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Want this to be over


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Hey guys, I’m so friggin close to going out to buy a pack right now.  I’ve been fighting w my hubs since last night, I left and drove around puffing on the air cig. He just called me and I’m in tears, yelling, so effing frustrated and I just want to smoke. I know it’s not right, I know it won’t solve this problem, but I really don’t give a F right now. Ughhhhh I hate this!! I want these feelings to be over

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On 4/19/2023 at 7:31 AM, Brioski said:

but I really don’t give a F right now


Brioski I know you don't give a F right now but you will when the fight blows over. Hang on, keep smoking your BAC and wait it out. Do something you never smoked while doing. I never smoked in my new car so I would take a drive and as soon as I started the engine it seemed I forgot about smoking. Find your sweet spot 🤗

You know fights don't last that long and once you get past this one the rest (if any) will be easy to get through without the bad craves. You may still crave but not as bad as this one.


Edited by jillar
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Thank you guys…. I’m not crying anymore but I’m still wobbling.  Like I don’t think I’ll go buy a pack but it’s really there in my head like let’s just go back to normal, smoking is not the answer but you know it’ll make u feel better etc. This f***ing sucks!!!!!!

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Distract, distract, distract. Play a mind game that forces you to think about something else. Lots of cool game apps. I have Woodoku on my phone that's prettty fun to play the "journeys" and get my token if completed lol. The higher levels get hard

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Remember B 

Smoking is OFF the table even if your arse is on fire ..

Even non smokers have arguments.

And have to deal with it ,without a crutch ..

Once you have made up with your hubby ,you will be so glad you kept your precious quit ..

Buy some wool ,and knit a scarf ..

It will help keep you grounded ..



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Stay with your quit Brioski. If you give in now, not only do you have the argument to deal with, but also falling off the train, which you have done so good at staying on. I promise it gets easier and easier to get pass these moments. keep chanting ....not one not ever (or whatever phrase speaks to you) 


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7 hours ago, Brioski said:

Thank you guys…. I’m not crying anymore but I’m still wobbling.  Like I don’t think I’ll go buy a pack but it’s really there in my head like let’s just go back to normal, smoking is not the answer but you know it’ll make u feel better etc. This f***ing sucks!!!!!!


You are right, smoking is not the answer.....you are also right, this ******* sucks.....


Nicotine addiction is horrible and is can be really difficult to overcome but it can be defeated.  This may sound like a broken record but the more times you fight through urges like this and don't cave in, it does become better.  Over time, things get a lot better and easier.


Keep fighting, it does get better with time.  You are doing a great thing by posting an SOS and I hope you do a great thing by not lighting up.  You can do this.

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Stay tough Brioski. I know going back to smoking tends to nag at you when things get rough. You need to realize that your quit matters. Your health matters. You matter as well. So, dig deep and have a little faith in yourself. Just believe you are stronger than the addiction. I know you can do this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’m still here Leap ❤️  There were def some tough days for me as u can see by my SOSs.  An amazing friend here Jillar used a “JAC” ( Jillar’s air cig” in her quit and I have this straw/cotton thing I call my “BAC” (Brioski air cig)…and u know what, it helps a ton, along w other tools you gather on your tool belt.  I’m still a newbie but I think I’m starting to gain my sea legs. 
Im happy for u Leap, it’s a scary process to think about but once u just do it it’s way less scary. 

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