would your ideal career/dream job be?   To not have one!!! LOL-jk   I’ve been lucky enough to have flexible work hours that enable me to be home with my kids when they are home or whenever they need me.  That is pretty ideal. 


Are you happy with what you have achieved in life or do you wish you had done more?   Yes, I am happy with what I have achieved.  I am healthy, able, secure.  I have two great kids, a husband who loves me, loving family nearby.  We are able to give a bit to charity financially, but I wish I gave more and that I was more giving with my time on a more personal level.  I suppose any of that can change at any time, so I thank God every day for what I have and pray He will continue to guide me and keep me and my loved ones safe.


What countries have you been to?  England, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, France and The Netherlands (Amsterdam) (not in that order) – Hit all those on a European tour I took with those two Bestie College Buds I mentioned earlier after we graduated from college.  It was our first trip together and little did we know that many years later we’d be meeting up once a year.   Love those two girls!!!    And Mexico.   


If you won the lottery tomorrow what would you do/ change?  I’d charter a plane and fly all of my Quit Train friends to a month long (or longer if I can) all-expense paid party on a warm beautiful tropical island, of course!!!   Cheers!

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What I really want to know is... What made you take up naked volleyball, and how can I get into it?

Well, it all started back at SDSU, a bunch of us went to the beach, then.......


Tournament is ON at the QuitTrain Beach Party!!!  -


You can leave your hat on! ;)  and your boots too!

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What is your most favorite thing to do in the world?

In the world????  Oh my gosh.  So many things to do in the whole world. 


My most favorite thing to do is BE in a place that is warm, preferably, warm, humid, sunny and calm with a view of water and the horizon (like on a boat), but warm in front of a fire, with people I like is nice too. 


Sex rates up there pretty high too.  It fits in the warm category.  ;)


Jumping out of a plane, Sarge, is not my most favorite thing. 

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What's your favorite guilty pleasure food?

What was your nickname growing up?

Does anyone still call you that?

Shredded beef and bean burritos with cheese, smothered in hot green chili and served with chips and guac and salsa.  Yummo!!! I could eat that every day!

My mom used to call me PetraD.

Only all of you call me that.  No one in my "real" world knows it.  :)

Many close friends call me D, now and when I was growing up.  Not a very exciting nickname. 

My Dad used to call me Ace (among 1000 other nicknames he had for me).  Ace was my favorite, but no one else called me that. :)

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