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not sure what i am looking for :/


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Probably just a NOPE NOPE and a lot of you don't want that! ha!

I am going to be around a lot of smokers on Saturday for a friend's 25th wedding anniversary party. I have drank and been around smokers but this is much more of a smoking crowd.

I WILL stay strong. I can breathe easy and can RUN! Guess i am just looking for more motivation. Outings like this still scare me :/

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6 minutes ago, Christa326 said:

I can breathe easy and can RUN!


This is your motivation! You got this Christa and if you start to falter come on here and we'll help talk you through it :) 

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Here's my advice...don't be afraid!

1.  Look at it like a learning experience.  Watch them...watch how they get fidgety when they aren't smoking.  You will be fine during those moments because you aren't a smoker. Now that          is freedom!!

2.  Notice how they stink--YUK!!!

3.  Don't try to avoid them...if they all go out to smoke, don't be afraid to go with them.  It's not the smoking that socializes them....it's the socializing.  Believe me, they will be envious of you        for being so strong.  

4.  Unless someone seriously wants to talk about how you quit smoking..(send them here) I would avoid talking too much about it.  Just because I feel smokers like to protect themselves            and they aren't ready to hear it. 

5.  Dance your butt off!  Because you can  :) and you won't be huffing and puffing like your friends

6.  Smoking isn't even an option for you...so, have a wonderful time and enjoy your first party with the smoking crowd...after that it will be easy peasy whenever you are in their company          again.  


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6 minutes ago, babs609 said:

Here's my advice...don't be afraid!

1.  Look at it like a learning experience.  Watch them...watch how they get fidgety when they aren't smoking.  You will be fine during those moments because you aren't a smoker. Now that          is freedom!!

2.  Notice how they stink--YUK!!!

3.  Don't try to avoid them...if they all go out to smoke, don't be afraid to go with them.  It's not the smoking that socializes them....it's the socializing.  Believe me, they will be envious of you        for being so strong.  

4.  Unless someone seriously wants to talk about how you quit smoking..(send them here) I would avoid talking too much about it.  Just because I feel smokers like to protect themselves            and they aren't ready to hear it. 

5.  Dance your butt off!  Because you can  :) and you won't be huffing and puffing like your friends

6.  Smoking isn't even an option for you...so, have a wonderful time and enjoy your first party with the smoking crowd...after that it will be easy peasy whenever you are in their company          again.  




Right on, babs !


Remember the exit door is always open....you can walk out at anytime you want...you are FREE.

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Christa,  you got this.  Don't let the smoking define you.  Go and have a good time.  I love weddings.  They are a celebration of life.  Go and celebrate the new life you are making for yourself.  Have a wonderful time!

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20 minutes ago, Whispers said:

Just be stronger than the craving, its a mental game now.


Ciggs are Toxic, just look at this pic if you get the urge for one




ugh yeah...not a pretty picture! 

44 minutes ago, babs609 said:

Here's my advice...don't be afraid!

1.  Look at it like a learning experience.  Watch them...watch how they get fidgety when they aren't smoking.  You will be fine during those moments because you aren't a smoker. Now that          is freedom!!

2.  Notice how they stink--YUK!!!

3.  Don't try to avoid them...if they all go out to smoke, don't be afraid to go with them.  It's not the smoking that socializes them....it's the socializing.  Believe me, they will be envious of you        for being so strong.  

4.  Unless someone seriously wants to talk about how you quit smoking..(send them here) I would avoid talking too much about it.  Just because I feel smokers like to protect themselves            and they aren't ready to hear it. 

5.  Dance your butt off!  Because you can  :) and you won't be huffing and puffing like your friends

6.  Smoking isn't even an option for you...so, have a wonderful time and enjoy your first party with the smoking crowd...after that it will be easy peasy whenever you are in their company          again.  


LOVE this - especially #3!! :D Thank you!

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